Saturday, January 3, 2009

Anti-Americans in Our Midst

This photo, from This Ain't Hell, shows protesters in Washington, D.C., marching at a rally sponsored by INTERNATIONAL Answer. That's a Hamas flag in the middle. A pro-Palestinian activist attacked a counter-demonstrator at the event.

ANSWER Protest D.C.

These people are neo-Stalinists allied with militant Islam to destroy the West. There's no other way to put it. Folks on the left are mounting deathly moral equivalence. They place the onus on Israel and are more than willing to condone, even encourage, the deaths of Palestinian civilians if that brings international condemnation on the Jewish state. I've written about this many times, so folks know where I stand, and you can be sure I'll continue to bring updates. Meanwhile, Scott at Powerline has a great piece up, "America's Fifth Column":

The United States obviously has a substantial number of citizens and residents who support America's Islamist enemies. Many of them are to be found on the leftover left, which has embraced a weird alliance with radical Islam.

Many of them are to be found among Arab and Muslim immigrants who identify with our enemies. Among these some are to be found within the Arab/Muslim "civil rights" and charitable front groups such as the late Holy Land Foundation, CAIR, and other of the unindicted co-conspirators in the criminal prosecution of the Holy Land Foundation. The flow of immigrants who identify with America's enemies should have been stopped in the immediate aftermath of 9/11.

When the Fort Dix Five were convicted of conspiring to kill American soldiers, CAIR and the American Muslim Union attacked the jury's verdict. "Many people in the Muslim community will see this as a case of entrapment," the executive director of CAIR's New Jersey chapter told the local media. The president of the American Muslim Union also questioned the jury's decision. He asserted that the defendants didn't "actually mean to do anything." According to him, "they were acting stupid, like they thought the whole thing was a joke."

As I wrote in
"Coming clean about CAIR," CAIR is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood that was founded as a Hamas front group. Bill Roggio points out that four current and former senior leaders of the American Muslim Union were associated with a mosque established by the Holy Land Foundation. The Holy Land Foundation was of course the American fundraising arm of Hamas.

Israel's offensive against Hamas has naturally brought some of these folks out into the streets. CAIR and other Islamist groups have been organizing public expressions of support for Hamas and condemnation of Israel in the United States.
We noted one such demonstration led by CAIR in Minneapolis earlier this week. Now Phyllis Chesler has compiled an account of other such demonstrations supporting Hamas elsewhere around the United States.
Check the link for the video at Powerline.


  1. I agree. No Muslim immigrants. They hate us, they hate our nation, they hate everything about the West. Oh, yeah. No Muslim President either(Toolate.)

    I think we'd all like for things to remain sane, calm, and rational. However, please take another look at the reality of the evil of our domestic enemies. Staying in this nation unmolested and free is no longer going to be an option.
    There are foreign interests and domestic enemies who want us taken out of the industrial age and brought back to a 3rd world nation. All of this "global warming" stuff... it's going to create incredible hardship. Also, we're already going to slip into incredible economic hardship.

    We're going to need protection from the policies and activities of these people. Secession will become a mainstream solution, imo.

  2. Grace: You're going to have to explain how succession will work. Do you have a post on it at your blog?

  3. Don, Grace and I are hammering out her succession plans back at my place. I think it's coming along quite nicely.

  4. Donald,

    You asked about my view of secession on a different thread. I'll post my response here so maybe you see it.

    Secession will actually result by economic necessity, imo. That's going to be the bottom-line. Yet, it will be the Lord. First, imo, there will be a Great Awakening. Great Awakenings are not merely "revivals"; they bring broad sweeping cultural and political change (as the word is defined).

    I think that there will be a Great Awakening and there will be incredible economic ruin here in the USA. Also, there will be extreme decisions made which cause Americans to fear for their national security under an Obama administration. This combined with rising negatives towards our Christian faith are all going to combine with other factors.

    Basically, people in the given states will support secession. The representatives will support secession at a State level. It will be a cultural/political shift that occurs. The Great Awakening will facilitate it, also, because there will be incredible conviction on the Christian church that their primary loyalty, allegiance, and identification is with God. As this primary identification grows in powerful conviction in the Holy Spirit - the ties to this world in national patriotism will be tipped in a different "balance". The Christians will feel a very strong impetus that they must have a nation under God - that is primary - and former allegiance to this United States of America will become inconsequential as they awaken towards God and their Christian duty to serve Him. (Persecution may "heat up" and further motivate people. Concern for the Civilian National Security Force Obama has discussed may "heat up" the matter - any efforts at gun control, etc., etc., etc.)

    But there will be a basic "paradigm shift" and a strong sense of danger and a firm promise of provision even as the USA experiences lacks. Basically, there will be many motivating factors which will eventually hit a "strike point" or a "tipping point"... and the collective consciousness of Christian community in the USA will fundamentally change.

    The States and the people will also have a resurgence of understanding of the 10th Amendment and the power of State sovereignty, how wrong it is for the central Government to national laws imposed on states. The States will see their right to secede to say "enough is enough" to basic, imo, Marxist national socialism that is coming more powerfully in the overthrow of our Constitution, our rights, and oru freedoms and liberties.

    So, the people and the States in majority will support secession and it will be the will of the people.

    That's in general terms how I see it advancing. Once the will of the people is established under God, then I believe God will be so "for" the people and secession - because it does line up with His Word - that God will protect the seceding states and people. I do not see "war" occurring as the result of secession. I see WMD's hitting the UN-USA (meaning it will not be the real USA anymore - and it will be surrendering Sovereign status, imo). (That move towards the surrender of Sovereign status to a global union via the UN, etc. will also motivate secession.)

    So that's what I see, but can't say I "know" exactly how it will occur. But as the pressures mount and the motivating circumstances increase, and spiritual awakening occurs which "breaks" ties to this world, it's "kingdoms" and the union of this present nation of states (there will be a paradigm shift and a sense of urgency to separate from a "sitting duck" nation going to ruin adn threatening the safety of Christians, imo, and perhaps all citizens - but it will be the Christians who note and want to escape the disasters they see increasing and coming)....the concept of secession will become mainstream in the near future, imo.

