Saturday, January 3, 2009

Andrew Sullivan and Gaza

Andrew Sullivan, as far as I'm concerned, long ago went over to the dark side. So I find it interesting that Yaacov Lozowick (who is a new blogger to me) is suggesting that Sullivan's new to peddling some serious moral equivalence. From Lozowick:
For those of you who are interested in such things (if you're not, that's also fine): Andrew Sullivan is crossing over to the anti-Israel camp. He has made larger changes in the past, as he moved from supporting George Bush to drawing his information from Juan Cole, but when it came to Israel, he's been alright. No longer. He's wavering hard, and it's pretty clear which side he's going to fall to once he stops wavering.
He's not wavering, actually, but see Noah Pollak's post for a explanation of what this is all about (via Memeorandum).


  1. Everyone who is for Obama has gone over to the dark side.

    Some say he's a "Magic Negro".

    I say he's the "Prince of Darkness" incarnate.


  2. Well, I don't know if everyone's gone over, Grace, although a good number certainly have.

  3. Had too much wine and decided to check in: these are the seeds of insanity you've sown with your tacit approval, Don. She's exactly the sort of acolyte you've cultivated and deserve to put up with. I'm having another glass. Late.

  4. It's a classic Sullivanian pattern. Lack of perfection leads to disillusion and finally an embrace of the antithesis of everything he previously believed. The real world is too messy for Andy. Anyone who selectively applies modern “just war theory” to the Israelis is already setting the stage.

  5. JBW... lol.

    I've actually come to enjoy your sense of humor. Just don't get toooo biting with that sardonic wit.

    If a person can't laugh at the apocalypse... what can they laugh at?? I hope the wine helps.

