Saturday, January 3, 2009

Cease-Fire Erodes Israel National Interest

Israel's campaign in Gaza continues with the anticipated ground incursion today. There are some questions, however, as to what the Olmert/Livni/Barak triumvirate hopes to achieve strategically. I doubt we can expect a Sherman march to Egypt, for example, although that's what I'd prefer to see. 

Caroline Glick's got a big essay up on Israel's war aims. It turns out that they're not as unconditional as we might expect given the ferocity of the initial airstrikes:

Since Tuesday it has become clear that the Olmert-Livni-Barak government has decided to end the war with Iran's Hamas proxy army in Gaza as quickly as possible. That is, the government has decided to lose the war.

Most Israelis are unaware of this state of affairs. In an obvious attempt to bolster the popularity of Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni and Defense Minister Ehud Barak ahead of the February 10 general elections, the local media have spent the six days since the government launched Operation Cast Lead praising the government's competence and wisdom, and declaring victory over Hamas after every IAF sortie in Gaza.

What the media have declined to notice is that the outcome of the war will not be determined by the number of Hamas buildings the IAF destroys. The outcome of this war - like the outcome of all wars - will be determined by one factor only: Which side will achieve the goals it set out for itself at the outset of the conflict and which side will concede its goals?

Depressingly, the current machinations of the Olmert-Livni-Barak government demonstrate that when the fighting is over, Hamas and not Israel will be able to declare that it accomplished its goals.

Israel is entertaining a proposal from the European Union for a cease-fire, and here's Glick's key section:

BEFORE THE Olmert-Livni-Barak government accepts the EU cease-fire, it is worth noting three strategic problems with what they are doing. Taken together and separately, all three will lead Israel to defeat in this confrontation with Hamas.

The first problem with the EU proposal is that it takes for granted that all of Hamas's demands must be met in full. That is, Israel is beginning these negotiations from a point of weakness whereby it has already effectively accepted Hamas's demands and conceded its own.

The second problem with the decision to accept EU mediation is that by doing so, the government is compelled to ignore and indeed justify the EU's underlying and deep-seated hostility toward Israel. The very fact that the EU accepted Hamas's demands from the outset demonstrates clearly that the EU cannot be an honest broker between the warring factions.

Here it is important to recall just what Hamas is. Hamas is an illegal terrorist organization and an Iranian proxy that is conducting an illegal terror war against Israel. The EU is arguably committing a war crime by accepting Hamas as a legitimate side to a dispute. In turn, by accepting the EU as a legitimate interlocutor, Israel itself gives credence to the view that Hamas is a legitimate actor.

On a practical level, by accepting the EU's authority to mediate under these conditions, Israel has effectively foregone from the outset any chance of achieving its own cease-fire demands. After all, to reach a cease-fire with Hamas that includes Israel's demands that Hamas end its weapons smuggling operations, forgo control over international borders and end its missile offensive against Israel, the EU would have to throw out the draft it just voted to accept. And it would have to reverse its political direction and abandon Hamas in favor of Israel. The chance that this will happen is quite close to zero.

The third strategic failure inherent in Israel's decision to negotiate a truce is Israel's demand for an international monitoring force to verify compliance with the cease-fire agreement. This demand is self-defeating because such a force will only harm Israel's national interests. This is the clear lesson of both the EU's past monitoring mission at the Rafah terminal and of UNIFIL forces in southern Lebanon.

In the case of the EU monitors at Rafah, as The Jerusalem Post recalled in an editorial on Wednesday, during the period when they were deployed at the terminal, the EU monitors turned a blind eye to the very terror traffic they were supposed to be preventing. At the same time, they condemned Israel for taking any action to defend itself and downplayed the threat Hamas constitutes for Israel. In short, the EU monitors sided with Hamas against Israel at every turn.

In the case of UNIFIL forces in Lebanon, the situation is little different. UNIFIL routinely condemns the IAF for carrying out reconnaissance flights over Lebanon aimed at keeping tabs on Hizbullah arms smuggling operations that UNIFIL does nothing to prevent. They also demand that Israel surrender the town of Ghajar to Lebanon despite the fact that it is part of sovereign Israel. Beyond that, UNIFIL forces have sat back and allowed Hizbullah to rearm and reassert control over some 130 villages along the Israeli border. Far from enforcing the UN-mediated cease-fire, UNIFIL acts as a shield behind which Hizbullah prepares for its next round of war against Israel.

IN LIGHT of all of this, it is apparent that today the Olmert-Livni-Barak government is conducting cease-fire negotiations from a position of great weakness. It has accepted the mediation of a hostile interlocutor. And its primary demand in those negotiations is antithetical to the national interest.


  1. "cease-fire ???" Israel is taking Real Estate as we speak.

    Watch and learn kiddies....

    the IDF is gonna show ya how its done.

    The beauty of a defensive operation brought on by "incursion" is its legitimacy.

    Reason 1. why pre-emptive strikes sound good, but accomplish so little.

    Tell your students to pay attention Dr.....they jest might learn something

  2. Whoops....Straykat is my wifes ....

    Errrr ...this is "cracker"...not "Straykat" over.

    Previous transmission Repeat from Cracker over.

  3. I don't think they blog, Philippe.

  4. While I do not agree with all of Israel's policies, the incursion into Gaza is one that is long overdue. How long should they wait while a terrorist organization fires rockets repeatedly into their backyard before they retaliate. It is unfortunate that innocent people are caught in the cross fire but remember that Hamas has been firing rockets at innocent people for years and the world said nothing condoning the practice. So now when Israel defends itself it is bad. If a terrorist group was to fire rockets at London, Paris or Rome, do you think those countries would just sit back and do nothing. Some may say that Hamas is fighting for a return of their lands but who attacked whom? How did those lands wind up in Israel's possession in the first place? How quickly we forget the chain of events that led up to this nightmare. And to add insult to injury, Hamas took over Gaza by force killing their own brethren. They do not care much for life and are putting their own people in harms way by entrenching themselves into the civilian populations. Plus, the population voted them into power and condone their actions so how innocent are they?

    Instead of having outrage against Israel for not wanting daily rockets to land in their cities, where is the outrage for the Hamas government that is putting their people in harms way? Where is the outrage for allowing them to continue their terrorist activities without any ownership of their actions? Where is the outrage for not honoring a brokered peace agreement? How can you trust a group that has no respect for life, it's people or the world? They do not want peace and made that very clear. They have one goal and it is to eliminate all Jews. How is that OK with the world?
