Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Leftist Denial on Tea Party Movement

Digby admits that today's Nationwide Tax Day Tea Party rallies have her worrying. Not because of imminent social unrest and the possibility of violent loss of life. No, she's frightened that today's grassroots outpouring will provide the framework for everday Americans to "simply fall back on the conservative propaganda of the past two decades to explain their problems."

Of course, Digby's a ringleader of the nihilist fever swamps, so her screed's not unusual. But you might expect more from Chris Cillizza,
who notes:

Are these tea parties the first signs of life from the Republican base? Or a trumped-up attempt by Washington insiders to suggest there is significant opposition to Obama's spending plans?

How the events play out will be a telling barometer. If these tea parties go off without a hitch and are well-attended (and, as importantly, well covered by the media) then Republicans have something on which to build. If the coverage shows a serious of sparsely attended events or covers controversial statements made by attendees, the tea parties might backfire.
But check out Matt Taibbi's feudal exposition on the movement, "The Peasant Mentality Lives on In America":

It took a good long while for news of the Teabag movement to penetrate the periphery of my consciousness — I kept hearing things about it and dismissing them, sure that the whole business was some kind of joke. Like a Daily Show invention, say. It pains me to say this as an American, but we are the only people on earth dumb enough to use a nationwide campaign of “teabag parties” as a form of mass protest, in the middle of a real economic crisis.
Having attended attended an organizing meeting last night with the Orange County National Tax Day Tea Party, I can assure people that "teabaggers" are not peasants. The meeting was held at a 12th floor law firm at Irvine's Wells Fargo Tower. I joined community activists and local busisnesspeople organizing against the "high-tax and deficit spending policies of President Obama and the Democratic Congress."

A huge theme I'm hearing over and over again is that the demonstrations today are not partisan. There's certainly a chance for the GOP to capitalize on conservative/libertarian grassroots activism, but at this point, faux Republicans are as big a target as the Democrats. But as Jay Newton-Small indicates in her essay, "
The Floundering GOP Looks for a Turnaround," today's events may be the opening the Republican Party needs to regain its balance:
"The party has a ways to go," laments Phyllis Schlafly, a veteran conservative activist and founder of the conservative Eagle Forum. Schlafly says she takes hope from the grass-roots "tea parties" being organized against massive government spending across the country. One event in Chicago last week even boasted of turning away GOP chairman Steele, with organizers declaring they'd prefer not to have any elected officials at center stage.
Still, at Pasadena's Tea Party last Saturday, activists turned against political candidates trying to hitch their wagon's to the growing anti-tax outrage. The issue's particularly immediate here, as California has a special election scheduled for May 19 to approve Proposition 1A, a measure seeking to raise billions in new revenues for the state (for more on this, see "Don't Believe the Lies - Vote No on 1A-1E!").

I think political leaders of both parties should be scared, but on balance, it's easy to see why the
leftists are absolutely freaking out over today's events. The more the Tea Parties grow, the more this country returns to its roots in federalism and limited government - which is antithetical to the program of statist-collectivism that's at the heart of radical left-wing ideology.


  1. peasant , as in peasant mentality.
    Like yours for example fascistic servile look at things

  2. Name calling: the hallmark of Leftists

  3. Sashal, what is more servile and fascistic than subordinating large areas of individual decision-making ability to a paternalistic government?

    You have swallowed The Biggest Lie of All ... all you have to do is show up for work, we'll make sure that OTHERS solve the rest of your problems FOR you.

    Who is in a better position to develop and implement solutions to our social and economic problems ... a relative few experts in DC (many of whom can't even figure out their taxes), or 300 million problem-solvers with skin in the game every day?

  4. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes: “Taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society.”

    The tea party groups would maybe prefer anarchy?

  5. Rich, that is also the founding principal of capitalism. For example, a painter capitalizes on the fact that I'd rather pay him than do it myself. The difference is there are certain facets of life society is better off pooling into a single market. I wouldn't want to shop around a heart transplant, and you don't want the donor market fractured either. Then, if you consolidate the market anyway, why not cut out the middle men (investors) who do nothing but skim from the system?

  6. No matter. Obama is growing Big Government" ,Empire style, in Afghanistan. And the left anti-war base is cowering.

  7. I don't deny the power of the movement, but I am worried about the power of propaganda. And this is classic stuff. High taxation? For who? The top 5%, who are still taxed less than in the Reagan or Eisenhower administrations? It's seriously deranged. Obama just lowered taxes for most.

    Now, Bush started the bailout process, to deal with this crisis that started under his administration. Where were the tea parties when the first bailout bill was passed?

    Rich, the 300 million capitalists manifesto that you keep pushing is as offensive as the communist manifesto. When you assume that everyone is a capitalist by nature, or had better become one or get left in the dust, it smacks of not only absurdity, but arrogance. Just who, exactly, will be picking those grapes in the San Joaquin Valley? A problem solver? Please...Go back to school and learn how capitalism actually works in practice, not in fantasy.

    This is serious derangement on the part of the right. And I only worry because it doesn't take much to push them further over the edge.

  8. Yes, a "grassroots" meeting against bailouts - in the Wells Fargo Tower at a law firm...

    listening to 1970's throwback, D-lister 84-year-old Phyllis Schlafly - talking about the "future"...

    with a primary strategy of cutting taxes on the rich.

    How could it not be deemed successful?

    Build away, Repubs!

  9. Regardless of the TX situation, the movement was larger than expected. Yes, it was an 8-pounder, at minimum.

    Nearly 1/2 as many people attended nationwide as showed for an Obama speech in Portland, OR before he was even President.

    "I'm sorry Ju hate America."
