Showing posts with label Libya. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Libya. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

One American Dead in Islamic State Attack on Tripoli's Corinthia Hotel

As noted previously, we're seeing major terrorist attacks nowadays on almost a daily level.

And of course, since this is Libya, we'll see little sustained media attention on this attack beyond the initial reporting. Wouldn't want to shine the light on the Obama administration's ultimate clusterf-k in toppling Gaddafi.

At WSJ, "Gunmen Stage Deadly Attack on Libyan Hotel: American Is Among Dead After Assailants Claiming Affiliation With Islamic State Storm Tripoli Hotel":

An attack on a luxury hotel in Libya’s capital killed nine people, including an American, and stoked fears that the Islamic State militant group is expanding beyond the Middle East toward North Africa and Europe.

A group calling itself Islamic State-Tripoli Province claimed responsibility over Twitter for the attack Tuesday morning on Tripoli’s Corinthia Hotel, a seaside complex popular with foreign businessmen, diplomats and journalists.

The apparent international nature of its authors and target makes Tuesday’s attack stand out from the usual violence afflicting the North African nation, which has seen almost continuous factional fighting since longtime leader Moammar Gadhafi was killed in a popular uprising in 2011.

A posting Tuesday on a Twitter account thought to be connected to the central Islamic State organization in Syria and Iraq described two of the attackers as their own. That claim is difficult to authenticate, but if further evidence surfaces that the self-proclaimed caliphate played a role, the attack could point to a growing footprint for a group whose rapid advance has unsettled much of the Middle East and drawn U.S. forces back into Iraq.

Among those killed Tuesday was an American security contractor, David Berry, employed by the Virginia-based security firm Team Crucible LLC. The 34-year-old former marine sergeant, a native of Arizona, had been in Libya since last year and was fluent in Arabic, his father, James Berry, said.

“My son is a warrior, he always wanted to do what he’s doing right now, or what he did up to this day,” Mr. Berry said. “He was a man who had more respect and honor for this country than you would believe.”...
Also at Telegraph UK, "'Four foreigners killed' as Isil storm Libya hotel."

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Why Does Walter James Casper III Deny Evil?

It's a rhetorical question.

I know why Repsac3 denies evil. To confront it you have to perceive the world in terms of right and wrong, just and unjust, good and bad.

Leftists universally refrain from this dichotomy because they must to invert morality to achieve the perverted political agenda. From homosexuality (good and virtuous) to the war against Islamic terrorism (criminal and imperialistic), the left cannot elevate moral righteousness without undermining its own agenda, which is to undermine all that's right and good.

Here's Jonah Goldberg on Twitter yesterday:

And here's Walter James Casper III on Twitter some time back.

There is evil in the world. If you don't confront it you are joining it. Repsac3 long ago went over to the dark side, which is why I will continue to expose his demonic political agenda and fight back against his stalking and harassment.

Same as it ever was.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Ransoming Citizens, Europe Underwrites al-Qaeda Terrorism

At the New York Times, "Paying Ransoms, Europe Bankrolls Qaeda Terror":
BAMAKO, Mali — The cash filled three suitcases: 5 million euros.

The German official charged with delivering this cargo arrived here aboard a nearly empty military plane and was whisked away to a secret meeting with the president of Mali, who had offered Europe a face-saving solution to a vexing problem.

Officially, Germany had budgeted the money as humanitarian aid for the poor, landlocked nation of Mali.

In truth, all sides understood that the cash was bound for an obscure group of Islamic extremists who were holding 32 European hostages, according to six senior diplomats directly involved in the exchange.

The suitcases were loaded onto pickup trucks and driven hundreds of miles north into the Sahara, where the bearded fighters, who would soon become an official arm of Al Qaeda, counted the money on a blanket thrown on the sand. The 2003 episode was a learning experience for both sides. Eleven years later, the handoff in Bamako has become a well-rehearsed ritual, one of dozens of such transactions repeated all over the world.

Kidnapping Europeans for ransom has become a global business for Al Qaeda, bankrolling its operations across the globe.

While European governments deny paying ransoms, an investigation by The New York Times found that Al Qaeda and its direct affiliates have taken in at least $125 million in revenue from kidnappings since 2008, of which $66 million was paid just last year.

In news releases and statements, the United States Treasury Department has cited ransom amounts that, taken together, put the total at around $165 million over the same period.

These payments were made almost exclusively by European governments, who funneled the money through a network of proxies, sometimes masking it as development aid, according to interviews conducted for this article with former hostages, negotiators, diplomats and government officials in 10 countries in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. The inner workings of the kidnapping business were also revealed in thousands of pages of internal Qaeda documents found by this reporter while on assignment for The Associated Press in northern Mali last year.

In its early years, Al Qaeda received most of its money from deep-pocketed donors, but counterterrorism officials now believe the group finances the bulk of its recruitment, training and arms purchases from ransoms paid to free Europeans.

Put more bluntly, Europe has become an inadvertent underwriter of Al Qaeda...

Islamic State's Black Flag Waves as Crowds Chant 'Death to the Jews' in Europe (VIDEO)

Coming to America?

From Nadette De Visser, at the Daily Beast, "ISIS’s Black Flags Are Flying in Europe." (Video here.)

And at Atlas Shrugs, "VIDEO: Al Qaeda and Islamic State flags in London’s tunnels."

WAR CRIMES VIDEO: Islamic State Killing Fields in Iraq, Jihad-Suicide Martyrdom Operation — GRAPHIC!

ISIS released a new propaganda video, including images of mass slaughter in Iraq.

At Gateway Pundit, "HORROR! NEW VIDEO ~~>>> ISIS Terrorists Slaughter HUNDREDS
OF SHIITES in Iraq."

And London's Daily Mail reports, "The Islamic State Killing Fields: Terror group releases horrifying video showing drive-by shootings, suicide bombings and dozens of other victims rounded up and executed."

More at the Long War Journal, "Analysis: Islamic State advertises war crimes in video commemorating end of Ramadan."

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Final Collapse of Obama's Failed Libya Policy as U.S. Abandons Embassy in Tripoli

It's over.

The U.S. is evacuating its personnel in Libya and abandoning the embassy complex in Tripoli for the "foreseeable future." Basically, we're done. Overthrow the dictatorial regime and refuse to put in ground troops and you're just creating a breeding ground for global jihad.

At Fox News, "US evacuates embassy in Libya amid clashes in Tripoli," and USA Today, "U.S. Embassy in Libya evacuated amid growing violence."

And at Atlas Shrugs, "Obama’s Epic Failure: U.S. Evacuates Embassy Compound In Libya Amid Jihad Fighting."

And from Walter Russell Mead, "As Libya Implodes, “Smart Diplomacy” Becoming a Punch Line":
The United States is pulling embassy staff out of Tripoli, and has issued a travel advisory that nicely outlines what a nightmare Libya has become. If Obama were a Republican, the press coverage of this stinking corpse of a policy flub would be quite different.

FLASHBACK: "Obama's Libya Intervention Created North Africa's Worst Terror State, Drug Trafficker, and Arms Exporter."

Friday, July 11, 2014

Obama's Disgraceful Border Dodge

From Jonathan Tobin, at Commentary:
Given the opportunity to demonstrate his concern and willingness to take charge of the ongoing fiasco that has overwhelmed U.S. border resources, President Obama chose instead to resort to his favorite pastime: bashing his political opponents.

To say that the president’s decision to schedule partisan fundraising events at the same time that the Rio Grande was being stormed by thousands of illegal aliens made for bad optics is an understatement. Even Democrats have compared his decision to avoid the border like the plague to President Bush’s flyby over a Hurricane Katrina-devastated New Orleans. As I wrote yesterday, that’s a bit unfair but the injured party is Bush, not Obama.

But even if we leave aside the sterile debate about whether Obama should have gone to the border, the problem now is how the president has exacerbated an already terrible situation. His defense of his choice to stay away from the problem was worse than the decision. Saying that he wasn’t interested in “photo-ops” or “theater” rang false even to liberals who know very well that a day rarely passes when the White House isn’t staging some dog-and-pony show where he is framed by the adoring faces of supporters standing by him. Moreover, it came just after time spent in Colorado where Obama pretended to hang out with ordinary people in front of cameras and then drank beer and played pool with the governor. And when he did speak, at least tangentially about the crisis today, the event was held … wait for it … in a theater where as usual, his advance team had assembled a chorus of fans to nod, laugh, and clap in all the right places.

But what was even more outrageous was the content of his speech. Instead of a sober, presidential assessment of a genuine crisis, he gave the country partisan rhetoric. Instead of a little much-needed introspection about how his statements and policies had, albeit unintentionally, set off a human wave of illegals seeking to get into the country where they expected to be allowed to stay, he gave us more jokes about the do-nothing Republicans in Congress...

The president's an asshole who cares not one whit about the illegals aliens streaming over the border. Even Democrats are calling him out, like Rep. Henry Cuellar, who felt the wrath of the White House for not toeing the collectivist, open-borders line:

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Obama Feels Border Heat in Texas

At the Los Angeles Times, "Obama defends immigration policy, meets with Texas governor":

President Obama faced sharp criticism for his immigration policies here Wednesday even as the White House stepped up efforts to cope with the tens of thousands of children and teens from Central America who have poured into Texas’ Rio Grande Valley.

Obama said he was “intimately aware" of the problems on the Southwest border, telling a news conference that his administration had assigned more Border Patrol agents and deployed more surveillance than ever before to stop illegal immigration, and that it deports almost 400,000 people each year.

Pressed to explain why he isn’t visiting Border Patrol stations or detention facilities during his two-day visit to Texas, he said that Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson had visited the border five times recently “at my direction” and “then comes back to me and reports extensively everything that is taking place.”

“So there’s nothing that is taking place down there that I am not intimately aware of and briefed on,” Obama said. “This isn’t theater,” he added.

“This is a problem. I’m not interested in photo ops. I’m interested in solving the problem.”

The Catholic Church in Obama's AmeriKKKa: Co-Opted by Führer's Regime to Bypass Law, House Criminal Aliens in California

The Church also caved to totalitarianism in the 1930s, and the outcome wasn't good.

From Ryan Lovelace, at National Review, "The Obama Administration’s Border-Crisis Plan B: Use the Catholic Church":

In order to avoid future clashes with the citizens of Murrieta, Calif., over attempts to transfer illegal immigrants there, the Obama administration has turned to an unusual bedfellow: the Catholic Church. Deacon Luis Sanchez of the Diocese of San Bernardino tells National Review Online that an Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent approached the diocese on July 2, 2014, and “expressed his desire for the Church to help in helping these families reach their destination.” Since that time, he says, diocesan officials have spoken on the phone with ICE, and they held a planning meeting on Monday.

John Andrews, the diocese’s director of communications who attended the planning meeting, tells NRO that the idea is to set up “transitional centers” where volunteers and representatives from Catholic Charities would provide food, medical, and spiritual care for families who have been processed at a Border Patrol station. He says he hopes to help the people pushed out of Murrieta, and would need to accommodate 140 people arriving every three days. Andrews says he expects the centers will house mostly mothers and their children for one or two days. But if there’s a situation where a family needs to stay longer than a day or two, he says that placing illegal immigrants with a local family would represent a “very viable option.”

PREVIOUSLY: "Obama Goes Around #Murrieta! Ships Diseased Illegals to St. Joseph's Church in Fontana, California!"

Obama Goes Around #Murrieta! Ships Diseased Illegals to St. Joseph's Church in Fontana, California!

Well, the Murrieta patriots are having a huge impact repelling the border invasion. Official claims of no further alien shipments proved to be bald-faced Obama lies, as reports on the ground in the Inland Empire indicate that Obama's DHS is recruiting private amnesty organizations to offload diseased alien migrants.

At NBC News Los Angeles, "SoCal Churches Provide Temporary Shelter, "Spiritual Food" for Immigrants":
An estimated 50 immigrants carrying temporary visas arrived Thursday aboard Homeland Security buses at two churches in San Bernardino County that are working with federal agencies to help the families through the immigration process.

Officials with the Catholic Diocese of San Bernardino told NBC4 Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials reached out to them in an effort to address the border crisis stemming from a wave of undocumented immigrants from Central America who have recently crossed into the United States at the Texas-Mexico border. President Barack Obama has described the situation as a "humanitarian crisis."

"As a church, we want to let them know that there are people here in the United States who love and support them, they're praying with them and for them," said John Andrews, of the Catholic Diocese of San Bernardino County. "Maybe that can give them some of that spiritual food for the next leg of their journey."
And the city issued a statement, distancing itself from the secret alien shipments:
Fontana police issued a statement on behalf of the city.

"The temporary placement of Central American Immigrants at the St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church in Fontana is a humanitarian effort on the part of the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Bernardino in cooperation with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)," the statement read.

"While the City of Fontana is understanding of the issues and concerns of residents on both sides of this issue, the City has no direct control over the policies of ICE or the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Bernardino.

The City of Fontana will continue to monitor the situation for Code and Public Safety issues that may arise."
Eric Odom has on-the-ground coverage, at Liberty News, "BREAKING – CALIFORNIA SHOCK: DHS Blitzes CA With Buses Full of Illegal Immigrants, Busloads Being Dropped Off at Churches! (CONFIRMED)":

#Alien Invasion! Cases of Scabies, Tuberculosis, Swine Flu All Reported at Southern Border

Obama wants this. He's manufacturing a domestic crisis, the sick bastard.

At Town Hall, "Illness on the Rise: Cases of Scabies, Tuberculosis and Swine Flu All Reported at US Southern Border."

Obama Welcomes 'Border Kids' Julio and Juanita to the United States


Jake Tapper Demolishes Lying PLO Propagandist Diana Buttu

I saw this tool earlier. "Collective punishment" blah blah.

At Free Beacon, "CNN’s Jake Tapper Demolishes PLO Spokeswoman: Lying PLO Mouthpiece Has No Grasp of Facts."

Michael Maloof: Islamic State Could Build Dirty Bombs with Siezed Iraqi Uranium

Well, ISIS threatened to "nuke" Israel earlier, so now they're procuring the materials to do it.

Thanks Obama!

Also from Noah Rothman, at Hot Air, "Report: ISIS just seized a bunch of uranium in Iraq."

Monday, June 30, 2014

#ISIS Battle Loot Alters Balance of Power in #Iraq, Syria

At LAT, "ISIS weapons windfall may alter balance in Iraq, Syria conflicts":
Six months ago, Sunni Arab militants faced a daunting firepower imbalance in their uprising against the U.S.-equipped Iraqi army west of Baghdad.

But once their campaign for the city of Fallouja was launched in January, their lethal capabilities were bolstered from the stockpiles of the Iraqi armed forces.

Many soldiers fled, throwing down their weapons, which were picked up by the insurgents. Police stations and security posts overrun by Sunni militants yielded more martial booty to be turned against the forces of Prime Minister Nouri Maliki's Shiite Muslim-led government.

"Praise God, we soon had enough weapons to fight for one or two years," said Ahmad Dabaash, spokesman for the Islamic Army, a Sunni rebel faction, who spoke in a hotel lobby here in Iraq's northern Kurdistan region. "And now? Don't even ask!"
Keep reading.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Israeli Defense Forces Target #ISIS in Gaza: Jihadists Pledge to Destroy 'Zionist Regime'

At Algemeiner, "ISIS Now Openly Operating in Gaza – Flags Seen Waving at Funeral (VIDEO)."

And earlier at the Jerusalem Post, "Egypt arrests 15 ISIS militants in Sinai":
Egyptian special forces tracked and arrested a terrorist cell which had used tunnels to cross from Gaza into the Sinai Peninsula, Ma'ariv reported on Saturday. The 15 militants arrested belong to the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

Further interrogation of the cell by Egyptian forces revealed that the group's intent was to relay messages and set up terrorist cells for the ISIS in Egypt, to fight the Egyptian government...
Still more from Michael Maloof, at WND, "IRAQ INVADERS THREATEN NUKE ATTACK ON ISRAEL: ISIS focus on 'destroying Zionist regime' to 'liberate Palestine'."

Arrival of Russian Military Advisers in #Iraq is Pointed Rebuke to Obama Administration

Well, anything Russia does at this point is a rebuke to Obama. Putin's got a free hand. No worries about any international repercussions, least of all from the United States.

At the New York Times, "Russian Jets And Experts Sent to Iraq to Aid Army":

BAGHDAD — Iraqi government officials said Sunday that Russian experts had arrived in Iraq to help the army get 12 new Russian warplanes into the fight against Sunni extremists, while the extremists declared their leader the caliph, or absolute ruler, of all jihadi organizations worldwide.

The Russian move was at least an implicit rebuke to the United States, which the Iraqis believe has been too slow to supply American F-16s and attack helicopters — although the United States is now in the process of providing both.

“In the coming three or four days the aircraft will be in service to support our forces in the fight” against the insurgents of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, said Gen. Anwar Hama Ameen, the commander of the Iraqi Air Force, referring to five SU-25 aircraft that were flown into Iraq aboard Russian cargo planes Saturday night, and two more expected later Sunday.

Also on Sunday, the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria released a 34-minute audio recording of a speech by its official spokesman, Abu Muhammad al-Adnani, who said that the insurgency’s leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, was now the world’s caliph and as such had declared all other jihadi organizations void and under his direct control, according to the SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors extremists’ online presence.

The audio speech was released on an ISIS-linked Twitter feed, the group said....

In present-day Baghdad, the Iraqi Air Force commander, General Ameen, said that Russian military experts had arrived to help set up the new SU-25 warplanes, but that they would stay only a short time. The last five Russian aircraft would arrive by Monday, he said. Last week, President Obama ordered 300 American military advisers into the country, and the Iranians have reportedly sent advisers from their Republican Guards’ Quds Force. At least three United States Special Forces teams are said to have been deployed north of Baghdad in recent days, tasked with carrying out a survey of Iraqi forces to determine their condition and needs.

This was the first report of Russian military aides in the country, although General Ameen said they were experts, not advisers...

How #ISIS Builds Power and Support

I might be switching to the "IS" moniker pretty soon (with the new caliphate, and all), but for now, I'm staying with journalistic conventions.

From Thanassis Cambanis, at the Boston Globe, "The surprising appeal of ISIS."

Katrina vanden Heuvel to Bill Kristol: 'You should, with all due respect, enlist in the Iraqi army...'

Heh, this is pretty good, via Sooper Mexican, "WATCH Lefty Liberal Take on Arch Neo-Con Bill Kristol: ‘Why Don’t YOU Enlist in The Iraqi Army?!’"

She's basically calling him a chicken hawk who should be tried for war crimes.

ALLAHU AKBAR! — #ISIS Declares Creation of Middle East Caliphate: 'New Era of International Jihad'

At RT, "ISIS declares creation of Islamic state in Middle East, 'new era of international jihad'."

And at the Wall Street Journal, "ISIS Declares New Islamist Caliphate: Militant Group Declares Statehood, Demands Allegiance From Other Organizations."

More at Jihad Watch, "ISIS/ISIL declares Islamic State, shortens name to “The Islamic State” (IS)":
They clearly intend to hold the territory they have captured. They’ve also declared Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi the new caliph; he claims to be a descendant of Muhammad, so it is possible that if they can make their state viable, this claim will gain currency. If that happens, it will be interesting to see how Muslims in the West react to the idea that he is the “leader for Muslims everywhere,” which historically was always a claim of the caliph.
Plus, an English-language ISIS propaganda video, "The End of Sykes - Picot":

Meanwhile, the blood continues to spill, at RT, "ISIS crucify eight anti-Assad fighters in Syria – watchdog."

More news on Twitter: