Friday, November 7, 2008

A New American Republic of Justice and Order

Pam Geller received this comment at her blog:

You people are pathetic!

Your racist fear mongering will not go unchallenged! Soon we will shut down your hate spewing web sites. We will confiscate your firearms. In prison, you will get an education on the error of your ways. We will take your children and raise them as our own and instill in them the values of social justice. We will have a new American Republic of justice and order for all!

You time is almost up! Prepare for the dung heap of history!
Pam didn't leave a link to the post, so readers can judge if this is genuine. But when I received the hate e-mail from a supposedly former "student," he signed off, "YES WE CAN!"

I'll have more tales from
the Obama cult as they come in.


  1. Ah yes, the fascists who speak of justice, peace or order, but leave out the word "freedom".

    The omission of the word "freedom" is a conscious act by all these fascist and communist (birds of a feather flock together) organizations. They are not trying to hide what they want to do.

  2. Norm,
    Great comment. We have to know that being on the outside is not a bad thing. We have a role and that is to hold these people accountable. Eventually the American people will feel buyer's remorse and come back. Until then, we must espouse our beliefs in a scholarly way and we will rally many to our philosophy. When we had the power we squandered it. Too much spending and government got too big. Most of W did was good, but these were not his finest moments. We need to get back to our Reagan Roots. I hope BO succeeds for the sake of the country, but I don't think his policies will work. We need to be the alternative.

  3. Yes, great comments, Norm! Thanks for visiting!

  4. Hi LOT:

    I'll always respect Bush for staying the course in Iraq, and not caving in to the doomsayers of defeat.

    We'll claw our way back, but it could be a while. Obama'll be formidible in 2012, even if the economy's still lousy.

  5. I guess freedom is the enemy of justice.

  6. Thanks for commenting, Shoprat!

  7. What scares me most is the (undeliverable) implied threat to shut down those websites who disagree with their point of view.
    Also, have you noticed that suddenly, any criticism of anything Obama says is now racist.
    I always thought that 'Democracy' had two arguments.
    It also seems to me that the author doesn't even fear his own Police State. Wait until he says 'now wait a minute', that first time.

  8. These comments disturbed me even more than those a blogger left on Obama's official website that all Jews should be put into ovens. Even after two Israeli news publications called the Obama campaign on the latter, those comments remained for four months. I didn't think anyone could top them for sheer chilling viciousness, but apparently someone has.

    And perhaps that's a good thing. Ten million complacent or disgruntled people failed to vote the Republican ticket last Tuesday, so now we get to deal with an Obama presidency. As a former lifelong Democrat, I'll use whatever verbal ammo I can to dissolve that complacency, and the threat of taking away Americans' children should go far in convincing people to get off the fence and take a stand with their votes.

    As the Republican Party re-defines itself, please remember that 2.5 million Dems voted Republican. Don't count us out next time around. We didn't vote against Obama -- we voted FOR McCain/Palin. Big difference.

    Appreciate your commentaries, by the way. I read them all.
