Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Can Sarah Palin Save Her Career?

I'm not asking the question. I saw it at Hot Air the other day, "Fox News question of the day: Can Palin save her political career?" Allahpundit's got a readers' poll at the link, and 7 out of 10 say she's fine. Not representative, of course, but it's good to know rightroots folks still love her, because she's getting a closer look from the punditocracy. Here comes Paul Bedard, for example, with this juicy passage (via Memeorandum):

Worse than Dan Quayle before her, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's bright star has fast faded in the eyes of Washington Republican officials and analysts, calling into question her efforts to become a national party figure ready to run for the White House. "She's just not ready for prime time," said a party strategist who has worked for former President Bush. "I mean, she's starting to look like she's having trouble being governor of Alaska." At issue is her weak debut, hampered by the mishandling of her by Sen. John McCain's campaign, and subsequent family issues such as the most recent tiff with Levi Johnston, the father of her first grandchild and ex-fiancé of her daughter Bristol.
It's a little early to write off Governor Palin. Her first week in the national spotlight was enough to wilt even seasoned political candidates. And when Palin has troubles, the conservative grassroots rallies to her side. She'll be out there in force for the 2012 GOP primaries, without a doubt. We've got a long way to go, and she'll be going up against folks like Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney, and perhaps Newt Gingrich. They've all been under the spotlight, and some of the controversies surrounding these three are more damaging than anything Palin's likely to face going forward. We'll be seeing moves by Bobby Jindal and Tim Pawlenty, as well - who knows who else? We're in the pre- pre-primary phase of Republican nomination politics, and anything can happen (just ask Howard Dean).

The key to watch is Palin's gubernatorial reelection bid in 2010 (the Juneau Empire notes that Palin has yet to announce her intentions on reelection). Her policies and scandals will be aired statewide, and then nationally on top of that. If she returns to the Alaska statehouse she'll have the wind at her back for her llikely 2012 presidential run, and she can continue to build long-term experience for her presidential resume. She's young and likely to be a force in Republican presidential politics for the next decade, at least.

Keep abreast of Palin's political life at Conservatives for Sarah Palin.


  1. Sarah Palin scares the hell out of the libtards and the democrats in drag in the GOP. Screw them.

  2. As far as I'm concerned, she's fine. She wasn't the cause of the media and leftist blogger assault against her, and if you can find a politician with an unblemished family, that would be an achievement. I didn't vote for McCain, I voted for Sarah, and I wanted to vote for her long before he picked her. God willing, I'll get the chance to do it again. The GOP elites can just stuff it.

  3. Wait - if I don't like Sarah Palin, I am a 'democrat in drag'?
    And, I can 'stuff it'? Now that's a winning attitude for you!

    How many times do you need to loose before you learn?

  4. Oh yeah, we're incredibly scared of this brain donor. Run her in 2012! And then again in 2016 when she loses! Palin! Nihilism! Wooo!

  5. good Lord...i thought this was adults here...sarah palin is going to come back and go far! and if the 'women's liberation movement' would quit being a bunch of haters, all women would go a lot further...

  6. When did it become acceptable for the right to sound as hateful and vapid as the left? (Directing that to Snooper, Cait and Libby)

    Just as Ron Paul has become tainted by his followers, people like you will be successful doing that for Palin.

    What a shame.

  7. Remember, the Washington crowd did not like Ronald Reagan. They all lined up behind Bush 41 in 1980. And much the same was said about Mr. Reagan then too. A lot of people thought that Mr. Reagan's career was over when he made a very half-hearted run in 1968. These people never get it right. Gov. Palin is allright and should win reelection in 2010.

  8. y'know, if you really want any respect, you wouldn't be hiding behind an anonymous label...

  9. Sarah Palin is so 2008. Get over it.

    I think her family is still working on doubling the population of Alaska by 2012.

  10. I never post anonymously Libby, I'll take all your respect, baby. Of course, you lost mine when you wrote the grammatically tragic line "good Lord...i thought this was adults here...". Your condemnations need work.
