Wednesday, December 3, 2008

We Must Trust Obama!

Via the Distant Ocean, "Obama Followers Patiently Awaiting Instructions":

Defending his unbroken string of establishment/hawkish/conservative appointments, the general speaks:

"What we are going to do is combine experience with fresh thinking. But I understand where the vision for change comes from. First and foremost, it comes from me. That's my job -- to provide a vision in terms of where we are going, and to make sure then that my team is implementing."

And a soldier responds (see the comments at the link), in words that really must be read in their entirety to be appreciated:

Obama is picking people with the toughness and experience to get things done. We should be more supportive of his choices. The way I see it, we (the people who support Obama) are like foot soldiers in a nonviolent war for revolutionary change. Like any good soldier, I must trust my commander. Obama is my commander (in-chief) and I trust him. Okay, so here's the tricky part. In a war, it is not the duty of a foot-soldier to develop the entire strategy for the war, nor is it the duty of a foot soldier to decide what orders to obey and which to disobey. No war could be won by an army governed by anarchy.

In this war, (against radical Right-wing government and social forces) it is up to Obama to craft a winning strategy, not us - the disorganized rabble. When we judge his strategy in a negative light, our criticism is ignorant, because we do not know what his full strategy entails. Keep in mind, it would be foolish, in a state of war, to simply divulge what that strategy is. So we must have faith in Obama and trust him. If we want change (and I know I do) then we must trust him, even when we feel we can't. We must see beyond our fears, and remember that sometimes it is more important to follow than to try to lead. The Left does not need more wannabe leaders and more petty infighting. It's like each of us has a piece of a puzzle, but only Obama can put the pieces together to create an image for our future.

This is really weird.

See also, "
Obey Obama!"


  1. Perfect Democrats. Totally mindless foot-soldiers of big brother.

  2. "Keep in mind, it would be foolish, in a state of war, to simply divulge what that strategy is."

    Now they agree with President Bush !

  3. Obama leads a cult following, not a political movement.

    But hey, Philippe says he has a law degree, so he must be smarter than us peasants.

  4. Wow! So much for dissent in America. We must trust in him. I'm surprised he didn't capitalize the "H." That is really creepy and strange. Sadly, he speaks for a large chunk of the country.

  5. You're not a terrorist, Donny.
    You're just silly.
    And you're losing.
    Those "universal values" may not be as universal as you think.

    You're right about one thing.
    The good guys usually win.

    Based on your silly cyberscribbles, I'm the enemy.

    Pleased to meet you.

    I'm wearing the white hat.
    I'm winning.

  6. Wow, they are SERIous...
    It's spooky... Are they not the ones who claimed that Bush was some kind of evil dictator, (which was really idiotic) but now here they are acting like drooling unquestioning automatons...
    Talk about Orwellian, this is far more frightening than eavesdropping on possible communications between terrorists! This is blind faith in someone that has NEVER been tested...

  7. Check out the trust index of Barack Obama and his cabinet members at Do you trust him?

    Trust-index for Barack Obama

    You can add any item you want to be rated by people from all over the world. Express your trust, and check out what others think about.
