Friday, June 12, 2009

O'Reilly Hammers Pro-Choice Extremist Joan Walsh!

Bill O'Reilly hammered Joan Walsh today. It was great television, but does O'Reilly come off as a bully? Walsh was pathetic when pinned down on the right to life for late-term unborn babies, but liberals probably hate O'Reilly so much not just for his views, but for his in your face finger-pointing!

I love it:


  1. BillO has this bad habit of lapsing into the parochial school high school teacher from Hell when a little bit of entrapment would go much further to discredit Salon types like Walsh.

    Limbaugh and Hannity are much subtler than O'Reilly and Rush & Glenn Beck are underrated as true wise people. Mark Lavin also undercuts his brilliance with Billo type vehemence.

    But at their worst, the conservatives still outclass tweety bird Matthews and Keith Overbite & Maddow, et al., by many orders of magnitude.

    Chris & Keith should have been evicted by NBC for crimes against human reason long ago.

  2. I don't disagree with his position.. But the guy needs to learn how to disagree without being so disagreeable.. Intellect vs. volume. Logic/reason vs. passion. Restraint vs malfeasance. etc. etc.. It's counter-productive is it not? It feeds this notion, espoused and embraced like a cuddly stuffed animal by the left, that somehow anyone in opposition to radical ideologies like this, who explode, are kool-aid sipping nut jobs..

  3. This was right up there with the Barney Frank interview, go bill.

  4. Last night was the first time I watched Bill O in a year. He sometimes reminds me of a pompous, overbearing ass. That said, I wonder, especially given the fever swamps and vileness that emanates from the Left whether it is possible to have a reasoned debate with them. I suspect though that just like the Right with its paleo, neo, social, et al people that there are some equivalencies on the Left that might hold out the possibility of dialogue.
    As long as the likes of Walsh and her ilk hold the center of debate I do not think it will be likely. Bill O responded to the vile comment that somehow wants to equate any actions by individuals no matter their ideas to those on the Right. I do not know how many times one has to keep saying that individuals are responsible for their own actions, not groups.
    I suspect that the only way to get to those on the Left is to keep "hoisting them on their own petards." You already hear grumbling about can't we all get along. It is not easy for the Left being the bearer of their own vile name calling which has served as dialogue for them for so long they have lost the ability to defend their own ideas in a reasoned manner.
    The radical fringes and extremists like Walsh need to be discredited and pushed off to the side where they belong. Maybe then the people with a more sane approach can speak, and more importantly, HEAR each other.

  5. This video is a pretty good rorshach for one's prior views. After watching it, I wasn't so sure I was right to exonerate the "mainstream right" for the Tiller murder. O'Reilly looked to me like a crazy man.

  6. @ Dan:

    I was just going to post the Anais Nin quote "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.”, to express the very same thought about how people are judging this appearance.

    At least everybody's happy with the outcome, thinking their position came out on top in the segments... Among the folks who went in knowing their position anyway, I doubt any minds were changed. One can only hope that those fence-sitters who saw "bully Bill" in action began to consider the same things you did, and will review Bill's prior statements about his "enemies" with that same critical eye, mindful of the effect his words and his tone may have on the coarsening of the culture.

    While I don't believe that violent rock/rap lyrics or these endlessly talking heads on radio/TV/blogs, continually demonizing and demeaning "the other" (feminazis, fascists, nihilists, ...) are responsible for the violence and bad attitudes that exist in our culture--and I would never even consider banning or censoring them*--they don't help the situation...

    *in a perfect world, the people would choose to turn them off of their own accord, and these pompous blowhards would end their punditry careers in the anonymous obscurity so many of 'em richly deserve... Alas, the world ain't perfect.
