Friday, May 1, 2009

"An Abiding Hatred of Academia"

Via Robert Stacy McCain's comments, here's Mike LaRoche on his one-year blog anniversary:

Next week, my time at an academic institution with which I have been affiliated for nearly a decade comes to an end. And not a moment too soon. I love the subject I teach - history - but I have developed a deep and abiding hatred of academia that I doubt will ever abate. Twice in the last seven years, two different colleagues have tried to ruin me professionally and financially. But I am still standing, much to the chagrin of those two sons-of-bitches, no doubt.

In three months, I will be moving to another city in the great state of Texas to begin a new phase in my career as a historian. It is a move I should have made earlier, in retrospect, but better late than never. I will have more to say about the coming move in a later post.
I have to admit I share the pain sometimes, but I'm extremely lucky to be working with fellow political scientists ranging from moderate to conservative, including one former Reagan White House staffer.

I can't, of course, say that about the rest of my division colleagues (including a couple of International ANSWER activists), but conservatives can't give up the battle for control of America's cultural institutions, especially in education, the mass media, and Hollywood.


  1. Our esteemed host wrote:

    I'm extremely lucky to be working with fellow political scientists ranging from moderate to conservative,See? See? See? That just proves that you community college perfessers ain't real perfessers at all!

    (On my own blog, I have a dripping sarcasm .gif I can insert as needed.)

  2. Hey, thanks for the link! Hopefully the new place to which I'm headed will be a less hostile environment - so far things look good.

  3. Dr.D,
    I admire the fact that you hang in there with the lefties. I am a humble high school teacher. I have tenure and life is good. In my classroom, America is a good country.

  4. And in mine L&O, I have a couple of posters in mind to put up next fall should I get my own classroom.

  5. High school teachers have it just as bad as as all of us in higher-ed. Totally a left-tilting echo chamber. What is it with these educated people? I always thought a PhD would force people to think critically. Apparently, that's only true of the microcosm they do their dissertation on...
