Friday, June 12, 2009

Gay Radicals Pissed After Obama Defends DOMA

I just love the picture below, from CBS's, "Gay Rights Groups Irate After Obama Administration Lauds Defense of Marriage Act." If anyone finds a larger copy, e-mail it to me.

I wrote previously on Barack Obama's utter fear of the Gay Rights Third Rail of American Politics: "Obama's Stunning Failure on Gays in the Military."

Basically, the president's a pussy when it comes to REALLY pushing for change - and hey, wasn't he supposed to be all about change?

This is good for conservatives. Go ahead, Obama, lose the far-left wing base. Right now leftists have constantly ridiculed the GOP for becoming a rump party of hicks and yahoos, but then the same folks who demonize the right can't even get the attention of their own "

But don't take if from me. Check out all the commentary at Memeorandum, especially John Aravosis' post, "
Obama defends DOMA in federal court. Says banning gay marriage is good for the federal budget. Invokes incest and marrying children." All of these blogs are on the case:

Political Punch, Ben Smith's Blog, Daily Kos, The Daily Dish, skippy the bush kangaroo, #gay, Hot Air, Polimom, Too, QandO, Pam's House Blend, The Bilerico Project, Pharyngula, The Atlantic Politics Channel, WyBlog, Bob Cesca's Awesome Blog!, Instapundit, The Impolitic, Runnin' Scared, MyDD and Stinque
Apparently, the administration is interpreting DOMA narrowly; and most explosively, the president has rejected the claim that gay rights are in the same class as interracial marriage (e.g., Loving v. Virgina). That's got to hurt (take that Pam Spaulding and Andrew Sullivan!). But frankly, I've made that very argument many times here. See, in particular, "Gay Marriage is Not a Civil Right."


  1. So....for the record, lets get this straight, Dr.

    The President defends marriage And is not in favor of Gays in the military....two conservative paradigms

    and you....are calling him a pussy?

    Dont get me wrong I'm not trying to defend the President......I'm trying to figure out where the hell your coming from....cause what its starting to look that you are all over the place.....all over the place.

  2. Anyway, I guess Excitable Andy the Lapsed "Conservative" will no longer be a fan of Obama.

  3. Well he could hardly endorse sodomy and still be taken seriously as the "Leader of the Muslim World".

  4. Cracker,
    It would be interesting if you got your facts straight. Not all Conservatives are against gay marriage, though I am, and very few Conservatives are against gays serving in the military, it is DADT. Anyone who thinks Obama is a great speaker needs to really listen to what he says.
    He is a poser. As I have stated in a prior post, he will say anything that will garner votes because the only thing he is capable of is running for office. Though unlike Clinton who had the capability to be a great President, but lacked the wherewithal, Obama does not. He is a windup doll speaking other people's words.
    Also I stated that when those who think they have won, Gays, the Left, et al, they find that they have lost. They were tools and have always been tools to those who seek power. Clinton, Obama, et al abandoned them faster than a stolen car. It just remains to be seen when these tools begin to figure out they have been had and will keep getting used because they have limited their own options. Gays would have fared far better with Dick Cheney and probably John McCain. As they say, "You make your bed, you have to sleep in it."
    Those who want revolution (change) should take a hint from history. Seldom do those who fight the revolution ever get that power. It is those who sit back and watched other people die that take power. That is why one needs to be very careful about wanting change so nicely wrapped up in what you would think is great oratory.
    Obama is the bully's best friend because he thinks he can play nice with the bullies of this world and not be taken for a ride. Only trouble is that he is setting us up for the ride.
    NOTE: The statement, "The pen is mightier than the sword" is hogwash. Without the sword to stand behind the pen it is nothing but useless drivel.

  5. I tip my hat to Dennis, now let me wax the fiddle bow.

  6. Dave in Boca,
    Sullivan's not blaming this on Obama at all. Odd (or, more precisely, predictably inconsistent), considering I doubt Sully would have hesitated for a second to blame President Bush personally for some gay-bashing joke a night watchman at the Smithsonian told at a friend's house.

  7. It seems to me that cracker was saying on those issues anyway, Donald & Obama agree, and yet Donald is calling him a pussy for it, as though Obama & he don't agree.

    I fail to see why it's good for politicians on the right, though. This "far left-wing base"--a contradiction in terms, if ever I heard one--is never going to vote for one of you and, being the "base" of the Democratic party, probably won't stop voting for them, either. Whether we're talking about Dems or 'pubbies, the base is the base. Dems can either move further left of their base (& alienate the moderate independents), or move further right of their base (& alienate the far lefties.) They can't do both... at least not convincingly.

    With you folks, the directions are the other way 'round, but the same story...

    Politicians pander, and wink & nod on things they very well may not be able to deliver.
    Oh no. Alert the media.

    (Anyone think the religious right didn't feel the same way about how their agenda was(n't) pushed under Dubya, especially when, like Obama does now, he had all three branches in the same political pocket? Seriously?!?)

    Electorally, there's really only the far right, the base of the right, the moderate independents, the base of the left, and the far left. When you shift to gain more over here, you lose some over there.

    No big deal... It is as it ever was, and ever shall be... The "far (left) (right)" will never be in power, because the center and most of the (right) (left) base won't support 'em. Best we all can do is shill for our (right) (left) ideas & ideals, and hopefully drag that center a little closer to agreeing with our beliefs and supporting our candidates & causes...

    But yeah... Just as I thought Donald was & continues to be wrong on this issue, I think Obama is, too. But then, I never bought into that (right wing created & marketed, as far as I was concerned) "myth of perfection" in the first place. (I don't think many of his voters did, though his opponents were all over it.). Obama just came closer to expressing & working toward my ideals than McCain did. Even given this, he still does. (Of course, here in my electorally uncontested "safe state," I voted third party, because the Green candidate came closer still.)

  8. Good morning Fella's

    (its sat. morning And I'm doing some welding in the tips! and I'm spending way too much time online, if you havent noticed : )))

    Dennis, I appreciate your point....

    and youre right, He's a poser... sure,.... they were all posers. They, Bush Clinton Bush Sr. Clinton Reagan ....all of em, (except Ford, due to his ascension)...
    postured to win an election... its normal methodology....and NOW your mad about it?....

    I cant tell if its indicative of a lack of political knowledge, or just lack of an attention span.

    (Sometimes) Ya'll seem to be caught up in a Hate fest, that has nothing to do with the term or concept "American Power"....its sound more like American Ignorance...which flies in the face of the DR.s claim as a Scholar and a Proffessional in a given fact it shifts over into what appears to be a desire to be a hotshot inflammatory blogger throwing red meat to aboriginales....(snorrrre) the world is full of those guys.

    Anyway....listen to the news
    Ahmidinjad....just outrageously stole the election in Iran! (I'm lovin it) its possible we could see a major collapse within without a confrontation....THAT is Strategy! my man! intellegent, not very exciting.....but the die is cast in Iran and Arhmadinjad has just opened a HUGE can of worms in his own backyard!....

    Enjoy your Weekends Fella's

  9. Obama: the Bush III the idiots whined McCain was. I call this poetic justice for idiots that fell for the Obama Scam.

  10. I see the effete trolls are defending their FIC, Fraud In Charge. ROFLMAO!

  11. So, the conservatives really haven't 'lost the culture war' after all? Else Obambi would be free to come out in favor of trashing DOMA and trumpeting his super secret support for gay marriage.

    Yet the might Zero can't do that. He'd rather risk angering the libertine left. Well, let's face it, where else are they gonna go?

    Obama won, he's livin in the big house now, and he's got too much socializin' and power consolidatin' to do. All you social lefty maidservants needs to get yourselves back into the servants quarters where you belong.

    Useful idiots indeed.

  12. Barry Hussein Soetoro no-longer needs the support of gays, anyway, as he will soon have the votes of millions of Mexican expatriates, legal and otherwise, in his hip pocket.

    Besides, homosexuality rubs up against his Muslim upbringing.

