Sunday, May 3, 2009

Hugh Jackman Returns!

I spent time with my family this weekend. I took my boys to see Wolverine last night, and the whole family had breakfast this morning at Cheesecake Factory.

I've had the most fun with the "superheroes" flicks over the last few years, since I get to enjoy them through the experience of my boys. But my youngest son, 7, is the best. He's just totally into all of the Marvel guys, and we read comics and watch the older movies on DVD. On Halloween, my little "super" has been "The Incredible Hulk" and "Spiderman," and a couple of others.

During the movie (slight spoiler alert), when Wolverine emerges from the submersion tank and breaks away with the adamantium upgrade, my son blurted out, "he's nakie!" I just started laughing to myself! I just love to see him enjoying it, so full of wonder and exclamation.

Anyway, the
movie reviews were so-so, but I love Jackman's Wolverine simply because the dude's hot!

Anyway, check out the background story on Hugh Jackman at the Los Angeles Times, "Hugh Jackman Returns to Signature Role as Wolverine."

More later ...


  1. other than a few things that didn't sit with the x-men connoisseur in me, that movie was damn fine viewing. Hugh Jackman captures the rage and honor of Wolverine perfectly.

    All in all, it's a keeper. It'll go into my library when it hits the DVD isle.

  2. Don, you're repressing. The anti-gay shit is totally starting to make sense. I envy you the first-hand experience of your child's superhero wonder, however.

    Greywolfe, I haven't seen the flick yet (I work on weekends) but this is the first thing I've read from you that made me actually curious in a non-ironic manner about what you have to say.

    As I said, I haven't seen it yet (Don's mention of emerging from the tank with an adamantium-laced skeleton is hardly a spoiler for any true fan) but I really am interested in your more detailed take. Yes, I'm more high than drunk right now, which explains my rather conciliatory manner.

    I'm very serious, please elucidate.

  3. My only beef with the Wolverine of the movies vs. the comic, was that in the comic, Wolverine can actually fight in more ways than simply swinging thwe claws. I haven't seen the new one, but plan to. They've been doing pretty well with the Marvel Superhero movies. I've really enjoyed them. Brings back the pleasure I took from the comics when I was a kid.

  4. JBW..

    wow, can't someone enjoy a movie for what it is?

    guess not..

    Anyway.. Watching the first movie (X-Men), when Rogue asked Logan if his hands hurt when he extends his claws and he replied, 'Every time' I knew they had him down.

    Have to take my wife to this one.. her being a Hugh fan :)

  5. I will probably see it this weekend, while everyone else is seeing the amazing new Star Trek movie. Which I highly recommend by the way. Should blow the Wolverine movie out of the water, as it's considered the much better picture.

    As an X-Men movie fan, I can't wait to see this though.
