Friday, August 14, 2015

Rand Paul Goes on the Offensive Against Donald Trump

Rand Paul is doing poorly in the presidential race, really poorly.

He needs to do something to rekindle some support, so what better than to sock the man who's sucking all the oxygen out of the GOP tent?

Here's his new campaign video, "Rand Paul: "Telling It Like It Is'." (Via IJR, "One Candidate’s So Frustrated With Trump’s History of Democratic Support That He’s Taking to the Air.")

And see National Journal, "Rand Paul: Donald Trump Is a 'Bully' and an 'Empty Suit'."

Plus, from Robert Schlesinger, at U.S. News and World Report, "Grasping at Trump":
Is the 2016 GOP field starting to enter the second stage of dealing with Trump – moving from denial to anger? The latest signs include Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul's new declaration of war against the reality TV star, but that move may say more about how the freshman legislator views his own campaign than it does about how Trump's competitors view his novel candidacy.
BONUS: At iOWNTHEWORLD Report, "Rand Paul – “Trump is Not a Conservative”."