Showing posts with label Police Brutality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Police Brutality. Show all posts

Sunday, July 17, 2016

The Left's Inferno of Anti-Cop Agitation Spreads

From Heather Mac Donald, at City Journal, "The Fire Spreads":
Between the Dallas assassinations and today’s, officers have been shot at and ambushed in Tennessee, Missouri, Georgia, and Washington, D.C. Authorities have been circumspect in identifying the reasons behind those shootings—unlike the alacrity with which racial motives are assigned to cops when they shoot someone in the line of duty— and the incidents have been brushed under the rug. But we are quickly reaching the worst days of the nightmare 1960s, when it seemed that the very foundation of society was breaking apart. The difference between the 1960s and today is that the hatred of law enforcement and of whites is being stoked by the highest reaches of the establishment. Universities sometimes seem like little else than factories of desperately ginned-up racial grievance. That the cop killer in Dallas and apparently in Baton Rouge as well came out of the military is an indication that the happy talk about how the military is an engine of racial reconciliation is naïve. The country has been pretending that the main source of racism today comes from whites. Anyone who has spent time in the inner city and even more middle-class black precincts—such as college campuses—knows differently.

And here's her book, The War on Cops: How the New Attack on Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe.

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Cosmo Setepenra Alias Used by Baton Rouge Cop-Killing Suspect Gavin Eugene Long

I've been holding off on updates, because mainstream media outlets have really delayed reporting on the identity of the Baton Rouge suspect.

Chuck Ross at the Daily Caller was apparently the first to troll through Gavin Long's social media accounts. See, "Exclusive: Gavin Eugene Long Was Nation of Islam Member, Railed Against ‘Crackers’ on YouTube Channel."

But see also BuzzFeed, "This is What We Know About the Man Who Shot Three Baton Rouge Police Officers."

The suspect, who apparently used the alias Cosmo Setepenra, is seen showing solidarity with Dallas police killer Micah Xavier Johnson":

MSM outlets are slow to pick up on the news, perhaps due to the pressure of confirmation, or probably because the suspect further destroys the false "Black Lives Matter" narrative.

However, the Kansas City Star has a pretty good discussion, "Gunman suspected of killing 3 Baton Rouge officers identified as Kansas City man":

While Long appeared to have little presence on social media using his birth name, he left an online trail linking to various social media accounts and websites that reference the online identity “Cosmo Setepenra.” The domain for these accounts and websites are registered under the name Gavin Long and list a Kansas City address.

A phone number listed for the domain was also used in websites where Long apparently used the identity of Cosmo Setepenra. No person with the name Cosmo Setepenra appeared to be otherwise listed in Kansas City or elsewhere.

As Cosmos, a self-proclaimed “freedom strategist, mental game coach, nutritionist, author and spiritual advisor,” Long shared his perspective frequently on platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and a personal website that touted the “Convos with Cosmo.”

On his website, “Convos with Cosmos,” he wrote blog posts about sex, health and entertainment and appeared to sell holistic health coaching sessions. In recent weeks, he had shared commentary about high-profile officer involved shootings, including Alton Sterling, who was shot by police outside a Baton Rouge gas station earlier this month.

He told a YouTube audience that he traveled to Dallas before the police shooting and was in the city during a sniper attack that killed five officers.

He opined on how history shows how “100 percent of revolutions, of victims fighting their oppression, from victims fighting their bullies, 100 percent have been successful through fighting back, through bloodshed. Zero have been successful just over simply protesting. It doesn’ has never worked and it never will. You got to fight back.”

He encouraged “real” and “alpha” individuals who wanted change to take a different tactic in invoking change.

“It’s only fighting back or money,” Long said. “That’s all they care about. Revenue and blood. Revenue and blood. Revenue and blood.”

Recent tweets seemed to reference his desire to see a more powerful, unified force combat white power and “elevate” black people.

“Power doesn’t respect weakness. Power only respects Power.

# Alton # Castile,” he tweeted on July 7.

He also tweeted:

“Violence is not THE answer (its a answer), but at what point do you stand up so that your people dont become the Native Americans...EXTINCT?” and “Just bc you wake up every morning doesn't mean that you're living. And just bc you shed your physical body doesn't mean that you're dead.”

Authorities initially believed that two other assailants might be at large, but hours later said the dead gunman was the only person who fired at the officers.

The local FBI office is assisting with the investigation stemming from the shooting earlier Sunday. However, details of their investigation were not released, said Bridget Patton, spokeswoman for the FBI in Kansas City.

Louisiana State Police Timeline of Events in Baton Rouge Police Shooting


Seen now on Twitter:

Previously, "Gavin Eugene Long Identified as Suspect in Baton Rouge Police Ambush Killings."

Zack Ford on Twitter Justifies Murder of Baton Rouge Police Officers

It's pretty disgusting, but think about who this guy works for.

At Twitchy, "Think Progress editor instructed to delete his account after atrocious tweet on police killings."

Previously, "Gavin Eugene Long Identified as Suspect in Baton Rouge Police Ambush Killings."

'Decline of the West' Banned from Twitter

John Rivers on Twitter has been tweeting about this.

"Decline of the West" was eventually banned for "targeted abuse," although the real reason looks like he was telling too much truth.

Decline of the West photo tumblr_inline_oaa7fnssCs1th31i5_1280_zpsiowlp2vo.jpg

Decline of the West photo tumblr_inline_oab48p7aqH1th31i5_1280_zps2etmu6oj.jpg

More here.

Gavin Eugene Long Identified as Suspect in Baton Rouge Police Ambush Killings

Following-up, "DEVELOPING: Three Police Officers Killed in Baton Rouge Ambush."

CBS News broke the story on the suspect's identity. I'll update as more information becomes available.

DEVELOPING: Three Police Officers Killed in Baton Rouge Ambush [UPDATED]

Details are still sketchy.

See the Baton Rouge Advocate, "Three officers, 1 suspect dead in Baton Rouge shooting; 2 'persons of interest' questioned."

I'll have updates, but until then, one suspect is dead, and it's believed that he was the shooter. And according to CBS that suspect was identified as black. If true, and if he's shown to have ties to the Black Lives Matter movement, the political ramifications are going to be enormous. Obama's words at the Dallas memorial are going to be cited as inciting anti-cop violence.

Expect updates:

UPDATE: Here's the latest, "Gavin Eugene Long Identified as Suspect in Baton Rouge Police Ambush Killings." Expect additional updates.

Here's The War on Cops Cover Graphics

I've been meaning to post an image of the cover. I usually take a photo myself, but this is a nice uploaded image from the Manhattan Institute, where Heather Mac Donald is an endowed fellow.

Here's the book, The War on Cops: How the New Attack on Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe.

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Don't Miss: Heather Mac Donald, The War on Cops

I can't promote this book enough, so don't be surprised if I'm linking it like crazy over the next few days. Do yourself a favor and pick up a copy. She should be the most in-demand speaker on the television interview circuit, and her book should be up for a Pulitzer.

Even top Black Lives Matter activists are feakin' that their movement is going to get blamed for the Baton Rouge cop killings this morning, although the identity of the suspects has not been released yet.

More on that later.

At Amazon, The War on Cops: How the New Attack on Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe.

And previously, ICYMI, "Heather Mac Donald Discusses the 'War on Cops," the Ferguson Effect, and Black-on-Black Violence."

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Memphis Commercial Appeal Apologizes for Dallas Cop-Killer Headline: 'Gunman Targeted Whites...'

Maybe at some earlier time I'd have been surprised by this, but not now.

Most of our major institutions, public and private, are afraid of alienating the unruly masses of the radical left.

Here's the Commercial Appeal's report on protests against newspaper earlier this week, "Protesters demonstrate outside Commercial Appeal offices, sides promise monthly talks":

Memphis Commercial Appeal photo CnMiunaUsAAPZ6G_zpswmsgieu6.jpg
About 50 protesters gathered in front of The Commercial Appeal offices Wednesday to voice their disappointment in the newspaper for its coverage historically.

Kim Hill said she canceled her subscription because she felt the newspaper didn’t cover the African-American community properly.

“I feel like black people have been represented in an unfavorable light by The Commercial Appeal,” Hill said.

Rev. Earle Fisher announced the protest Tuesday via Facebook Live. He called for people to gather at the newspaper at 495 Union Avenue to protest what he called an “incendiary headline” published on the front page of Saturday’s newspaper.

The headline he referenced reads “Gunman targeted whites,” referring to last week’s fatal shooting of five police officers and wounding of others during a Black Lives Matter protest in Dallas.

The Commercial Appeal Editor Louis Graham responded Tuesday with a column, writing “Simply put, we got it wrong.”
Here's the editorial, with a picture of the editor.

Maybe they should have stripped him naked, thrown his body on hot coals, and let the Black Panthers open fire with salt buckshot rounds.

Would that've even appeased the radical black mass hordes?

Time to End the Demonizing of Police

I was wondering when Heather Mac Donald was going to come out with a new commentary piece in light of all the recent anti-police rhetoric and cop-killing leftist violence.

Well, she's got a piece up at the Wall Street Journal, "Two years of corrosive rhetoric about racist cops, based on falsehoods—with disastrous effects":
Such corrosive rhetoric about the nation’s police officers and criminal-justice system is unsettling coming from the president of the United States, but it reflects how thoroughly the misinformation propagated by Black Lives Matter and the media has taken hold. Last month Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, dissenting in a case about police searches, wrote that blacks are “routinely targeted” by law enforcement, adding that “Until their voices matter, too, our justice system will continue to be anything but.”

Hillary Clinton has also taken up this warped cause. On CNN Friday, she decried “systemic” and “implicit bias” in police departments. She also called on “white people” to better understand blacks “who fear every time their children go somewhere.”

Mrs. Clinton ought to take a look at Chicago. Through July 9, 2,090 people have been shot this year, including a 3-year-old boy shot on Father’s Day who will be paralyzed for life, an 11-year-old boy wounded on the Fourth of July, and a 4-year-old boy wounded last week. How many of the 2,090 victims in Chicago were shot by cops? Nine.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump emphasized “law and order” in a video released Friday, saying: “We must stand in solidarity with law enforcement, which we must remember is the force between civilization and total chaos.”

Given the nightmarish events of the past several days, Mr. Trump could do worse than making this presidential campaign one about that line between civilization and anarchy.

And get her book, The War on Cops: How the New Attack on Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe.

Friday, July 15, 2016

WATCH: Fresno Police Department Releases Body-Camera Video of Dylan Noble Shooting

At the Fresno Bee, "Fresno police release body camera videos in Dylan Noble shooting."

Also at the Los Angeles Times, "Fresno police release dramatic body-camera footage of fatal shooting of unarmed 19-year-old."

The cops didn't know if the dude was unarmed. He refused to show his hands and was still reaching for his waist belt while on the ground.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

WATCH: Raw Video Shows the Moment Police Shot and Killed Alton Sterling

This is graphic.

Content warning, at Ruptly, "USA: Footage shows moment police shoot Alton Sterling dead *GRAPHIC*."

Previous blogging at my "police brutality" tag.

Philando Castile Character Assassination?

Following-up on my previous post, which has all the links to the debate I've been discussing, "Black Deaths and Police Brutality, Caught on Video."

I still think the Minnesota shooting was an unjustified use of force, and frankly, I don't see why it's necessary to assassinate the guy's characters. Same thing for Alton Sterling, although he was clearly resisting arrest. It's not to say that background is irrelevant, and of course I'd never be one to feed into the Black Lives Matter propaganda program of lies.

But still, this isn't my first reaction. See Cernovich on Twitter, linking Charles C. Johnson. It's nasty dirty politics. I guess somebody's gotta do it:

Black Deaths and Police Brutality, Caught on Video

I wanna re-up my post from yesterday, where I expressed my misgivings on the issue of police brutality. Where the Alton Sterling case had some gray areas (IMHO), the Philando Castile case in Minnesota is very different. It looks like the cops just opened fire for no reason (see Bearing Arms).

Here's yesterday's post, "Update on Alton Sterling Shooting."

And previously, "Police Officer Fatally Shoots Driver in Falcon Heights, Minnesota; Aftermath Video Posted."

And now here's Sarah Kendzior, who I linked yesterday. She's good.

At Toronto's Globe and Mail, "Black deaths, police brutality, caught on video: No justice, only sequels":

In 1991, when video was released of Rodney King being beaten by Los Angeles police officers, Alton Sterling of Louisiana was 12 years old. Philando Castile of Minnesota was seven.

The King video was supposed to provide irrefutable evidence of what black Los Angeles residents had been describing for decades: systematic, racist police brutality. Now, many assumed, the violence black Americans had long endured from police would not be denied. Now, finally, officers would have to face legal repercussions.

But instead, the officers who abused Mr. King walked free. And today, videos of Mr. Sterling and Mr. Castile being killed by police officers circulate online, joining videos of police officers killing Laquan McDonald of Chicago, Walter Scott of North Carolina, and Eric Garner of New York, among others.

The legacy of the Rodney King video was not justice, but sequels.

Mr. Sterling died at 37. Mr. Castile died days before his 33rd birthday. They left behind children, parents, and friends. They were men who loved and were loved. Today their loved ones, in the midst of grief, are tasked with not only proving these men’s innocence, but vouching for their basic humanity. Advocates of Sterling and Castile will fight to put the officers who killed Sterling and Castile on trial, knowing Sterling and Castile were on trial their whole lives in the court of public opinion. Their very existence as black men is considered, in the eyes of many Americans, evidence of their guilt.

Police officials and media will publicize criminal records – as they already have for Mr. Sterling – to try to justify a killing that had nothing to do with his previous low-level offences. They will assassinate Mr. Castile’s character, as they consistently assassinate the character of even the youngest African-Americans – children like 12-year-old Tamir Rice, killed by a police officer while playing in a park.

They will do anything to make people turn away from the videos, the proof, the pain.

They know that no documentation will bring justice if the audience is willfully blind – seeing only what they want to see. What many want to see is justification for black death...
Keep reading.

Police Officer Fatally Shoots Driver in Falcon Heights, Minnesota; Aftermath Video Posted

Well, it's the summer of black police brutality videos, I guess.

At the New York Times, "Philando Castile Shooting in Minnesota Leads Governor to Seek U.S. Investigation."

CBS News Minnesota's posted the 10:00 minute video, and blacked out the bloody images of the victim. But he's definitely dying, "Video: Police Shooting Aftermath Live On Facebook."

And, at Memeorandum, "Police Fatally Shoot Man During Traffic Stop, Aftermath Video Posted."

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Update on Alton Sterling Shooting

The Daily Beast has a very graphic video of the shooting, via Memeorandum, "New Video Emerges of Alton Sterling Being Killed by Baton Rouge Police."

Obviously, information is scarce, but like with the death of Eric Garner in New York, the police can sometimes be seriously fucked up. While there's no "epidemic" of police killings of "unarmed black men," I'm upset with a lot of these deaths, and I can see how they fuel the leftist assault against law enforcement.

And I don't care if the guy Alton Sterling was a convicted molester, or whatever people are saying. The video sure looks like excessive force. You can see the man start to bleed out at the clip. He was shot right in the chest, so no doubt he didn't last long.

Police work is a nasty, ugly line of business. I used to hate cops when I was a kid, because they hassled me and profiled me. But I don't hate them so much anymore. I distrust them with my liberty, but I do know that most of them are decent individuals who mean well, and often are placed in unwinnable circumstances.

In any case, here's Bob Owens at Bearing Arms, "Most of What You’re Reading About Alton Sterling is Written byy Idiots" (via Memeorandum):
Here’s what really happened, based upon what we actually know.
* Police were called to a Baton Rouge (Louisiana) convenience store on a “man with a gun” call.
* Officers made contact with Alton Sterling at the convenience store because he matched the description provided by the caller.
* Officers had a conversation that led to a confrontation with Alton Sterling. We do not know the details of this conversation.
* A person in a nearby car began (badly) recording with a low-quality cell phone camera just as officers stepped back and fired a taser at Alston Sterling.
* You can distinctly hear the crackle of the X26 taser. It fires a second time. Alton Sterling is unmoved by either taser attempt.
* Up until this point, Sterling has been passively non-compliant, at least while on camera.
* An officer tackles Alton Sterling, and once Sterling is on the ground he starts actively resisting officers.
* The officer who fired the taser is able to secure Sterling’s left arm with great difficulty, and pins it under his legs.
* The other officer, the one who tackled Sterling, is attempting to control Sterling’s right arm, but it is out of camera view behind the bumper of the car.
* The officer who tackled Alston Sterling yells “He’s got a gun!” Sterling is seen still actively resisting. We still cannot see Alton Sterling’s right arm as the tackling officer fights to control him.
* The officer who had twice tasered Sterling draws his handgun to retention. He presumably issues the warning to Alton Sterling face to face: “Hey bra! You f*cking move, I swear to God.”
* Two shots are fired, and the cell phone video loses focus and goes back inside the car.
* Several other shots are heard.
These are the only real facts that we know.

If the investigation, which is now going to be run through Washington, reveals that Sterling was reaching for, or holding, his weapon, it's most likely his killing would be justified. But see Owens' post for the last analysis on that point.

Now, see Sarah Kendzior, your classic progressive intellectual (who nevertheless is quite good at her reporting):

Scroll through her feed for more.

Previously, "Alton Sterling Shot by Police After Scuffle Outside Convenience Store in Baton Rouge (VIDEO)."

Alton Sterling Shot by Police After Scuffle Outside Convenience Store in Baton Rouge (VIDEO)

This story's trending on all the morning news programs, and at Memeorandum, "Video captures white Baton Rouge police officer fatally shooting a black man, sparking outrage."

Alos at USA Today, "Protests break out after Baton Rouge police fatally shoot man."

More, at the Baton Rouge Advocate, "Baton Rouge NAACP leader calls for police chief to resign after Alton Sterling shooting."

And watch, at ABC News: