Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Jon Voight: Obama "Bringing Us to Chaos and Socialism" (VIDEO)

Here's Jon Voight on last night's "O'Reilly Factor":

See also, Pat's Daily Rants, "Jon Voight Hollywood Hero vs Barack Obama Kenyan Fascist."


  1. I saw this on O'Reilly, this guy speaks for me, not many in hollywood that can do that.

  2. What the Hell was with O'Reilly? He seemed to be sucking up to The Obama...sometimes Bill makes sense, sometimes his own I know it all attitude, and massive ego gets in the way of his interviews.

  3. Oreilly is a political prostitute. He's protecting the possibility of getting another sit down with Barry. That's his end all be all. He just doesn't want to get shut out.

    I think he needs to get with Lewinsky and find out where she bought the knee pads with the presidential seal.

  4. I just hope Jon Voight has plenty of cash socked away.


  5. Jon Voight really should stick to acting. He has a perfect right of course to say anything he wants, but he is embarrassing himself, imo.
