Friday, November 7, 2008

Obey Obama!

Via Tina Daunt, it turns out that Shepard Fairey, the Los Angeles Street artist who invented the "Hope" icon of Barack Obama - which captured the spirit of hope and change invested by millions of Americans in the Obama campaign - is busy creating a new set of "victory" seals to begin consolidating Barack Obama's cult of personality:

Obey Obama

Obey Obama

Fairey's website is entitled "Obey Giant," and includes subheadings labeled "Manufacturing Quality Dissent Since 1989," and "Propaganda Engineering."

Kim Jong Il
would be proud.


  1. As a graphic specialist myself that second seal is a nice piece of Art, however as you convey it's what's behind it that's scary.

    As that goes Lenin and Hitler had great propaganda makers as well Donald didn't they?

  2. Hi Ray!

    I love the artwork ... it's just the propanganda element that's freaky.

  3. Oh I knew you thought the art was nice Donald, and yessir it is the message that's dang freaky :)

    You know, What was really scary was when they were trying to get everyone to walk around making a big "O" over their heads, remember that goofball cult maneuver?

    The new and improved "Seig Heil"?

    That really freaked me out and fortunately never took off

  4. The whole cult of personality around Obama is whacked-out, Ray.

    As president, Obama needs to be very careful that the cult elements of his election don't overwhelm him, and the Democratic Party.
