Saturday, November 14, 2015

Pianist Plays 'Imagine' Outside Bataclan Theater After #ParisAttacks (VIDEO)

Political idealism was one of the leading causes of World War II. But then, leftists never learn.

As Ann Coulter tweeted last night, "HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? French people ran onto the street with signs that said, 'Je Suis Charlie'! Why didn't that stop this?"

Idealism is nice, especially during a time of enormous crisis. But folks can sing "Imagine" until the cows come home, and it's not going to solve Europe's jihad problem. Halting the wave of Islamic migration would be the first start, and then repatriating Muslims to their home countries after that. You can't keep taking Muslims without importing Islamic jihad. Until the Europeans learn that lesson, their goose will be cooked.

Bono and U2 Lay Flowers at the Bataclan Theater — #ParisAttacks

They're good guys.

Paris Attacks Deepen Debate About Migration Crisis in Europe; Critics Reassert Security Concerns

Following-up from yesterday, "Angela Merkel's Future in Doubt as She Faces Coup After Her Own Party Criticises Asylum Policies."

At WSJ, "Paris Attacks May Unsettle EU’s Debate on Migration":
BERLIN—The attacks in Paris stunned Europe and deepened one of the European Union’s greatest crises: the tide of migration from the war-torn Middle East and elsewhere sweeping in from across the Mediterranean.

In Germany, the attacks quickly galvanized opponents of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s open-door policy, with critics saying that it had become clearer than ever that the migrants from the Middle East represented a grave security threat. In Poland, a country that had already opposed Ms. Merkel’s stance, leading politicians doubled down and warned they wouldn't honor an earlier agreement to take in refugees.

Ms. Merkel has been under intensifying fire for months for opening Germany’s doors to refugees, a posture that many critics say has helped touch off a tide of migration into Germany numbering as many as 10,000 a day.

As of Saturday afternoon, it remained unclear whether the attacks were perpetrated by homegrown terrorists or people who entered France from abroad. Nevertheless, they quickly offered fodder for critics who said that Germany and Europe couldn’t manage the influx of migration from the Middle East.

In a sign of how much the Paris attacks may unsettle the EU-wide debate on migration, politicians in Poland quickly tied the attacks to Ms. Merkel’s policies. The incoming minister in charge of European affairs, Konrad Szymanski, said the country’s new, conservative government, to be sworn in on Monday, wouldn’t honor its predecessors’ commitment earlier this fall to take in about 7,000 people as part of an EU-wide plan to redistribute migrants across the bloc.

“Decisions of the European Council that we’ve criticized regarding the resettlement of refugees and immigrants to all EU countries are still binding law of the EU,” Mr. Szymanski wrote in an article posted online. “But faced with the tragic events in Paris we don’t see political possibilities for its enforcement.”
Keep reading.

"Frank Bruni of the New York Times tut-tuts against 'The Exploitation of Paris'..."

That's all the lefties are doing, tut-tuting against the so-called "reactionary right."

See Ed Driscoll, at Instapundit, "FREUD CALLED IT DISPLACEMENT":
Frank Bruni of the New York Times tut-tuts against “The Exploitation of Paris,” in a piece that could easily have been written by doing a find-and-replace search of a thousand different Times articles written immediately after 9/11. (A period in which the Times was utterly obsessed with the terrorist dangers of all-male golf courses). Along the way, Bruni name-checks Roger Simon, PJM’s boss emeritus...

Plus, a real heads-scratcher, at Jihad Watch, "Salon: “After Paris, let’s stop blaming Muslims and take a hard look at ourselves”."

Leftism is a mental disorder. Seriously.

William McCants, The ISIS Apocalypse

Check out Will McCants, The ISIS Apocalypse: The History, Strategy, and Doomsday Vision of the Islamic State.

He's also got a piece up at Politico, "How ISIL Out-Terrorized Bin Laden":
Brutality and doomsday visions have made ISIL the world’s most feared terrorist group....

The Islamic State’s brutality and its insistence on apocalypse now and caliphate now set it apart from al-Qaeda, of which it was a part until 2014. We’re used to thinking of al-Qaeda’s leader Osama bin Laden as the baddest of the bad, but the Islamic State is worse. Bin Laden tamped down messianic fervor and sought popular Muslim support; the return of the early Islamic empire, or caliphate, was a distant dream. In contrast, the Islamic State’s members fight and govern by their own version of Machiavelli’s dictum “It is far safer to be feared than loved.” They stir messianic fervor rather than suppress it. They want God’s kingdom now rather than later. This is not Bin Laden’s jihad...

Ann Coulter: 'Donald Trump was elected president tonight...'

At the Hill, "Coulter after Paris attacks: 'Trump was elected president tonight'." (Careful the autoplay videos at the click through.)
Ann Coulter took to Twitter on Friday night to respond to the Paris terror attacks, saying that “Donald Trump was elected president tonight.”

The conservative commentator tweeted a series of reactions to the attacks that left more than 120 dead, calling for “no more Muslim immigration.” She also targeted recent U.S. college student protests, as well as American gun and immigration laws and proposals.

Coulter ended her string of Tweets with: “They can wait if they like until next November for the actual balloting, but Donald Trump was elected president tonight.”
Actually, I think the more narrow political issue will be the fight against Islamic jihad, rather than the larger border security problem, which is more a question of illegal immigration from Latin America. But if Trump plays it right, he could score significant political points.

CPAC Day Two

Trendy Warm Chunky Soft Stretch Cable Knit Slouchy Beanie Skully Hat

Heh. It's a best-selling item at Amazon.

But so is the Ergodyne N-Ferno 6823 Wind-proof Hinged Balaclava, Black, which seems a bit less wistful.

And ICYMI, from Erick Stakelbeck, ISIS Exposed: Beheadings, Slavery, and the Hellish Reality of Radical Islam.

The Migrant Jihad Has Begun in Paris

From Robert Spencer, at FrontPage Magazine, "At least one jihad attacker was a 'refugee'. Will European leaders reconsider their migrant policy?":
That didn’t take long: one of the Islamic State (ISIS) jihadis who murdered at least 160 people in Paris on Friday held a Syrian passport and passed through Greece in October. In October, he was a “refugee” seeking asylum in Europe from the Syrian war zone; in November, he was murdering French civilians for the Islamic caliphate. The Migrant Jihad has begun.

French and European authorities can’t say they weren’t warned. Last February, the Islamic State boasted it would soon flood Europe with as many as 500,000 refugees. And the Lebanese Education Minister recently said that there were 20,000 jihadis among the refugees in camps in his country. Meanwhile, 80% of migrants who have recently come to Europe claiming to be fleeing the war in Syria aren’t really from Syria at all.

So why are they claiming to be Syrian and streaming into Europe? An Islamic State operative gave the answer when he boasted in September, shortly after the migrant influx began, that among the flood of refugees, 4,000 Islamic State jihadis had already entered Europe. He explained their purpose: “It’s our dream that there should be a caliphate not only in Syria but in all the world, and we will have it soon, inshallah.” These Muslims were going to Europe in the service of that caliphate: “They are going like refugees,” he said, but they were going with the plan of sowing blood and mayhem on European streets. As he told this to journalists, he smiled and said, “Just wait.”

A year before that the Islamic State issued a call for jihad murders of French civilians: “If you can kill a disbelieving American or European – especially the spiteful and filthy French – or an Australian, or a Canadian, or any other disbeliever from the disbelievers waging war, including the citizens of the countries that entered into a coalition against the Islamic State, then rely upon Allah, and kill him in any manner or way however it may be.”

Then after the attacks the Islamic State issued a statement claiming responsibility for them, and warning: “Let France and all nations following its path know that they will continue to be at the top of the target list for the Islamic State and that the scent of death will not leave their nostrils as long as they partake in the crusader campaign, as long as they dare to curse our Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him), and as long as they boast about their war against Islam in France and their strikes against Muslims in the land of the Caliphate with their jets, which were of no avail to them in the filthy streets and alleys of Paris. Indeed, this is just the beginning. It is also a warning for any who wish to take heed.”

So war was declared, and acts of war carried out – and the response has been drearily predictable. German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere was swift to try to dissociate the Paris attacks from the migrant influx into Europe: “I would like to make this urgent plea to avoid drawing such swift links to the situation surrounding refugees.” Alas for de Maiziere, there was the inconvenient fact of that Syrian “refugee” who pass through Greece on his way to jihad in Paris.

Meanwhile, Barack Obama was true to form, not mentioning Islam or Muslims in his statement on the Paris attacks, and not giving a hint that it was his precipitous and politically motivated withdrawal from Iraq that created the vacuum that allowed for the rise of the Islamic State. Indeed, the Islamic State could end up being the most significant legacy of the Obama Administration. Obviously American troops couldn’t have stayed in Iraq forever, and the Iraq project from its beginnings was based on false assumptions about Islam, ignoring its political, supremacist and violent aspects; but Obama’s hasty and ill-thought out withdrawal took into account none of the realities on the ground: the Sunni/Shi’ite divide, the Iranian influence in Baghdad, the Sunnis’ unwillingness to participate in the Baghdad government and the Shi’ites’ refusal to allow them to do so in any significant way, and more. France today is paying the price for the willful ignorance and short-sightedness of Obama and his administration...
Continue reading.

European Authorities Scramble to Identify Suspects in #ParisAttacks (VIDEO)

Authorities found a Syrian passport on the body of one of the Paris attackers.

And see the Los Angeles Times, "Authorities scramble to identify suspects in Paris terror attacks":

Authorities across Europe moved Saturday to identify possible accomplices to seven attackers who unleashed a series of shootings and bombings across Paris, with Belgian authorities announcing they had made several arrests.

A spokeswoman for Belgian Justice Minister Koen Geens told reporters that authorities had arrested "several suspects," though it was not clear what connection, if any, they had to Friday's attacks in Paris.

Geens said the arrests came after a rental car with Belgian license plates was seen close to the Bataclan theater in Paris, the scene of some of the worst violence, on Friday night, the magazine De Standaard reported.

French authorities identified one of the dead terrorists as a Frenchman, about 30 years old, who had previously been tracked by authorities in connection with his Islamic radical activities, France Info radio reported.

Meanwhile, French media reported that a Syrian passport was found near one of the dead terrorists after a bomb attack at a soccer game at the Stade de France, the national stadium just north of Paris, though it had not been established that the passport belonged to the attacker.

It appeared the passport holder had crossed into the European Union through the Greek island of Leros in October.

“We announce that the passport holder had passed from Leros on Oct. 3. where he was identified based on EU rules," Greek Citizen Protection Minister Nikos Toskas said in a statement, according to the Associated Press.

"We do not know if the passport was checked by other countries through which the holder likely passed."

Toskas added: “We will continue the painstaking and persistent effort to ensure the security of our country and Europe under difficult circumstances, insisting on complete identification of those arriving.”

WATCH: Graphic Video Shows Hostages Escaping from Bataclan Concert Theater — #ParisAttacks

Le Monde's Daniel Psenny took the video, via CNN:

The World's Most Dangerous Ideology

Here's Raymond Ibrahim, for Prager University.

This clip went up last month, but it's ever so timely, considering.

Angela Merkel's Future in Doubt as She Faces Coup After Her Own Party Criticises Asylum Policies

She was on thin ice well before last night's Paris attacks.

I don't know if she can stay in office much longer.

At the Telegraph UK:
Angela Merkel’s political future is being questioned for the first time in Germany as divisions continue to grow in her government over her “open-door” refugee policy.

Guests on a popular television political talk show debated the possibility of a coup against the German chancellor from within her own party.

The discussion came as civil servants at the government refugee agency warned identity checks for Syrian asylum-seekers were ineffective and open to abuse by economic migrants and terrorists.

Wolfgang Schäuble, the finance minister, warned that Germany was facing an “avalanche” of refugees set off by a “careless skier”.

And Thomas de Maiziere, the interior minister, twice acted unilaterally to introduce stricter controls on Syrian asylum-seekers without informing Mrs Merkel...

And earlier, at Der Spiegel, "The Lonely Chancellor: Merkel Under Fire as Refugee Crisis Worsens."

So Where'd the Paris Jihadists Get Their Kalashnikovs?

Well, there's a huge black-market weapons pipeline from Eastern Europe. Thousands of AKs are confiscated by authorities every year.

At the Daily Beast, "This is How AK-47s Get to Paris."

Friday, November 13, 2015

Erick Stakelbeck: ISIS Exposed

Some reading on Islamic State.

From Erick Stakelbeck, ISIS Exposed: Beheadings, Slavery, and the Hellish Reality of Radical Islam.

Erick Stakelbeck photo 91hBPTFDVjL._SL1500__zps8twupazv.jpg

President Obama Tells George Stephanopoulos: Islamic State's Not 'Gaining Strength' (VIDEO)

From just this morning, on Good Morning America.

The Orwellian Obama.

Islamic State's "contained."

Inside the Bataclan Concert Hall — #ParisAttacks

At the New York Times, "‘Scene of Carnage’ Inside Sold-Out Paris Concert Hall":
PARIS — The band had been playing to the crowd at one of this city’s most popular music venues, The Bataclan, for about an hour. The 150-year-old music hall was sold out for the show by the American group Eagles of Death Metal.

Suddenly, four men brandishing AK-47 assault rifles entered the hall. There were shouts of “Allahu akbar” just before the gunmen opened fire, and for about 20 minutes there was carnage.

Witnesses said the attackers also threw grenades into the crowd.

“When they started shooting, we just saw flashes,” a witness named Gwen told French BFM-TV. “People got down on the ground right away. It was all dark.”

In the scramble to survive, people climbed into the upper boxes of the hall, or cowered under seats. The musicians quickly fled the stage.

“It was a scene of carnage,” Julien Pearce, a radio reporter who was inside The Bataclan, told Europe 1 radio.

The music hall can seat up to 1,500 people, but it was unclear how many were inside when the attack began. Some of the spectators managed to escape out back exits, but for minutes the gunmen shot unimpeded.

Benjamin Cazenoves posted an update on Facebook from inside the theater: “Alive. Just some cuts. Carnage. Bodies everywhere.”

Mr. Pearce told CNN that he saw two of the men enter and begin to fire randomly. He said the gunmen wore black and said nothing. They simply fired indiscriminately into the crowd. Mr. Pearce said that when he walked out into the street, he saw 25 bodies on the ground.

“It lasted for 10 minutes, 10 minutes, 10 horrific minutes when everybody was on the floor covering their heads and we heard so many gunshots, and the terrorists were very calm, very determined, and they reloaded three or four times their weapons,” Mr. Pearce said.

At around 10 p.m. the gunmen began rounding up survivors, holding them as hostages as dozens of police officers massed outside. For more than two hours a tense standoff prevailed, with more and more police arriving at the scene, enlarging the tense perimeter around the music hall in the city’s 11th Arrondissement...

PREVIOUSLY: "The Horror in Paris."

Jackie Johnson's Chilly Overnight Forecast

It's been cold overnight across the Southland.

Here's Jackie, via CBS News 2 Los Angeles:

The Horror in Paris

At the Wall Street Journal, "Europe’s worst attack since Madrid requires a new antiterror resolve":
Paris endured one of the worst terror assaults in history Friday night, with scores murdered in coordinated attacks at multiple sites, including a restaurant, a concert hall, a soccer stadium and the Les Halles food market. President François Hollande declared a national state of emergency and closed France’s borders. “This is horror,” he said in a televised address. It’s also our world today.

Though no group had claimed responsibility for the attacks, Islamic State (ISIS) didn’t wait long to celebrate. “O crusaders we are coming to you with bombs and rifles,” tweeted one unofficial ISIS propagandist, according to the Vocativ news site. “Wait for us.” Witnesses report hearing cries of “Allahu Akbar” along with gunfire. A woman at the Bataclan concert hall told the Journal that the attackers wore black-and-white kaffiyehs as they sprayed the crowd with gunfire. One hundred mostly young people are reported to have died in the hall.

Big cities are vulnerable targets, as the world learned with the November 2008 attacks in Mumbai. There nine Islamic terrorists murdered 164 people in two hotels, a cafe, a train station and a Jewish center. They shut down a city of 18 million people in minutes.

According to one report, a terrorist captured by French police at the concert hall claimed the attacks were in retaliation for France’s participation in attacks on ISIS targets in Syria. If so, the political calculation may be to reprise al Qaeda’s 2004 train bombings in Madrid, on the eve of a Spanish election. The attacks, which left 191 commuters dead, led to the defeat of José María Aznar’s conservative Partido Popular, which supported the war in Iraq, and the election of the antiwar Socialists.

We doubt the French will draw the same lesson when it comes to fighting ISIS in Syria or anywhere else. The jihadist war against France is decades-old. France’s domestic intelligence services have spent years attempting to keep track of an ever-expanding list of radical French Islamists, and nobody should be surprised if Friday’s attackers turn out to be names on that list. Paris would not be out of bounds to consider some combination of preventive detentions and, if necessary, renditions to foreign countries. Civil libertarians will object, but civil liberty is also a function of security, and right now Paris has neither.

These attacks are another dreadful reminder that the West’s collective failure swiftly to defeat ISIS in its Syrian and Iraqi heartland has allowed this jihadist infection to spread—into Afghanistan, Turkey, Sinai and North Africa...
That's for sure.

The battlefield's creeping west, and with alacrity.

Keep reading.

President Obama's Statement on the Paris Attacks (VIDEO)

He's being criticized for his standard, cowardly political correctness.

At Gateway Pundit, "OBAMA Makes Statement on Bloody Paris Terrorist Attacks — WON’T MENTION ISLAM."

Here's the text of the White House statement, "Statement by the President on the Situation in Paris":

THE PRESIDENT:  Good evening, everybody.  I just want to make a few brief comments about the attacks across Paris tonight.  Once again, we’ve seen an outrageous attempt to terrorize innocent civilians.  This is an attack not just on Paris, it’s an attack not just on the people of France, but this is an attack on all of humanity and the universal values that we share.

We stand prepared and ready to provide whatever assistance that the government and the people of France need to respond.  France is our oldest ally.  The French people have stood shoulder to shoulder with the United States time and again.  And we want to be very clear that we stand together with them in the fight against terrorism and extremism.

Paris itself represents the timeless values of human progress.  Those who think that they can terrorize the people of France or the values that they stand for are wrong.  The American people draw strength from the French people’s commitment to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness.  We are reminded in this time of tragedy that the bonds of liberté and égalité and fraternité are not only values that the French people care so deeply about, but they are values that we share.  And those values are going to endure far beyond any act of terrorism or the hateful vision of those who perpetrated the crimes this evening.

We’re going to do whatever it takes to work with the French people and with nations around the world to bring these terrorists to justice, and to go after any terrorist networks that go after our people.

We don’t yet know all the details of what has happened.  We have been in contact with French officials to communicate our deepest condolences to the families of those who have been killed, to offer our prayers and thoughts to those who have been wounded.  We have offered our full support to them.  The situation is still unfolding.  I’ve chosen not to call President Hollande at this time, because my expectation is that he’s very busy at the moment.  I actually, by coincidence, was talking to him earlier today in preparation for the G20 meeting.  But I am confident that I’ll be in direct communications with him in the next few days, and we’ll be coordinating in any ways that they think are helpful in the investigation of what’s happened.

This is a heartbreaking situation.  And obviously those of us here in the United States know what it’s like.  We’ve gone through these kinds of episodes ourselves.  And whenever these kinds of attacks happened, we’ve always been able to count on the French people to stand with us.  They have been an extraordinary counterterrorism partner, and we intend to be there with them in that same fashion.

I’m sure that in the days ahead we’ll learn more about exactly what happened, and my teams will make sure that we are in communication with the press to provide you accurate information.  I don’t want to speculate at this point in terms of who was responsible for this.  It appears that there may still be live activity and dangers that are taking place as we speak.  And so until we know from French officials that the situation is under control, and we have for more information about it, I don’t want to speculate.

Thank you very much.
The gunmen were wearing keffiyehs, and shouting "Allahu Akbar!", but we wouldn't want to "speculate" about this "heartbreaking situation."

Keep clutching those pearls, in other words.

PREVIOUSLY: "Footage of the #Bataclan Siege — #ParisAttacks (VIDEO)."

Footage of the #Bataclan Siege — #ParisAttacks (VIDEO)

Via Sky News:

PREVIOUSLY: "Paris Attacks Remind Us the Free Is World at War with Brutal Terrorist Groups."

Paris Attacks Remind Us the Free Is World at War with Brutal Terrorist Groups

From Nile Gardiner, at the Daily Signal:
Tonight’s horrific series of terrorist attacks throughout Paris have sent shockwaves across Europe and the world.

According to media reports, dozens of people have been killed so far in multiple attacks on several locations in the French capital, including a restaurant near the Place de la Republique, and the Stade de France, home of the French national soccer team. Some of the attacks are reported to have been suicide bombings.

In addition, up to a hundred people were taken hostage by terrorists at the Bataclan concert venue. The French government has declared a state of emergency, deployed troops to the streets of Paris, and has closed the country’s borders.

In terms of sheer scale, this could be the largest terror attack on Western soil since the 9/11 attacks on the United States in 2001.

While it is too early to determine the exact identity of the terror group responsible for these atrocities, the attacks are consistent with the kind of mass casualty attacks that have been carried out in the past by Islamist terrorists in London, Madrid, Istanbul, and most recently in Paris itself, with the Charlie Hebdo massacre in January this year.

It also comes in the wake of last week’s explosion on board a Russian airliner flying from Egypt to St. Petersburg, which US and British authorities believe was a terrorist attack. According to the London Daily Telegraph, gunmen shouted “Allahu Akbar” in one of tonight’s Paris attacks.

There is speculation that the terror attacks are a direct response by the Islamic State to the US drone strike against Jihadi John in Raqqa, Syria yesterday. While it is unlikely that ISIS would have the capability to launch such a well-coordinated attack within such a short time frame, it is possible that ISIS could have been planning such an attack on Paris for some time, and decided it launch it today for propaganda reasons to give the impression that this is immediate retaliation for the Jihadi John strike...
Actually, nearly 200 were murdered in the Madrid terror bombings in 2004, but today's Paris attacks may turn out to have been even bloodier. Things are still unfolding. Certainly a large-scale coordinated attack like this, in a major Western capital, marks a major turning point. Mumbai can happen anywhere at this point.

Previous blogging here and here.

Paris Terror Attacks — Updates

Following-up, "France Declares State of Emergency as Terror Attacks Leave Scores Dead (VIDEO)."

Sky News has a streaming video here, "Sky News Live."

More at Telegraph UK, "Paris shooting: Scores killed and injured after 'Kalashnikov and grenade attacks' across French capital with dozens of hostages taken..."

At least 100 dead at the concert hall.

And at the Wall Street Journal, "Paris Under Siege; Attackers Kill Dozens."

More at Legal Insurrection, "LIVE VIDEO AND UPDATES: Terror in Paris, Borders Closed, Curfew."


France Declares State of Emergency as Terror Attacks Leave Scores Dead (VIDEO)

Oh boy.

Here we go again. And nothing will change. You'll see an initial outpouring of faux resolve, and then it will be right back to where it was before: kowtowing to Islamic jihad, afraid of being attacked as "racist" by the terror-loving left.

At Atlas Shrugs, "Jihad in Paris: Scores DEAD, Mass Murder across French Capital with Dozens taken HOSTAGE," and Jihad Watch, "France seals borders, declares emergency as Muslims murder at least 60."

And at the New York Times, "In Paris, Multiple Attacks in Deadly Night of Terror":

PARIS — France reeled Friday night from a shooting rampage, explosions and mass hostage-taking that convulsed the Paris area in what the president called an unprecedented terrorist attack on his country. His government closed the borders and mobilized the military in a national emergency.

French television and news services quoted the police as saying at least 60 people had been killed and many dozens wounded in at least four apparently coordinated attacks, far eclipsing the deaths and mayhem that roiled Paris in the Charlie Hebdo massacre and related assaults around the French capital less than a year ago.

One of the explosions struck near the country’s main sports stadium where Germany and France were playing a soccer match, forcing a hasty evacuation of President François Hollande. As the scope of the assaults quickly became clear, he convened an emergency cabinet meeting and announced France was closing its borders.

“As I speak, terrorist attacks of an unprecedented scale are taking place in the Paris region,” he said in a nationally televised address. “There are several dozen dead, lots more wounded, it’s horrific.”

Mr. Hollande said on his orders the government had “mobilized all the forces we can muster to neutralize the threats and secure all of the areas.”

President Obama in Washington came to the White House Briefing room to express solidarity and offer aid and condolences. “Once again, we’ve seen an outrageous attempt to terrorize innocent civilians,” he said. “This is an attack not just on Paris, it’s an attack not just on the people of France, but this is an attack on all of humanity and the universal values that we share.”

And see London's Daily Mail, "At least 60 dead in series of terror attacks as Kalashnikov-wielding gunman opens fire in restaurant, 100 hostages are taken at theater, two blasts are heard near stadium and gunfire is reported at mall."

Plus, at Sky News on Twitter, "Hostages appear to be leaving #Bataclan concert hall; attackers are reportedly killed in police siege #ParisAttacks..."

DEVELOPING. I'll have more.

Save on Products for Your Pets

Amazon's pushing lots of offers for your furry friends.

Here, Shop Amazon - Save on QPG Pet Products,and Shop Amazon - Save on Temptations and Dentastix Products.

Also, Shop Amazon - Save on Eukanuba Products,and Shop Amazon - Save on Petmate Products.

And ICYMI from last night, Hubris: The Tragedy of War in the Twentieth Century.

Keely Mullen

R.S. McCain's mocking the hell out of this poor girl.

She was on Cavuto's the other day, and didn't acquit herself too well.

You have to really feel badly for America's youth if this lady's is anything near representative. Just wow.

Cary Grant Took LSD Over 100 Times

That's one of the amazing tidbits in this fascinating obituary of Cary Grant's late wife, Betsy Drake.

See, "Betsy Drake dies at 92; gave up acting career to marry Cary Grant":
Their 1949 marriage in Palm Springs was front-page news, with Howard Hughes, a close friend of Grant's, serving as best man. It would be the most durable of Grant's five marriages.

After they separated in 1958, Drake started seeing a Beverly Hills psychotherapist, who prescribed therapy with LSD, which was legal at the time.

In her first session, she experienced the pain of her own birth.

"Enthused by what she considered an incredible experience, Betsy went home and called her mother, with whom she hadn't spoken in a decade," Vanity Fair magazine reported in 2010.

"'I told her, 'I love you,' and after all that time, she just said, 'Of course you do, darling,' and hung up."

Drake talked Grant into similar sessions and he came away a true believer, using the drug more than 100 times...

Hysteria and Outrage at Claremont McKenna College (VIDEO)

The background's at LAT, "Amid racial bias protests, Claremont McKenna dean resigns."

And here's the editorial at the Claremont Independent, "We Dissent":

To our fellow Claremont students, we are disappointed in you as well. We are ashamed of you for trying to end someone’s career over a poorly worded email. This is not a political statement––this is a person’s livelihood that you so carelessly sought to destroy. We are disappointed that you chose to scream and swear at your administrators. That is not how adults solve problems, and your behavior reflects poorly on all of us here in Claremont. This is not who we are and this is not how we conduct ourselves, but this is the image of us that has now reached the national stage.

We are disappointed in your demands. If you want to take a class in “ethnic, racial, and sexuality theory,” feel free to take one, but don’t force such an ideologically driven course on all CMC students. If the dearth of such courses at CMC bothers you, maybe you should have chosen a different school. If students chose to attend Caltech and then complained about the lack of literature classes, that’s on them. And though it wouldn’t hurt to have a more diverse faculty, the demand that CMC increase the number of minority faculty members either rests on the assumption that CMC has a history of discriminating against qualified professors of color, or, more realistically, it advocates for the hiring of less qualified faculty based simply on the fact that they belong to marginalized groups. A hiring practice of this sort would not benefit any CMC students, yourselves included.

We are disappointed in the fact that your movement has successfully managed to convince its members that anyone who dissents does so not for intelligent reasons, but due to moral failure or maliciousness. We are disappointed that you’ve used phrases like “silence is violence” to not only demonize those who oppose you, but all who are not actively supporting you. We are most disappointed, however, in the rhetoric surrounding “safe spaces.” College is the last place that should be a safe space. We come here to learn about views that differ from our own, and if we aren’t made to feel uncomfortable by these ideas, then perhaps we aren’t venturing far enough outside of our comfort zone. We would be doing ourselves a disservice to ignore viewpoints solely on the grounds that they may make us uncomfortable, and we would not be preparing ourselves to cope well with adversity in the future. Dealing with ideas that make us uncomfortable is an important part of growing as students and as people, and your ideas will inhibit opportunities for that growth.

We are adults, and we need to be mature enough to take ownership of and responsibility for our feelings, rather than demanding that those around us cater to our individual needs...

Well done. Finally someone's acting like adults.

Still more (via Memeorandum).

Plus, at FrontPage Magazine, "The Crybully Credo: 'It's Literally Your Jobs to Take Care of Us When We Don't Feel Safe'." (At Memeorandum.)

An American Fascism

From David Horowitz, at FrontPage Magazine, "Calling the campus protests what they are":
The racist, McCarthyite, totalitarian movement rearing its ugly head on college campuses as diverse as Missouri, Yale and Vanderbilt is being treated by conservatives as a case of kids too fragile to handle views with which they disagree. This may work as a debating tactic but it misunderstands both the malignancy of the politics behind the campaign and the ferocity of its radical leaders. Now they are calling for the heads of liberals (and getting them). But quaint American prejudices like the First Amendment still stand in their way. But for how long? If this movement, which includes large contingents of the Democratic Party – including the president, achieves critical mass and succeeds in its agendas and acquires the necessary power, who can doubt that they will be putting dissenters in prison and worse? These are people intoxicated with their own virtue, and determined to purge non-believers in their path. They are a perfect analogue to the Islamic fanatics who want to purify the planet. While the Islamic fanatics be-head, the American fanatics suppress and burn. At bottom, they see the world in parallel terms: Slay the infidels wherever you find them.

The current eruptions on college campuses, which will be escalating through this year, are the product of four decades of capitulations to leftwing racism and political correctness, which is a totalitarian party line whose inventor Mao Zedong murdered 70 million Chinese in its name. America still has strong traditions of intellectual pluralism and individual rights, which are obstacles in the way of the progressive storm troopers, but for how long? How many capitulations by so-called liberals, how many unconstitutional executive orders, how many coercions by Democrat-controlled government agencies before there are no obstacles left?

We saw these lynch mobs first hand in Ferguson, but only an inaudible few were willing to name them for what they were. In Ferguson, the president of the United States supported the lynchers, along with the Democratic Party and the leftwing chorus. And so it spread to New York and Baltimore and now Missouri and Yale. The time has come to call this for what it is, an American fascism.  But the time is also getting late to reverse the tide.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

In the Mail: Alistair Horne, Hubris: The Tragedy of War in the Twentieth Century

This is great.

The public relations folks at Harper Collins sent out a copy.

Here, Hubris: The Tragedy of War in the Twentieth Century.

Note that Alistair Horne is major historian. His work on the Algerian war for independence is one of the all-time great classics in French history, counter-insurgency, and post-colonial studies. See, A Savage War of Peace: Algeria 1954-1962.

Victoria’s Secret Very Sexy Campaign (VIDEO)

The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show is less than a month away, on December 8th.

Tune in hear for all your Victoria's Secret blogging.

And watch, "Go behind the scenes with Lily Aldridge, Taylor Hill, Sara Sampaio, Behati Prinsloo and Candice Swanepoel as they shoot the Victoria’s Secret Holiday 2015 campaign."

Queer Vegan Witch Accuses Radical Feminists of 'Anti-Trans Violence'

I swear the entire world has lost its marbles.

At the Other McCain.

Mass Psychological Meltdown Across America's So-Called Institutions of Higher Learning (VIDEO)

We should call them America's institutions of lower learning, and lower psychological stability. Sheesh.

At the New York Times, "Racial Discrimination Protests Ignite at Colleges Across the U.S.":

The passion that ousted the heads of the University of Missouri after protests over racial discrimination on campus is spreading to other colleges across the country, turning traditional fall semesters into a period of intense focus on racial misunderstanding and whether activism stifles free speech.

Hundreds of students demonstrated at Ithaca College in upstate New York on Wednesday, demanding the resignation of the college president, Tom Rochon, for what they said was his lackluster response to complaints of racial insensitivity on campus, including an episode in which two white male alumni on a panel called a black alumna a “savage,” after she said she had a “savage hunger” to succeed.

At Smith College, in Northampton, Mass., about 100 students demonstrated in solidarity with their counterparts in Ithaca and Missouri, while at the University of Kansas, the administration called a town hall meeting to give students and faculty a chance “to be heard” before any concerns about race on campus could grow.

At Claremont McKenna College in California, the junior class president resigned Tuesday after a furor over a Facebook photograph that showed her posing with two women who were wearing sombreros, ponchos and mustaches for Halloween. A campus demonstration followed on Wednesday.

And at Yale, the campus is still in turmoil about an overheard “white girls only” remark at an off-campus fraternity party, and debating over whether students had a right to wear transgressive Halloween costumes.

In interviews, students say they have been inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement that grew out of the fatal shooting of Michael Brown by the police in Ferguson, Mo. They say the victory of protesting students and football players at the University of Missouri has spurred them to demand that their universities provide a safe space for students of color...
So, they were inspired by a lie, "Hands Up, Don't Shoot"? That figures.

Keep reading.

Bonfire of the Academy

At WSJ, "As liberal adults abdicate, the kids take charge on campus":
By bonfire of the academy we mean a conflict of values about the idea of a university that now threatens to undermine or destroy universities as a place of learning. Exhibit A is the ruin called the University of Missouri.

In the 1960s—at Cornell, Columbia, Berkeley and elsewhere—the self-described Student Left occupied buildings with what they often called “non-negotiable” demands. In the decades since, the academy—its leaders and faculties—by and large has accommodated many of those demands regarding appropriate academic subjects, admissions policies and what has become the aggressive and non-tolerant politics of identity and grievance.

This political trajectory arrived at its logical end this week at Missouri with the abrupt resignation of the school’s president, quickly followed by its number two official. The kids deposed them, as their liberal elders applauded either out of solidarity or cowardice.

The cause of President Tim Wolfe’s resignation is said to be his failure to address several racially charged incidents on campus and the threat by its Division One football team to boycott this weekend’s game unless he stepped down.

The university’s campus, in Columbia, is not far from Ferguson, Mo. Among the charges against President Wolfe was that his response to the shooting of Michael Brown was inadequate, which is to say, he did not sufficiently take the side of the protesters or rioters. Since Ferguson, the left-wing Black Lives Matter group has come to prominence and intimidated even presidential candidates. This has been accompanied by successive claims of racial grievance against public and private institutions.

In the United States, by now the instinct of the overwhelming majority of people is to address such complaints in good faith, investigate them and remediate where necessary. Only the tiniest minority would wish to see racial grievances bleed indefinitely. Yet the kids assert that America is irredeemably racist...
Keep reading.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Donald Trump, Marco Rubio Win Republican Debate, WSJ Poll Finds

Here, "Donald Trump, Marco Rubio Won GOP Debate, Poll Finds":
Donald Trump and Marco Rubio won Tuesday’s night primetime Republican debate, according to an overnight poll of Internet users who watched the contest, but Mr. Trump came out as the favorite among Republicans and left the best impression about his ability to serve as president.

Some 24% of debate-viewers named Mr. Trump and 23% picked Mr. Rubio as the winner of the eight-candidate event, which was sponsored by the Wall Street Journal and Fox Business News. Ted Cruz and Ben Carson followed, with 13% declaring each to have won.

Mr. Trump’s lead in the Internet survey was larger among debate-watchers who said they’d vote in a Republican primary...
Also at Memeorandum.

'The truth is, I don't like anyone who's running for President in either party...'

Not me. I like Cruz, Rubio, and Trump. I pretty much despise Jeb Bush, and I agree that Kasich looks like a drunk blowhard know-it-all.

But see Althouse, "'Biggest loser on merits: Kasich. He’s done. He came across angry, condescending, and unprincipled'..."

PREVIOUSLY: "Marco Rubio Wins Fourth Republican Debate (VIDEO)."

Marco Rubio Wins Fourth Republican Debate (VIDEO)

He did well. Even my wife was impressed, heh.

At Politico, "Insiders: Rubio wins, Kasich bombs":

Marco Rubio won the fourth Republican debate -- and John Kasich lost.

That’s the assessment of this week’s POLITICO Caucus, our bipartisan survey of the top activists, strategists and operatives in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada. Nearly 40 percent of Republican participants said Rubio won the debate in a survey taken immediately following Tuesday night’s contest -- no other candidate had more than 12 percent.

“Energy,” said an Iowa Republican of Rubio. “He wants the job.”

“By every measure Marco Rubio won the [night],” a New Hampshire Republican said. “Strong and informed on every issue, inspirational, presidential. He actually moved the ball down the field.”

Added a Nevada Republican, Rubio “gave a compelling vision for a hopeful future contrasting his youthful vision to a tired "older" take on the country epitomized by Hillary.”

For the second Republican debate in a row, the POLITICO Caucus named the Florida senator the biggest winner of the night, noting his vigorous defense of a muscular American foreign policy — one of the biggest applause lines of the evening — and forceful remarks concerning Wall Street as evidence of a strong and articulate candidate.

Forty-two percent of Democrats also agreed that Rubio won the night.

“He is engaging, articulate, comfortable in his own skin and has a hopeful positive message...he packages well for a party that is looking for change but still wants a foot in policy and politics,” a New Hampshire Democrat said...

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Political Correctness, Leftist Intolerance, and the University of Missouri Campus Protests

I walked in at 6:00pm exactly tonight, just in time to flip the remote over to Fox Business Channel for the GOP presidential debate. My wife had dinner ready, bless her heart, and I poured a glass of wine and ate dinner with my family while the debate played out, with low volume, on the television.

At work today I saw all the incredible coverage at Memeorandum on the political correctness earthquake at Mizzou. There's no way I can catch up with all of the news tonight. Sure beats a slow news day, that's for sure.

In any case, I'll have more on the debate later.

Check Memeorandum for all the totalitarian campus action, "University of Missouri, please immediately fire employees who taunted media," and "As Missouri Activists Block Journalists, a Divide Over ‘Respect’ and Rights."

And at the Missourian, "UPDATE: MU faculty member resigns courtesy appointment, apologizes for photojournalist incident."

Now, at Instapundit, "Meanwhile, looking at the Mizzou YikYak feed, a lot of students are sorry the university caved, but worried about this potential threat," and "NEO-NEOCON: More on Missouri—and more and more and more..."

At the Other McCain, "Well, That Didn’t Take Long," and "‘Systemic Racism,’ Anarchy and Incipient Totalitarianism at University of Missouri."

Finally, here's James Rosen on Special Report, covering the Missouri protests:

Starter Home Gift Guide

At Amazon, Shop Holiday Home & Garden Gift Guide - Starter Home.

And ICYMI, from Alonzo Hamby, Man of Destiny: FDR and the Making of the American Century.

Plus, back by popular demand, Fredrik Logevall, Embers of War: The Fall of an Empire and the Making of America's Vietnam.

The 'Rising American Electorate' Not So Fired-Up for 2016 Election

The Democrats have a major uphill climb to a third Democrat term in the White House in 2017.

The "Rising American Electorate," another term for Obama's "coalition of the ascendant" (ethnic minorities, Millennials, and single women), have a significant lag in voter enthusiasm relative to the older, whiter electorate.

Far-left Greg Sargent, at the Washington Post, even makes note of it, "Here’s Hillary Clinton’s big 2016 challenge, in one chart."

Combine the enthusiasm gap with the intense anger and pessimism in polling data, especially among those same older, whiter voters, and we're seeing the stirrings of a major earthquake election next November. The Obama interregnum is coming to a bitter end. It's all going to come crashing down for the Democrats. I expect Hillary Clinton to be a formidable candidate, but she's not going to generate the kind of enthusiasm that Obama did. Not by a long-shot.

I'll be keeping an eye on this all the way to November 8, 2016.

Rising American Electorate photo CTYHCSzXIAAIs72_zpsjpx4xfql.jpg

Voters Anxious About the Future, New Los Angeles Times Polls Finds

Instapundit linked my post on the angry voters at the Wall Street Journal poll. See, "WELL, WITH THE WORST POLITICAL CLASS IN HISTORY, THERE’S PLENTY TO BE ANGRY ABOUT: Americans’ Mood Darkened by Widespread Anger, New WSJ/NBC News Poll Finds."

And now here comes the Los Angeles Times with virtually identical findings. For leftists, the anxiety is economic inequality, especially class envy at the corporate rich. For conservatives, rapid social change, especially moral decay and unchecked immigration, is generating tremendous fear. Huge pessimism is the constant theme across the spectrum.

See, "Poll On the left and right, voters express anxiety over future":

One year before the presidential election, a pervasive disquiet has shaped voter attitudes, with a majority of Republicans pessimistic about moral values and the increasing diversity of the country's population, and Democrats uneasy about an economy they see as tilted toward the rich.

By more than 2 to 1, voters both nationally and in California say they are more worried than hopeful about changes in the country's morals and values. By nearly the same margin, more worry than express hope about the changing national economy. And by 5 to 1, they say they are worried about how the nation's politics have changed.

California voters and those nationwide largely agree on those points but diverge on others. Nationally, for example, voters divide almost evenly on whether cultural diversity worries them or makes them hopeful. In California, those who are "mainly hopeful" about the changes caused by cultural diversity outnumber those "mainly worried" 56% to 41%.

Those concerns — detailed in a new USC Dornsife/Los Angeles Times poll, conducted online by SurveyMonkey — have been driving voter decisions about which candidates they favor for president. Both in California and nationwide, they have helped propel two nontraditional candidates, businessman Donald Trump and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, to the forefront of the Republican field...

Voters' downbeat mood is particularly notable in light of economic numbers typically associated with good times. The nation's unemployment rate, 5%, is the lowest since April 2008, and the economy has grown steadily, albeit slowly, since the recession officially ended in June 2009.

Still, by 70% to 29%, voters see the country as headed in the wrong direction. California voters are only marginally more positive, with 63% saying the country is headed the wrong way and 34% seeing the nation as being on the right path.

That sense of the country headed the wrong way has been true now for a dozen years, through two presidencies, for "the longest period of sustained pessimism in more than a generation," said Neil Newhouse, a veteran Republican pollster who advised Mitt Romney's presidential campaign in 2012.

Pessimism is particularly profound among white voters, especially those without a college education. In California, fewer than 1 in 4 non-college-educated whites say the country is on the right track, and 70% say they are worried about the way the economy has changed. Nationally, the worried share among the group is even higher, 74%.

By contrast, racial and ethnic minority voters have a considerably more upbeat view, particularly those who have graduated from college.

Those two groups — whites who have not graduated from college and minorities who have — stand at opposite ends of the political spectrum. Non-college-educated whites have become a bulwark for Republicans, while upwardly mobile minority voters have reshaped the Democratic Party.

In California, where about half of college-educated minority voters are optimistic about the economy, the two groups are of similar size, each about one-fifth of the electorate. Nationally, whites without college degrees outnumber college-educated minorities by about 3 to 1.

Among the Republicans in the presidential race, several candidates have tapped into the pessimistic mood of whites who did not graduate from college, none more directly than Trump, whose slogan "Make America great again" expresses a sense of better times gone.

Trump has a significant lead among white voters nationwide who have not graduated from college. Rubio, by contrast, does notably better with the college-educated; he is in first place with that group of voters among Republicans in California.

Trump's strongest base of support, however, comes from those troubled by the effects of immigration.

Nationally, voters divide closely over whether "immigrants from other countries mainly strengthen American society" or "mainly weaken" it, with 49% seeing immigrants as a source of strength and 43% as a weakness.

In California, with its much larger population of minorities, 59% see immigrants strengthening America and 35% say they "mainly weaken American society."

Trump's backers are overwhelmingly in the "mainly weaken" camp: 73% in California and 82% nationally take that view...

Emily Ratajkowski by Mark Sacro


SeaWorld to Phase Out Killer Whale Shows in San Diego (VIDEO)

I guess it was inevitable.

At the San Diego Union-Tribune, "SeaWorld to end theatrical killer whale show," and "'Blackfish' director wary of SeaWorld plan."

More video, "SeaWorld's new plan to lure more visitors."

Brazil's Crisis Hits Emerging Middle Class

At WSJ, "Brazil’s Economic Crisis Beats the Emerging Middle Class Back Down":
RIO DE JANEIRO—When proper electricity arrived in Santa Marta, a small favela in the shadow of Rio’s Christ the Redeemer statue, longtime resident Cândida Oliveira Silva was happy to get the bill.

For the 52-year-old homemaker, it meant having legal proof of address and “feeling like a citizen” for the first time. But in recent months it has also meant cutting back on all but the most basic expenses. Reduced government subsidies and a drought have raised her bill to about 280 reais ($72) a month, roughly five times what it was a year ago.

“I can’t travel anymore, I can’t afford to eat at even a modest restaurant,” Ms. Silva said. Rising inflation and Brazil’s plummeting currency have quashed any hopes of visiting her daughter in San Francisco.

Ms. Silva’s struggle to maintain her standard of living amid rising prices shows how a spiraling economic crisis has pushed Brazil’s emerging middle class to the brink.

Urban unemployment rose to 7.6% in September, tied with August for the highest rate in more than five years. Economists on average expect gross domestic product will shrink 3.1% this year and 1.9% next year, according to the Central Bank of Brazil’s latest weekly survey. Inflation approaching 10% has forced the poor to stop buying meat and the central bank to ratchet up interest rates. A disorganized effort by the government to stem a widening budget deficit has resulted in painful tax increases, further crimping family budgets.

Experts say it is hard to estimate how many people are at risk of falling down Brazil’s social ladder, as official data aren’t yet available. But with wages rising less than inflation, around 35 million members of Brazil’s lower middle class are vulnerable, says Maurício Prado, a partner at research firm Plano CDE.

“They have low education and low job formalization,” he said. “There is confluence of negative factors.”

The situation is threatening to derail what Brazilian leaders have extolled as a transformation of the country’s economy and society. Long counted among the world’s most unequal nations, Brazil made significant progress in the past decade toward reducing its gaping income disparity, authorities say.

Strong prices for commodity exports stuffed public coffers with money that was used to weave a social safety net, including a cash-transfer program targeting nearly 14 million impoverished families. Minimum-wage increases averaging more than 11% a year since 2003 transferred more wealth toward the bottom of the spectrum.

Between 2003 and 2013, Brazil’s median household income grew 87% in real terms, compared with a 30% rise in per capita gross domestic product, says Marcelo Neri, an economist who wrote a book on the “new middle class” and served as President Dilma Rousseff’s strategic-affairs minister.

“People who were left behind—uneducated people, people in the northeast and rural areas, poor people, black people, domestic workers, informal workers—these people grew at a much faster rate than the country as a whole,” Mr. Neri said...
Remember, Rousseff’s a Marxist. I guess the withering away of the state toward the communist utopia's going to have to wait.

But keep reading.

Hot Outtakes from Lily Aldridge's Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2014 Shoot (VIDEO)

A little flashback with Lily.

She's coming up next month with the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show.

Mountain Lion Captured in San Dimas (VIDEO)

Cool video.

I love how the lion takes a few swings before being thrown into the animal control truck.

Russian Model Sofia Nikitchuk Tries on Swimsuits Ahead of Miss World Competition (VIDEO)

At Ruptly:

Monday, November 9, 2015


It was November 9-10, 1938.

From John Lang, at WSJ, "From Kristallnacht to the Kindertransport to, Finally, America."

And check out Martin Gilbert, Kristallnacht: Prelude to Destruction.

Kristallnacht: Prelude to Destruction photo 51jGLbXzIYL._SX326_BO1204203200__zpspgasscng.jpg

University of Missouri Resignations Covered on 'CBS Evening News' (VIDEO)

You know, you're not really "marginalized" when you have that much power, the power to bring down the president and chancellor at two state campuses at the state university.

We should expect to be seeing more of this stuff. The coddled are revolting.

Standardized Tests Are 'Modern-Day Slavery'

I think leftists are starting to spew increasingly hyper-ideological agitation as the last year of the Obama administration is almost upon us. They're literally pushing the boundaries as far as they can, perhaps in the hope that some of the craziness actually sticks.

At FrontPage Magazine, "'Social Action' Principal: School Tests are 'Inequality' and 'Modern Day Slavery'":
I know there are plenty of kids who think that school is slavery. But finally there's a principal who agrees with them.

Think about it. They're rounded up on buses, sent to buildings, forced to learn things and then answer questions about them. It's just like slavery or the Holocaust or something terrible. We must all join together to stamp out all learning and test-taking so we can finally achieve true social justice utopia.

Just ask the principal of the Cornerstone Academy for Social Action.
In an online rant, a Bronx public school principal has likened standardized testing to slavery, redlining and crack cocaine in damaging the lives of minorities.
Educational standards. They're just like crack cocaine and slavery...
Keep reading.

You know, this principal's only saying out loud what the Obama administration's attack on standardized tests is all about.

Timely Reminder: Kirsten Powers: The Silencing — How the Left is Killing Free Speech

It's not even about "free speech" on our campuses these days. We're to the point of no speech. Coddled student leftists literally don't want anyone to talk to them. They don't want media and debate, and if you violate their "safe spaces," they'll take down your institution with boycotts, hunger strikes, and financial ruin.

ICYMI, "University of Missouri President and Chancellor Step Aside Amid Protests."

And here's Kristen Powers' book, which is a keeper, The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech.

Kirsten Powers photo The-Silencing-Powers-CVR-v10-PERS_zpseq3rwdwe.jpg

Semi-Trailer Big-Rig Crashes Into Apartment Building in Garden Grove

I take this off-ramp to get gas on the way to work on some Tuesdays and Thursdays. I was planning on stopping there in the morning, heh.

At ABC News 7 Los Angeles:

University of Missouri President and Chancellor Step Aside Amid Protests

The MSM take is at the New York Times (via Memeorandum).

This whole thing is kind of mind-boggling. And fascinating.

The left's racial grievance industry demands "safe spaces" for oppressed minorities, and the universities can't roll over fast enough.

Graduate student Jonathan Butler, who is black, staged a hunger strike. He's interviewed at the Washington Post, "‘Justice is worth fighting for': A Q&A with the graduate student whose hunger strike has upended the University of Missouri":

A lot of people who otherwise wouldn’t pay attention to this type of protest now are because of the solidarity you received from the football team. For those who are just tuning into this story, what do you want them to know?

Butler: The campus climate here at the University of Missouri is an ugly one, it’s one that often we don’t talk about and it’s one that, when issues come up, whether it’s sexual assault, whether it’s Planned Parenthood, whether it’s racism, it gets swept under the rug because we want to rest on our traditions and rest on all these values that we hold in high esteem. And I think the message is that underneath all of that there is a lot of dirt and there’s a lot of pain and there’s a lot of hurt. There’s things that need to be changed. And at the end of it all, even if you don’t really understand what I’m saying, even if you can’t really understand systemic oppression and systemic racism, is the fact we can’t be at a university where we have values like “Respect, Responsibility, Discovery and Excellence” and we don’t have any of those things being enacted on campus, especially in terms of respect. I’m on a campus where people feel free to call people the n-word, where people feel free as recently as last week, to used [their] own feces to smear a swastika in a residential hall. Everything that glitters is not gold. We really need to dig deep and be real with ourselves about the world we live in and understand that we’re not perfect but understand that just because we’re not perfect doesn’t mean we don’t start to understand and address the issues around us...
Basically, demands for respect, amid amorphous "racial incidents," shut down a university, and almost derailed a major collegiate football program, with potential financial losses in the million dollar range.

It's pretty striking.

More at Memeorandum.



Well, I need to read around a bit myself. More on this later. We're reaching some kind of tipping point, that's for sure.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Black Activists Turn on Shaun King for Collapse of 'Justice Together' Org, Financial Irregularities


I saw this story yesterday, at Sooper Mexican, "UH OH!! Race Huckster Shaun King Being CALLED OUT By Supporters With #ShaunKingLetMeDown Hashtag!!"

And now at Instapundit, "HE’S JUST ANOTHER WHITE GUY SCAMMING PEOPLE OF COLOR: Black Activists Turn on Shaun King for Collapse of ‘Justice Together’ Org, Financial Irregularities."

FLASHBACK: "#BlackLivesMatter Organizer Shaun King's Racial Appropriation."

We're Headed for an Economic Civil War

From Joel Kotkin, at the Daily Beast, "Are We Heading for An Economic Civil War?":
Forget that red state-blue state stuff. The real chasm dividing the US is economic, with one economy for industry and one for tech, and the friction between them is getting fierce.
When we speak about the ever-expanding chasm that defines modern American politics, we usually focus on cultural issues such as gay marriage, race, or religion. But as often has been the case throughout our history, the biggest source of division may be largely economic.

Today we see a growing conflict between the economy that produces consumable, tangible goods and another economy, now ascendant, that deals largely in the intangible world of media, software, and entertainment. Like the old divide between the agrarian South and the industrial North before the Civil War, this threatens to become what President Lincoln’s Secretary of State, William Seward, defined as an “irrepressible conflict.”

Other major economic divides—between capital and labor, Wall Street versus Main Street—defined politics for much of the 20th century. But today’s tangible-intangible divide is particularly tragic because it undermines America’s peculiar advantage in being a powerhouse in both the material and non-material worlds. No other large country can say that, certainly not China, Japan, or Germany, industrial powerhouses short on resources, while our closest cousins, such as Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, remain, for the most part, dependent on commodity trade.

The China syndrome and the shape of the next slowdown

Over the past decade, the United States has enjoyed two parallel booms that combined to propel the economy out of recession. One was centered in places like Houston, Dallas-Ft. Worth, Oklahoma City, and across much of the Great Plains. These areas were all located in the first states to emerge from the recession, and benefited massively from a gusher in energy jobs due largely to fracking.

At the same time, another part of the economy, centered in Silicon Valley as well as Seattle, Austin, and Raleigh/Durham, has also been booming. Though far more restricted than their counterparts in the “tangible” economy in terms of both geography and jobs, the tech/digital economy did not lag when it came to minting fortunes. By 2014, the media-tech sector accounted for six of the nation’s wealthiest people. Perhaps more important, 12 of the nation’s 17 billionaires under 40 also hail from the tech sector.

Until China’s economy hit a wall this fall, these two sectors were humming along, maybe not enough to restore the economy to its ’90s trim robustly enough to improve conditions in many parts of the country. But as China begins to cut back on commodity purchases, many key raw material prices—copper and iron to oil and gas as well as food stuffs—have fallen precipitously, devastating many developing economies in South America, Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia.

Plunging prices are also beginning to hurt many local economies in the U.S., particularly in the “oil patch” that spreads from west Texas to North Dakota. This is one reason why overall economic growth has fallen, and is unlikely to revive strongly in the months ahead. Overall, according to the most recent numbers, job growth remains slow and long-term unemployment stubbornly high while labor participation is stuck at historically low levels. Much of this loss is felt by the kind of middle and working class people who tend to work in tangible industries...
Keep reading.

High Costs of College Textbooks Come Under Attack

I'm assigning the digital book version of George C. Edwards, et al., Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy. For the spring semester, I've got the digital package set up through the publisher for about $70.00, and students will also get a loose-leaf version of the hard-copy textbook for $5.00. It'll be just a little more if the students use the campus bookstore.

It's a good deal.

But a lot of professors have their students spending much more than that, and we've seen that controversy at Cal State Fullerton, where the math professor is refusing to assign the department's consensus textbook. It's turned into a lawsuit.

In any case, here's more at the O.C. Register, "Required reading: faculty's pricey textbooks":
It’s been long understood at Fullerton College that faculty cannot make a single cent off any self-created, custom course materials, from books to course packs.

However, roughly two miles away at Cal State University, Fullerton, no such policy exists to keep faculty from doing just that.

Schools across Orange County vary in how they handle faculty authored educational materials -- a touchy topic that exploded in recent weeks into a nationwide debate about academic freedom and soaring textbook costs.

In the region, at least 500 higher-education classes during the most recent school session are taught by faculty members who require students to use their published works, according to a Register analysis of public documents.

Sales of faculty-written materials at these schools could amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars for a single semester or quarter, assuming new copies are purchased in each case, based on the Register’s sampling of schools.

The priciest such text at Chapman in the most recent semester was law professor Michael B. Lang’s “Federal Tax Accounting,” which comes with a $206 price tag at the campus bookstore. It can be purchased on Amazon in used condition for about $100.

At Cal State University Long Beach, a new copy of “Language Learning Disabilities in School-Age Children and Adolescents: Some Principles and Applications,” co-written by professor Geraldine P. Wallach, sells for $197 at the campus bookstore. Online, the book can be rented for as low as $17.

“I think you bring upon yourself greater scrutiny when the book is not only expensive, but also happens to be written by a campus faculty member who benefits from its use,” said Meredith Turner, assistant executive director of the California State Student Association.

At least two schools in the county have rules in place to address the topic of faculty-authored course materials. Nationwide, some institutions, such as University of Missouri and Iowa State University, require academic authors to give any royalties back to the school, or to charity.

Cal State Fullerton has no such policy. Last week, the president of the roughly 39,000-student campus stood by the school’s decision to reprimand associate math professor Alain Bourget, who assigned less expensive alternative textbooks instead of a text co-written by the math department chair and vice chair.

Many faculty authors say they assign their books because they are experts in the field and are offering specialized knowledge. The profits argument is overblown, they contend, as typical royalties are meager and academic book advances are rare. The professors’ cut is often 10 percent to 18 percent, according to Stephen Gillen, a media and publishing attorney.

In fact, faculty authors in a class-action case in New York court allege royalty payments have essentially remained flat over the years while textbook prices have ballooned by more than 80 percent in the last 10 years, according to the lawsuit...
I don't have a problem with professors assigning their own textbooks. Actually, it's kind of cool to take a class with a professor who's a major published author.

I do have a problem if those same professors require less senior faculty to use their textbooks for classes offered by their academic department, which is what's happening at Cal State Fullerton. I'd be fighting that tooth and nail if I was dealing with it at my college.

Keep reading, in any case.

Kristen Keogh's Got Your Cooling Sunday Weather

The warm fall afternoons right now are spectacular.

Via ABC News 10 San Diego:

Robert Stacy McCain on William F. Buckley, Jr.'s, God and Man at Yale

I love Robert's writing.

See, "The Godless Men at Yale":
Every time I mention William F. Buckley Jr.’s God and Man at Yale here, it sells a few copies via the Amazon Associates link, a surprise that is both pleasant (because I need the money) and troubling, because it bugs me to realize that today, in 2015, there are conservatives who have not yet read that 1951 classic. Buckley’s book, published not long after he had graduated from Yale, immediately ignited a firestorm among the liberal elite. God and Man at Yale was published amid the Cold War tempest that history has called “McCarthyism,” and Buckley pointed out the ways in which “the superstition of academic freedom” was used to protect teaching that was clearly hostile to capitalism and Christianity...
Keep reading.

Here's the Amazon link to Buckley's book, God and Man at Yale: The Superstitions of 'Academic Freedom'.

For Enemies of the United States, the U.S. Navy is a Frightening Adversary

The "silent service," via Theo Spark:

Countdown to Black Friday Deals in Camera, Photo & Video

At Amazon, Shop - Countdown to Black Friday in Camera, Photo & Video .

Lovely India Reynolds Rule 5

She's still one of the most spectacular Page 3 models in Britain.

India Reynolds photo CLQ6Rv6WoAA2Lf__zps3g9jvhp2.jpg

Monica Sims for Playboy (VIDEO)

Flashback to September, at Egotastic!, "MONICA SIMS TOPLESS DIP AS PLAYMATE OF THE MONTH."

Why Trade Deals Are a Tough Sell

At the Wall Street Journal, "Why Opposition to Trade Deals Is So Entrenched":
HAMBURG—Few places have a longer affinity for free trade than this German city, home to one of Europe’s busiest ports.

The city’s left-leaning government overruled environmentalists in 2012 and approved deepening the Elbe River for bigger container ships. License plates boast of the city’s founding role in the Hanseatic League, a medieval alliance that was among the world’s first free-trade blocs.

But unease over new trade deals runs deep in Hamburg these days, as it does in the U.S. and across much of the developed world. The more aggressively leaders push to expand the reach of multilateral agreements into sensitive zones such as drug patents and investor protections, the more aggressively opponents push back.

Ire here is directed at portions of the proposed Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, or TTIP, which would join the U.S. and the European Union in a vast common market with more than 800 million of the world’s richest consumers.

The freshly completed Pacific trade deal between the U.S., Japan and 10 other countries has sparked similar outcries, underscoring the challenge of completing sweeping pacts that go far beyond eliminating tariffs—few of which exist between the U.S. and Europe...
Keep reading.