Friday, June 12, 2009

Carrie Prejean Interview on Sean Hannity, June 11 (VIDEO)

Say what you will about Carrie Prejean, she's firm in her beliefs. She also looks fabulous, and that's she's enduring endless abuse from the left's media-backed smear-machine:

See also, "Big Hollywood Exclusive: Miss California Speaks Out After Pageant Firing":

I am proud to be an American, and blessed to have had the opportunity to exercise my freedom of speech. I am excited and looking forward to where God leads me in the future. I know He has big plans for me. I am proud to be the strong woman God has molded me to be. I will always stand for the truth, respectfully, and never back down.

Thank you and God Bless,

Carrie Prejean.
Added: Fox News, "Exclusive: Carrie Prejean Speaks Out for First time Since Losing Miss California Title."


  1. She is a thousand times the woman as 99% of the women in Hollywood will ever be. God's blessings be upon her and all who her like her. It is interesting that the Greek word for actor is hupokitos from which the word hypocrite is derived. She is for real and that's why the tinseltown natives hate her so much because she stands out against their phoniness.

  2. If I were Carrie Prejean, I would consider getting canned to be a badge of honor. She doesn't need those idiots, anyway, and is probably far better off without them.

    I think it is more than a little interesting that the young lady who will be taking over her crown has essentially the same views on marriage as does Ms. Prejean.

    I wonder how long it will take the fascist left to go after her, as well.


  3. I hope that the right can sufficiently support her, so she knows she has a lot of fans that appreciate her standing on her principles. I think the left can not abide a beautiful, sexy, sincere, smart and moral girl that cannot duped by them into changing views for popularity ot to win something.

  4. Carrie Prejean should be rewarded for speaking her mind, liberals want to shut out the truth and human trash like Perez Hilton should be the ones quieted. She is really 100% biblical correct.
