Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Good Shall Not Perish From the Earth

I've become increasingly convinced that we have reached a new, epochal stage in the long-running cultural war in America.

The turning point was the November 4th election. It's not so much Barack Obama himself (although his election was certainly one of the biggest frauds ever imposed on this country). It's the larger creeping fog of political-correctness and postmodern moral equivalence that is like a gathering storm of death for this nation's historic vision of the moral good: Indeed, a left-wing cultural totalitarianism is fastening its grip on American society. From the
unquestioning media bias toward the Democratic presidential ticket, to the left's political demonization of anyone who respects and defends traditional culture, to the anti-democratic movement of the fringe masses to overturn a popular voter initiative in California, we today are witnessing the triumph of a cultural realignment that may very well end up destroying this nation.

Some time back, in the 1980s - and during a period of powerful Cold War tensions - I recall reading Jean-Francois Revel's, How Democracies Perish. I was young then, and still figuring out much about politics, but
the basic theme has stayed with me, thank goodness:

Democracy tends to ignore, even deny, threats to its existence because it loathes doing what is necessary to counter them. What we end up with in what is conventionally called Western society is a topsy-turvy situation in which those seeking to destroy democracy appear to be fighting for legitimate aims, while its defenders are pictured as repressive reactionaries. Identification of democracy's internal and external adversaries with the forces of progress, legitimacy, even peace, discredits and paralyzes the efforts of people who are only trying to preserve their institutions ...
The key for democractic survival is an unflinching will to stand for liberty and moral goodness, and, sadly, today I think this country may be losing its consciousness of clarity; the country is not comprehending the enormity of the impending battle, and it is losing the resolve to wage the fight that will come.

I write this from a very personal perspective, not just from what I see in the headlines. I have been writing overwhelmingly on moral questions facing the nation, for example, the controversy over the left's increasing strident program of imposing its culture on the rest of society, with particular reference to the No on H8 campaign that has created a climate
reminiscent to the Stalinist show trials of the 1930s.

For example,
I argued recently that the refusal among leftists to pledge allegiance to the flag was a classic manifestation of postmodern transnationalism and the repudiation of the American nation-state. That essay generated a very disturbing backlash, which I see as, frankly, the kind of creepy ideological entitlement cum totalitarianism that is truly representative of the country's internal enemies today.

One commenter in particular - who refused to actually engage the argument I had made at the post - became increasing belligerent and intolerant, to the point of
essentially calling me a terrorist:

... you just happened to pick a fight ... that not only were you wrong about, but which you proceeding to try to psychoanalyze your way around because it just never occurred to you that you, a upstanding, righteous conservative intellectual, could be wrong about anything.

And that is the problem, Donald. And that is why I called you out on it ....

And there is no weaseling your way out of this one, in the real world. Play games all you want to in your head. The fact is that you are being defensive on a matter that you are both wrong about and that you condescended this person's quite reasonable position of conscience and tried to intellectually strong-arm your way through by pretending that your disagreement was just an argument when, in fact, you had overtly argued that this person hated their country because they didn't agree with you and then tried to weasel your way around that by intellectualizing the whole exercise.

And then when you got called on the same, you backtracked instead of owning up.

And not owning up on these questions is exactly what is wrong with the world, right now, Donald. And it is exactly what leads to the nonsensical conclusion that power and not respect for conscience is necessary to avoid a regime where, in your words, "there will be no possibility of conscience, only death."

If I'm using too much intellectual muscle, here, Donald, I apologize. But I don't like watching people with intellect manipulating their way through conversations where they are insulting peoples' love for their country, where they are disrespecting their conscience, an argument about respecting conscience, doing so all in the name of preserving conscience, and just can't admit they are being a jerk ....

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is actually a kindred spirit with you, on this point. And he is wrong too. And I don't care how much power he wields. It will never be legitimate as long as it does used in the service of a more honest and decent conscience and as little as possible to boot.

The irony, Donald, is that you have more in common with those terrorists and despots that you rightly villify with that argument.
Actually, there's not much "intellectual muscle" there, but readers might want to check the comment thread to see what was so objectional to this person, but mostly, it was superior argumentation and the very moral clarity that this author outwardly rejects.

Now, as readers can see, the attacks in the comments are often relentless, and they've seemed to pick up even more with all of my recent writing and analysis on the Mumbai massacre.

But as I was reading
Snooper's recent post a light came on, reminding me once more that we now indeed battle demons internal to the nation, demons who will not relent in their program of hegemonic destruction of our culture and tradition.

Indeed, one of the commenters there has responded to this at his own blog, with a post entitled, "
Donald Douglas: Enemy of Americans." The main body of the entry is in the "Obey Obama" genre, that with the election of "The One," all partisanship must end, for anyone who continues to stand up for the moral beliefs is a traitor to a newly-created set of political standards. But this addtional commentary by the publisher, in the comments, is particularly macabre (referring to my concurrence in Snooper's moral outrage):

He didn't write those words [Snooper's]... He only quoted them approvingly.

Of course, the fact that Anyone who thinks those words were written by someone in his right mind is not in his/her, um, right mind. still stands.

And all the freakish namecalling done by either of 'em doesn't do a thing to change that "I hate my fellow Americans" thinkin' that's becoming so pervasive among some elements on the right.

That they find it impossible to work for the changes they seek in a positive way, & without attacking those who don't share their political & social goals, is just plumb sad. But this need to demonize "the other," whoever they may be, seems to be the only thing that keeps these types going. As long as they see us as an "enemy," rather than as fellow Americans who just don't share their politics, they have no need of common decency, which I guess makes them feel more powerful, or something.

I could never live my life that way, and I predict that they'll reap the same hatred they sow. Bright as Nero may be (& I happen to think he is, which makes him all the more pathetic), he lacks the human decency God should've given him, and the values America should've instilled in him. That he claims to speak for both, while understanding so little about either, baffles me. But in the end, I really feel sorry for him, living in a world he so reviles, and is so powerless to change to his liking.
Note something here, dear readers: I haven't attacked anyone in either of the posts I'm referencing. I have simply made (1) a logical argument on the implications of the rejection of the nation-state for the absence of patriotism on the left, and (2) a confirmation of Snooper's own sense of insanity at the nihilist destruction of this nation's soul.

I have no need to defend myself, in the long run, against these smears that I am a terrorist or that I've abandoned God's gift of decency. I am not and I have not. I am a loving family man and a caring teacher, and my values are affirmed every day when I see little bits of goodness in a prevailing environment broken loose from the moorings of eternal right.

But let me share an e-mail, by permission, from a newer reader to my blog, who contacted me before the election:

This is a thank-you note for your eloquence and reason on American Power. I am happy to have found your site.

Just as there are people whose beliefs were shaken and galvanized by September 11, there are (I suspect) many conservatives besides me who are now at a new higher level of civic involvement due to the stunning array of outrageous events this election year. A babyboomer, I have been a conservative since the days of Ronald Reagan (beliefs made even stronger by a year at U.C. Berkeley), but until this year I had never experienced such deep fear and concern for my country.

Normally my time is spent in a very different world, a tranquil one of art and fiction. I have no love for politics or civics, if the truth be known, but it's pretty hard to have an attitude of 'business as usual'.
This new, dear friend thanked me further, and pledged to add my page to her blogroll. But it's not the gratifying sense of moral recognition that's important here - as reaffirming as that is - it's this notion that my reader is not a political person - she is, in fact, a lover of art and literature - but one who is so shaken by the current times, that she is genuinely fearful of an approaching cultural apocalypse.

So then, let me just say to finish: There is a flame that is flickering, but it cannot be extinguished unless those of good will and values capitulate. Many traditionalists are now looking inward, and my hope is that from that introspection they will draw strength and be empowered by a new birth of righteous awareness that our roots are divine and just, and that the banishment of values from the public square will surely bring a wrath of evil upon this nation, and that the time is now to say, no ... the good shall not perish from the earth. That we, as Americans, will tolerate difference but will not countenance a hegmonic, evil destruction of universal American values.

The American democracy will endure only so long as people of right and faith reject the perversion of morals, language, and culture that we see in the current program of leftist totalitarianism across the land.


  1. One thing I've noticed about right winger like yourself is their penchant for creating an enemy from their own imaginations. Is there really such a thing as a secularist liberal? President elect Obama has made numerous politically incorrect remarks about his lineage. My favorite was when he said he had to see Bill Clinton dance before be able to determine if he was indeed a "Brother."
    You last sentence said American Democracy will only prevail if people of rigth and faith reject perversion and stuff of leftist totalitarians. Whom and where are these totalitarians? Does anyone that doesn't practice the same faith as you qualify as a leftist totalitarian? American culture is about diversity. Totalitarianism abhors diversity. After reading your manifesto I can only come to the conclusion that it is you Mr. Douglas that is the totalitarian.

  2. Well, Donald, you certainly have garnered a following of leftists who hate you. This tells me you're doing an outstanding job here.

    Keep up the great work!

    I am, of course, largely in agreement with you both on the need to fight the cultural battles, and to stop sitting on the sidelines and get involved.

    Do not worry; there are many of us of good faith and right values in northern Virginia who are actively involved and will make a difference.

    I read Revel's How Democracies Perish too, and it impressed me. The Cold War was raging, and it was an open question as to who would win.

    During this time I thought Orwell's 1984 was the better warning as to what we would face if we lost. Now I think it's Huxley's Brave New World.

  3. Dr.D,
    Just read your post and it confirms why I stop by your site several times a day. I think we all need to take stock of our lives periodically and it seems you are doing so. Sometimes our foundations are shaken and we need to identify those values that will serve as our strength to continue on the path that we must to live a good life. I know I feel rock solid in my faith, my family, my God and thank Him everyday that I can go to a career that I love and enjoy and for all the other people I value in my life. I've seen a lot of evil in my life, but I have never lost my faith in God to restore us as humans. As Ronald Reagan said, "After all, we are Americans." We are very fortunate that that is so. Keep fighting the good fight. You have a brother in me. God bless.

  4. I disagree with most of your writing. Does that make me a 'leftist totalitarian'? ...or just disagreeable? :)

  5. truth101, I think you "hit the nail on the head", for a lack of euphemisms, when you say "penchant for creating an enemy from their own imaginations....".

    I am also not comprehending why right-wingers, and apparent academics like this blogger are so Obsessive-compulsive in trying to point out to the rest of us "liberals (aka anyone that doesn't think like a neo-con right-winger), that there is "Evil" and somehow if we don't point to the guy with a gun and shout that he is "evil" we won't figure out the nature of the beast so to speak.

    Hooray to you for pointing out the obvious champ. Now if only we could use the same sort of outrage in pointing out the less obvious: Those who seek to exploit others under the guise of "democracy" and "freedom", we might have something to talk about. I am afraid some of you are too obsessed with your own "americanisms" to be honest about digging the bones out of your own closets.

    Justice is not only about stamping out the obvious outcasts and pariahs of our society. Its also about stamping out the not-so-obvious suit-and-tie sporting decision makers who create a pervasive and brutal incursion into the basic rights and freedoms of those without a piece of bread on their plate or a cup of clean drinking water.

    Justice is not about allowing 5% of the world's population (america), use 30% of the world's resources and create 30% of the world's waste

    51 of the 100 richest economies in the world are corporations.

    A handful of those are receiving 700 billion dollars with the sweep of the hand. Is this justice?

    Justice is also a two way street. The family in the westbank that have their houses blown apart by Israeli tanks for no reason other than "suspicion" of terrorism (ie we will do whatever the hell we please), is equally entitled to justice.

    Is it Justice to indiscriminately bomb and kill thousands of civilians to free 2 soldiers from Lebanese Hezbollah? Is this justice or revenge? Or stupidity?

  6. What has happened is that a portion of the Right seems to have taken leave of its senses. Glance at the Randall Hoven piece "Making the World Safe for Marxism" that Prof. Douglas links to. There we find Mr. Hoven saying things like "it is reasonable to infer that the Democratic Party is committed to carrying out the planks of The Communist Manifesto." (That's a very close paraphrase not verbatim.) Now why is this objectionable? B/c it is McCarthyite? No: Joseph McCarthy was never quite this crazy. It is objectionable b/c it reveals a complete lack of understanding. Anyone who has read Marx knows that the Dem Party has relatively little in common w Marx. I refer those interested to the post "History and 'History'" at my blog (which touches on this w/ specific reference to Marx's 'Critique of the Gotha Program'.)

  7. Thanks Tom:

    My son is reading Animal Farm currently, and he's been doing some exercises with me from his workbook. It reminds me when I read Orwell as a young man. Perhaps it's time to get some of those old paperbacks out.

    Thanks for your comments

  8. Law and Order Teacher:

    "Keep fighting the good fight. You have a brother in me. God bless."

    Your words mean a lot. Thank you.

  9. Thanks Grace!

    Oh, this is not the first time I've spoken of the cultural war, it just seem so acute lately.

  10. Whoa anonymous - hold up.


    Hiz'B'Allah actually deployed combat goodies in a hood chock full of innocent civilians - using them as intelligent shielding in the retarded rocket war of 2006.

    That's neither stupid, justice or revenge. That is a war crime.

  11. American culture is about diversity.

    Go to Kos, HuffPo, or DU, post a conservative viewpoint, and see how long such diversity is respected ... as opposed to ad-hommed, then deleted.

    liar101, the truth is not in you ... the Left has an affinity for imposing simplistic litmus tests to determine whether you are worth listening to or not ...

    ... state that the simple-spoken and non-credentialed have expressed more wisdom than the educated and erudite: you're an idiot.

    ... question man-made global warming: you're an idiot.

    ... question evolution: you're an idiot.

    ... express respect for those who take their God more seriously than a hobby or fad, realizing that not believing in God is just as much a leap in faith as this: you're an idiot.

    ... express a sense of fairness that includes a respect for personal responsibility higher than kindergarten-level, and is independent of pocket depth: you're an idiot.

    ... state that some who threaten life and liberty can only be effectively interdicted through force, and the sooner the better: you're an idiot.

    ... state that those "self-evident" truths this nation was founded upon are UNIVERSAL, transcend culture, are the basis for peace in nations around the world -- and therefore should be imposed by those nations upon their dysfunctional neighbors: you're an imperialist idiot.

    ... state that some things in life ARE Just. That. Simple ... and you are a big idiot.

    It is the lack of confidence in such "traditional" principles as those underlying the above "dissent", on the part of you and others, that has not only impeded "progress" towards prosperity for all, but has made the world less free ...

    ... and when people aren't free, peace is just an illusion ...

    ... and therefore, your lack of confidence in those traditional principles is not only anti-American, it is anti-humanity

    Y'all just don't like being called on it.


    Y'all think that because your guy won an election, the debate's over and your worldview won.

    GUESS AGAIN. You are exhibiting a hubris that is not reflective of reality, and will be your undoing ... and everyone's, if it goes unopposed.

    We aren't going to let that happen. See above.

    For a crowd that values diversity, I see a lot of faith-based conformity that flies in the face of objective history, instead ... conformity that is imposed through intimidation and force

    That smacks of a totalitarian worldview.

    So methinks the Professor has y'all pegged ... and has for years.

  12. Thanks for jumping in to the debate, Courtney!

  13. Philippe: What do you think? How do we confront evil?

  14. Rich:

    "We aren't going to let that happen."

    That is the issue. If society gives in to the relativism, and the left wing program of disarming to terror, society will let it happen.

    Thanks for fighting the good fight.

  15. Mr.Casebolt: you hae proven my point about right wingers amking up things to hate and fear. I wrote none of the things you infer about me. Unlike you from what I gather from your diatribe, I am happy to call a person of different faith than mine a fellow American. I am happy to call those that believe in evolution and man indued global warming fellow Americans. I don't expect anyone to be in complete agreement with me on each issue. I welcome diversity of opinion and backgound. Even yours my friend and fellow American.

  16. Making up things?

    You might want to look at the archives of this blog, where both the good Professor and I have been subjected to what I have described on a regular basis.

    You want to prove me wrong? Point me to where you have denounced the Left for the lack of diversity I illustrated. Otherwise, I think it is safe to say that you are a fellow-traveler with them.

    Too many like yourself reserve your outrage for only one side of the political aisle ... and/or strain at every gnat of conservative stridency, while swallowing the camels of death and destruction that are fed by the hypocricy of the Left like they are covered in butter.

    The two sides are NOT equal ... for only one embraces relativism, to the point that they refer to those who take a stand on objective principle as "haters", instead of dealing with the underlying principle on its own merit.

    I will say it again: those who ...

    ... regardless of political affiliation ...

    ... and for WHATEVER reason, from true ethnic/religious hatred, or anti-government paranoia, or a desire to create a world where one's own irresponsibility will not be challenged, all the way to a highbrow illusion that we are somehow "beyond" them ...

    ... undermine the universal application of those "self-evident truths" this nation was founded upon; truths that have brought peace and prosperity wherever they are applied, are both anti-American and anti-humanity.

    Even then, while they are my adversaries, they are not my enemies ... until they seek to impose their will upon me by force.

    But I oppose what they have in store for my nation and my civilization, nonetheless ... and, unlike in past times, I and others will not let you use a call for "civility" to re-frame the debate and dodge the fundamental issues that affect life and liberty.

    We did that for many years, and effectively ceded the battlefield of ideas to the hypocritical "enlightened" ... but no more ...

    ... for we won't get fooled again.

  17. "My son is reading Animal Farm currently, and he's been doing some exercises with me from his workbook. It reminds me when I read Orwell as a young man. Perhaps it's time to get some of those old paperbacks out."

    Am I the one who has to point out that Orwell was a raving socialist? He also opposed the creation of Israel. I'm not excusing him, just pointing out some history.

    "I think the best way to confront evil is to create a better and juster world."

    Phillipe: This is why myself, and a huge majority of Americans voted against the failed Conservative notions. Obama is our best hope. He represents the future. I hope you all come on board, instead of being sore losers.

    Donald: This post is unhinged. You are outraged by the loss of whoever it was that ran against Obama, and are unable to focus on what good may come of the following 8 years. Not a good loser, are we?

    I have to say that the choices Obama has made so far are encouraging. It's nice to see someone take charge, instead of being taken charge of.

  18. You continue down your path of an imaginary war on an enemy created by your imagination Mr. Casebolt. Who are these enemies of Ameria you despise. Tell us who they are and this liberal will join you in a good taunting of them. All Americans share your loathing of real enemies like Al Queda. I just respectfully ask you to show us a real live secular liberal or one of the other enemies that appear only in your imagination.

  19. Rich, I would prefer you put your repetitive posts into a song format. Something a bit more entertaining.

    You do know you say the same thing every time, right?

    We don't get fooled again.

  20. Ayyy Yes "great Satan..."

    makes the ole "collateral damage argument"

    You're just joking right? Lets just hope its a joke, in consideration to people's sanity.

  21. You do know you say the same thing every time, right?

    Then I'm in good company when you show up, Tim (and your timing is good, as you are one of those adversaries I was talking to T101 about) ... y'all on the Left keep wanting us to repeat the same, failed policies over and over again, from re-establishing the command economy/welfare state of the 1970's, to re-establishing the passive, impotent defense policies in the face of Islamofascist terrorism that were the conventional wisdom prior to 11 September 2001.

    However, I do notice that Mr. Obama is deviating a little from that SOP ... and that is good.

    Mark my words, Tim ... the success of Mr. Obama as an effective President, will be in direct proportion to how much that deviation from his campaign rhetoric ... i.e. your aspirations for this nation ... continues.
