Sunday, May 3, 2009

Progressives Don't Want Specter!

Arlen Specter's getting the lefties all riled up with his comments today to David Gregory on Meet the Press: "I did not say I would be a loyal Democrat. I did not say that."

Steve Benen pretty much sums it up:

In the four whole days he's been a Democrat, Specter has voted against the Democratic budget, rejected a Democratic measure to help prevent mortgage foreclosures and preserve home values, announced his opposition to the president's OLC nominee, and this morning rejected a key centerpiece of the Democratic health care plan.
Benen suggests that Specter's initial signaling to the Democrats "practically begs for a primary."

William Jacobson's got a roundup on the additional outrage on the left, and see also Memeorandum.


  1. HA! He makes a worse Democrat than he did a Republican. At least he voted with the right half of the time.

  2. I hope they enjoy all the heart burn that is coming their way.

  3. Its a "Hail Mary" for Him, Its likely, more than likely even the dems will put up a more reliable candidate come election time.

  4. He's just trying to keep the people that voted for him on his team, regardless of the (R) or (D) after his name.

    Doesn't really matter. When the funny guy (sarc) Franken finally get's his oath of office, the majority will swing Barry's way in the end.

    Specter is dead in the water and he knows it. Might as well change his name to ghost.

  5. As I stated before "Specter will be Specter" and even the dems don't trust him. Cracker, I think that has been stated before........

  6. I was at first ticked at Specter when he left the GOP and then I was relieved that he did. We need to rid ourselves of the RINO's. Now I don't know what to think other than I'm confused!
