Monday, May 4, 2009

Change! Blacks Better Off Under Obama

Gallup reports that black Americans say they are faring better under the Obama administration, "Major Gains in Blacks’ Ratings of Their Standard of Living":

Gallup Poll Daily tracking of Americans' assessments of their standard of living finds continued improvement among blacks after a dramatic 31-point spike in January. Blacks' score on Gallup's Standard of Living Index dropped to as low as -1 during the height of the financial crisis last October, remaining low in November and December, but it now stands at +62.
But you're going to love
the bottom-line analysis:

It is unlikely that the election of a new president would have much of an immediate effect on most individuals' actual standard of living. Most Americans would continue to work in the same jobs that they had before the election, with the same income and the same expenses. But having a president that one believes in may just lead people to have a much sunnier outlook, not only on the government but on other aspects of life, and may cause them to rate conditions in a variety of areas more positively.
You see? Change we can believe in! (Emphasis added.)


  1. All that in just 105 days? he must walk on water.

  2. Oh yeah, he's good! Thanks Pat!

  3. i'm embarrassed at the the mass stupidity. good grief.

  4. The mind is a powerful thing. Without commenting on the job our current president has done,there is a certain truth to the concept that people who feel empowered achieve more. That, in and of itself, will have a positive effect upon the well being of many blacks. I doubt it will last long though.

    As well, Obama has a burden additional to that which white presidents have carried. If he fails miserably (as it appears he will) how long will it be before another black presidential candidate will be taken seriously? White presidents don't carry the burden of having their whole race painted with the failure brush.

    Sadly, I don't think there is any way for Obama and his presidency to do anything other than to damage race relations in this country.

    The job is too large for Obama's shoulders. He may be intelligent, but he's not smart and his inexperience and gullibility will solidify in the minds of anyone even remotely racist that a black man can't do the job. What a shame that is!

    I've always said that Oprah has done more for race relations than just about anyone. Women who watch her show feel empowered...all women of all races, and they love her and trust her. It is a sad, sad thing that Obama is unable to do the same thing for America. What a wasted opportunity!

  5. Better off my FOOT!

    Same sorry policies that sent News Orleans and the poor black/white man into poverty is again being pushed by the Dems and the Obama team.

    Hurts my heart to see this happening to my fellow man and I truly mean that.

    Great posting, Donald...

  6. What better way to gauge the reality of someone's life than to base it on subjective views!

  7. I do have to say, having been laid off,..... my health insurance is still affordable due to that Son of a ----....that ...that...wait a minute, I'm not black.....uhh forget it, sorry

  8. I took three statistics courses in college, one of which dealt specifically with both the collection, and the statistical analysis of, polling data.

    This included writing the questions themselves, where I quickly learned I could manipulate responses simply by tweaking the wording of my questions, and not even having to go near "manipulating" the data.

    As such, I don't trust polls. At all.

    However, I would be most interested to see these same respondents faced with the exact same questions 12-18 months hence, when by then it should be obvious to even the most true-believing devotee to this statist fraud from Chicago, that his "plan" isn't going to improve anything. Not even close.

    I also expect by then that inflationary pressures on prices across the board will be extraordinarily high, given the wanton printing of money our government has embarked on of late.

    Something tells me the respondents aren't going to be very happy by then.


  9. I'd be willing to posit that one would find similar, but opposite, results if one were to do a breakout of Republicans, rather than blacks. To hear some of you folks tell it, Barack is practically sneakin' into your houses and making off with your kids and dogs personally. While black folks seem to be feeling better about themselves and their prospects, the "woe is me" doom and gloom factor among some of the right wing blogs is gettin' awful thick.

    That said, Jim Treacher's "PlacebObama" line is classic comment goodness... I tip my hat to that man...

  10. amazing, he distroyed the American dollar and has improved the standard of living for blacks, how did he do that?

  11. "Hurts my heart to see this happening to my fellow man and I truly mean that."

    With the dems, its all about making as many people as dependent on government as possible.

    Remember also, he who robs Peter to par Paul can always count on the support of Paul.


  12. Dr.D,
    I don't know about you, but I felt all the cynicism drain from my body at the sight of the Obamas walking and yes, holding hands. I hope there's a DVD or something.

    Thankfully the MSM is on the job to record these magic moments.
