Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Convicted Rapist, Registered Sex Offender, Loses Tongue in Attack (VIDEO)

From KABC-TV Los Angeles, "Convicted Rapist Loses Tongue in Attack":


  1. "He's a sexual predator. He's done this three other times and got convicted," said Sgt. Ganely. "This is a man who does not deserve to be on the streets. He needs to be in jail for the rest of his life."

    I wonder what liberal, criminal-coddling parole board let this worthless, lowlife POS out after his first offense, much less the two that followed it.

    It's just too bad one of his intended victims wasn't armed, thus doing his future victims, not to mention the California taxpayers, a huge favor by swiftly dispatching this predator to an unmarked grave.

