Friday, May 1, 2009

Amnistia! May Day Protesters for Mass Legalization

International ANSWER, the neo-Stalinist antiwar organization, was a major organizer for today's mass demonstration in downtown Los Angeles demanding blanket amnesty for illegal aliens. Protest organizers are trying to hide the explicit reconquista agenda seen at the 2006 demonstrations, but only the media packaging has changed. Amid the red, white, and blue, protesters are waving plenty of Mexican flags along the march. From the Los Angeles Times:

Kim Priestap is also blogging the protests, "Illegal Immigration Protests: Bolshevik Revolution Redux?":

Today's protests are an attempt at an immigrant revolution. The protests' organizers, ANSWER, a communist organization founded by Ramsey Clark, have convinced the illegal and legal immigrants that they are the oppressed "proletariat" exploited by the "bourgeoisie," which is why they use language (we clean your toilets, we watch your children, we pick your fruit and vegetables) that pits the illegal and legal immigrants against the middle class. This is classic communist propaganda meant to "empower" the masses of the "oppressed" immigrants and to intimidate congress and the American people into giving illegal immigrants full amnesty.

I'll be heading up to Pasadena early this afternoon to cover tonight's May Day! May Day! anti-socialist demonstration, part of the ongoing Tea Parties seeking to counter the Obama administration's collectivist program.

The mass media/progressive-left alliance has been attacking the Tea Parties as racist and reactionary, a rebellion against the "black man" in the White House.

The funny thing is, of course, the progressive-ANSWER alliance really does want a revolution, and the mainstream press is all too eager to give it to them.

I should have a full report from Pasadena available in the morning, so stay tuned.

UPDATE: I've fixed the pictures and links to the Los Angeles Times from this morning. Here's the latest report from the Times, "Hope and urgency at marches for immigration reform."


  1. So, where was I.C.E?

    If the Obamanistas try to grant amnesty to the illegal criminal invaders, I don't see the majority of the American people taking it lying down.

    In fact, I thinks things might get rather unpleasant.


  2. They can leave my country, we don't owe them a living or anything else.

  3. That's a whole lotta people in downtown L.A. Wonder how many of 'em have jobs which LEGAL U.S. citizens would love to have right about now? As for cleaning toilets, I did that - cleaned entire homes and apartments, actually - when still a teenager in order to sock away money for college. That was forty years ago. Any guilt-trips by illegals would simply be wasted on me.

  4. Those LATimes photos are like...4 years old.

  5. How would you know Wordsmith? So many of these demonstrations on the left have paid protesters that it is not unusual to see the same people.

  6. Dennis: I updated the pictures. I had cited the wrong article, and left a footnote at the post!

  7. I wonder how many poverty stricken illegals actually show up to these protests?

    Probably not many.

    Leftist citizens on their other hand... well, I bet there's enough that that every Starbucks from Thousand Oaks to Long Beach was empty.

  8. Please give me some direction.

    Presently due to the rediculous increase of illegal immigrant activity. I have found a hard time finding work.
    my day consist's of waking up looking for a job which takes like 10 minutes cause there isnt any. Eat 1 or 2 pieces of bread, then i work on my myspace linked below. I am present trying to form a United oraganization which my goal is to get members and organizations to work together to address our illegal immigration issue's. i wish i had money for a real site and not have it on a myspace page. But i go sometimes up to 4 days without food and cant afford a site right now. For a very long time i have known about our probelem pertaining to illegal immigrants, most of the time i would just work 2 job's and not let it bother me. but now i can not feed myself, never mind put gas in my uninsured vehicle to drive to a possible job. I am faced with a real threat of exsitance. which this doesn't bother me. What would bother me if i didnt try my best.

    Please check out my site and give me advice on what could be changed. give me advice on how to get my name out there. the probelm we are faced with isn't little. and all little and big group's must organize and work side by side. The little and big groups by themselve's has voice but it is not strong enough.

    Please help me with my goal. please


    Myspace page
