Monday, December 1, 2008

America's Enemies Within

Please enjoy this passage from Mark Harvey, aka Snooper, and his essay, "America: The Enemies Within and Without":

I have been preaching this on my Soap Box for nearly 30 years now as those that know me will attest; many in recent years. Make no mistake, people. The Marxists of this world would love nothing better than to slaughter the Eagle. And, to those that created the environment that enabled a Marxist to get "elected" - via voter and campaign fraud unchallenged - I have many things to say but primarily, may you rot in hell and I hope I have the pleasure of sending you to your final destination. There is no forgiving you...not in my lifetime.

America used to know who she was at one time. In recent times, we knew for nearly a whole month. Then, the anti-Americanists of Code Whore Pink Sluts and Pigs and other such Marxist shits oozed from under their spider holes and began their usual nonsense ... as their mommies and daddies did while toking on a number and digging on the radio. It would behoove all to go here and find out what it really is the government does for you...and to you. And, everyone should count their blessings for having the honor of living in the still greatest Nation on Earth, the America bashing sycophants of the new world order aside and not withstanding.
This post is inspired by two angry anti-American commenters at this blog, commenters who have called me a "hater" and "terrorist" because of their inability to rebut the opinions I have expressed: Ben Sutherland and James Casper.

When I first read Snooper's piece, Ben and James came immediately to mind.


George Bruce said...

Well, I would not chose the same words. However, there is no doubt in my mind that the Left can be divided into two groups. The first is those who wish to destroy or diminish America. All the others are useful idiots.

AmPowerBlog said...

No George, I generally don't use such colorful language, but my outrage is commensurate with Snooper's.

Thanks for visiting.

Mark Harvey aka Snooper said...

Thanks for the link and I don't want to give the wrong impression.

I swore an Oath in the service of my Nation. On a particular mission, I carried a wounded man on my shoulders - actually strapped on - for two days in a running fire fight. We won. Most of us survived (long story) but my friend did not. I lost a body part, considered "minor".

I return from a war to fight another here at home and that war is going to cost blood. People die and I am willing and the libtards are not. That is why they whine when I speak as I do.

I find it "ironic" that for the last 8 years the libtards have said much worse and they seem to think it was OK. It was not. Now, one of their opposition speaks as they did and do and it is apparently "shocking" and "bothersome".

The DNC Double Standard is quite comical.

A war will happen here in the States because of these Marxist assholes and I am calling them out...every single one.

The question is, will they be willing to give their all for their cause? I am very curious about that.

repsac3 said...

I don't know who I feel more sorry for; snooper (who served his country at least, but returned with such hatred for his fellow citizens), or Donald, who appears to come by it all naturally, and without any similar sacrifice.

Ben Sutherland said...

All I can say, Donald, is...


Let me just put out there, Donald, that intellectual honesty has some value in the vocation your practice. I would spend some time thinking about how to get more honest, intellectually or otherwise.

Or you could hole yourself up in an ideological cocoon and refuse to come out until everyone agrees with you.

But be warned that that second route is not a route of courage, intellectual or otherwise.

I'd think long and hard about that one, Donald. For your own sake.

AmPowerBlog said...

You're pathetic, Repsac3.

I serve my country ever day teaching students, many of whom are the first in their families to go to college.

The most disadvantaged ones, and those who have served, thank me for my instruction and moral integrity, and they share with me their shame at anti-Americans like yourself.

AmPowerBlog said...

Ben: I can't believe they let you in a classroom:

"that intellectual honesty has some value in the vocation your practice."

God man, proofread before you post. You look like an idiot, which is really bad on top of your anti-Americanism.

This post is dedicated to you and Repsac3. I think Snooper is referring to you in his writing, and the more you attack me for "intellectual honesty," the more you prove you have none.

AmPowerBlog said...


I'm not going to tolerate your profanity in my comment threads, Ben.

You are a poser, not a conservative, which again illustrates your total absence of integrity.

repsac3 said...

I serve my country ever day teaching students

God man, proofread before you post. You look like an idiot, which is really bad on top of your anti-Americanism.

Perhaps the guy who wrote the first quote ought to pay more attention to the guy who wrote the second one.

(Alternatively, both guys might consider not making a big thing out of the innocent typos that happen to every one of us, occasionally...)

((And Donald... Are you really saying that your "service" to your country is in any way comparable to Snooper's, who lost a "minor" body part as a result of his service. Have you no shame left at all?))

AmPowerBlog said...

"Are you really saying that your "service" to your country is in any way comparable to Snooper's...

Not at all. I'm saying that you're making a spurious comparison, and all the more cynical since you're anti-American and detest the U.S. military.

I have Iraq veterans in my classes, and they've told me personally that people like you make them sick.

Go back to LGM or Kos, or wherever it is you like to bash the U.S.

Snooper pegged you man, and you're really showing it. What a disgrace to our nation, Rep-Bashmaster.

Anonymous said...

That is very strange, but the master of this blog seems to have forgotten a key part of this staunchly pro-american article. And they call dems anti-american!!

I am still holding out hope that Texas, the Republic of Texas, will divorce itself from the mutants in DC. We have our own oil and gas reserves that will take care of us for enough time for the mutants in DC to die off and their siblings and offspring as well. We have our own power grids. We have the largest militia in the defunct Union and we have won every war in our history and then some. Like Texas Fred says:

Please note that Texas is the only state with a legal right to secede from the Union. We Texans love y’all, but we’ll probably have to take action since Barack Hussein Obama won the election. We’ll miss you too."

repsac3 said...

Don't just accuse, man... Show it. Quote me bashing the US, or being "anti-American." Otherwise these words join all the others you've written about liberals as just more of your tinhat-induced arm-flailing at the voices in your head.

Deny & rephrase all you like... People can read what you wrote, Donald.

I commended Snooper for his service & sacrifice (though not his political opinions), & you replied by saying you "serve your country ever day teaching students..." So who made the "spurious" comparison, and what exactly did you mean by doing so, if it wasn't to say you're service is as commendable (or as brave, or as noble) as his?

repsac3 said...

Read further, sekant. Snooper isn't the only anti-American secessionist attracted to Nero's writings of late...

Grace is starting her own "American" Theocracy, and no one here seems to mind a bit...

Rich Casebolt said...

You are a poser, not a conservative, which again illustrates your total absence of integrity.

Couldn't agree more, Professor ...

... for I noted that while ol' Ben has been exhorting you to remove alleged logs from your eyes, there were a bunch of Sequoias in front of his face that he was ignoring ...

... like the fact that the Leftist/"realist" brand of "diplomacy" he so stridently promotes was the dominant course of action applied to the Middle East over the last three decades, yet produced virtually no sustainable positive outcomes ...

... OTOH, in other areas of the world where our leaders ignored critics like him and combined diplomacy with credible confrontation, we saw millions liberated, and both tensions and arms stockpiles reduced.

Not to mention that he ignores the three decades of effective INACTION that made both OIF and OEF inevitable ... from the refusal of the world to see the conflict in Iraq decisively finished in 1991 (leading to the famous Twelve Year Rush to War) ... to the refusal to deal with the acts of al Quada as acts of war.

Now, I will admit the biggest error the Bush Administration made regarding Iraq ... from the day that statue fell until the Ready First started cleaning up Ramadi and Awakening the Iraqi people to the idea that we would stand with them ... this Administration was always fighting this war as if it was walking on eggs, being overly sensitive to media perceptions and always looking around for the next available, viable exit..

And you know who encouraged such thinking ... just as they encouraged another President Bush to pull up short in 1991?

Those who share the thinking of ol' Ben, repsac, and other critics.

Just because this election was settled in your favor, critics, does not make you right. It just means you may relearn the lessons of history ... the hard way, in the process running up a bill in blood and treasure that no bailout will resolve.

Critics ... be careful what you ask for ...

... for what you may get, through your lack of confidence in those "self-evident" truths as being applicable to ALL MEN to increase the peace, may be far worse than what you seek to blame Mr. Bush for ...

... and far more anti-American -- and anti-humanity -- in the final analysis.

Mark Harvey aka Snooper said...

Poor trolls. I didn't come back with hatred for my fellow citizens. I cam e back to find my Nation being given away to the enemies within. Get a clue moron.

Mark Harvey aka Snooper said...

Mr Douglas DOES in fact serve this Nation in his vocation. One doesn't need to "serve" in the military to serve one's Nation.

Doug's War Zone is a crucial one and I applaud him for sticking with it.


Mark Harvey aka Snooper said...

I see that the rezident Kossacks have failed to learn of our history. The USA was BORN from secession and that is our saving grace to rid this Nation once and for all of the Leftinistra, the armies of the socialist (progressive-communist) elements within our own borders.

When one tries to reconcile the tenets presented by these socialist sycophants with the US Constitution, one soon finds that they cannot. That makes them diametrically opposed to the Constitution and if we cannot be allowed to redress our grievances without some idiot on the left whining about it, there is only one course of action to take. And that action is what followed the Boston Tea Party.

I am ready and willing. Are you?

Ben Sutherland said...

I have to say that it is scary watching how sincerely and without even a moment of honest reflection that people drink their own koolaid.

Lord Acton was talking about the very kinds of folks on this blog. That's why your boy lost, why the most credible conservative publications internationally - The Economist, The Financial Times, etc. - all supported the Democrat in this election (I'm sure biting gaping wounds into their financial tongues, as did I), and that is how progress gets made despite every lunatic who thinks they have finally divined wisdom from their own bunghole pretending to have more serious thoughts than they really have.

I can't possibly imagine confusing such self-righteous posturing with something more honest or wise. Jesus was talking exactly about you fools, if you had even an ounce of courage to consider it. That's what got him killed. That he was willing to challenge fools like you. I'm just sorry that he didn't get to live to see that some things never change.

The beautiful thing about a liberal democracy, Donald, is that even when dumbasses can't come to terms with their own failures of policy and outlooks on the world, everyone else can. And noone has to sit around and wait, fruitless, for you to honestly consider all or any questions without already having all the answers.

You must have been a serious pain in the ass as a kid. And I can't even imagine what horror it must to be sit through even one class with you. I would audit your class and roast you every single class session, if I had the time, Donald Douglas.

But, alas, it would be such easy sport. And there are actually important things to be done in the world.

So I'll let you get back to your koolaid, Professor.

AmPowerBlog said...

Delusions of grandeur, Ben.

You're a champion of liberty in your own mind, but a nihilist tyrant in reality.

Mark Harvey has you down cold. This post is perfect for you. Now go back to your hell hole. You're a sick troll, frankly, and I've long ago shown you're woefully unable to keep up intellectually with the big boys.

Bye now...

repsac3 said...

"Mr Douglas DOES in fact serve this Nation in his vocation. One doesn't need to "serve" in the military to serve one's Nation."

Of course he does, Snoopy... Those who teach are in a profession that is vastly underpaid & under-appreciated. I believe there are few professions more worthy of praise than teaching.

And Snoop, if you really believe there's no difference between what you did & what a college professor does, more power to you, but if that's the case, you're in the vast minority left & right. Most of us think those who risk their lives for a living and intentionally run toward the danger most run away from are a special breed, and deserve a bit of extra recognition and glory, even when compared to teachers...

While both you and I believe it is serving one's country to teach, it doesn't entail anywhere near the same kinda sacrifice or bravery that soldiers face, and it ain't even in the top ten professions most of us think of when a man stands up (figuratively, in this case) & declares that he has served his country. Maybe teaching should be one of the professions we all think of, right alongside the soldier, the sailor, the police officer, the paramedic, and the firefighter. But it ain't, and you, me, and everyone else reading these words knows it... ...except perhaps Donald, who seemed to need to rub some of that vicarious soldier glory on him without ever leaving the safety of his classroom or his blog.

Kudos to you for giving him a pass on what most of us consider to be slander & chickenhawkery at it's finest, & for mouthing the words about teachers, whether or not you actually believe them to be true.

(Personally, I find it hard to fathom that you'd say the same were it QuakerDave or any of the other liberal teachers & professors in our midst who commented that, just like a soldier, they've served their country by teaching. But I'll believe it until you give me reason to believe otherwise... Maybe you really are that modest about your own accomplishments, and as awestruck about the teaching profession as you claim to be... Who knows?)

As far as secession from the union, I think it's the coward's way out, (real patriots fight to make and keep the values of the country they love, rather than slinking off & forming their own little world order like the Michigan Militia & other "compound deep in the woods" crackpots) but by all means go, if that's how you feel... (Personally, I think Texas is too smart & too patriotic to ever again break this nation apart, and it'll end up being you, TxFred, Grace, and a smattering of other equally unhappy, unhinged folks out on the road to Nowhere, USfirstSA, but by all means get yourselves going, so the loyal Americans who love this land can get busy living up to the values that've always made the USA the bastion of freedom, equality, and liberty it has always been, and ever shall be...)

(O)CT(O)PUS said...

The most disadvantaged ones, and those who have served, thank me for my instruction and moral integrity, and they share with me their shame at anti-Americans like yourself.

Beware: Persons who make self-congratulatory claims like this should not be believed or taken at face value without independent verification. Any Internet buffoon can make up stuff like this. It takes a discerning reader to see through the facade.

Mark Harvey aka Snooper said...

Beware: idgits like octagonbrain is an idgit.