Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Rule 5 Rescue: For the Ladies!

This is a special "reach-around" post for the ladies!

Here's my crew of bloggin' babes (in no particular order, as they're all hot!):
Vinegar and Honey, Thoughts With Attitude, Kim Priestap, Five Feet of Fury, Amy Proctor, Blonde Sagacity, Great Satan's Girlfriend, Darleen Click, Fausta's Blog, Clueless Emma, Melanie Morgan, SWAC Girl, Ann Althouse, Nikki's Blog, Big Girl Pants, Maggie's Notebook, Betsy's Page, Hummers & Cigarettes, Paula in Israel, Gayle's Cyber Place, Villainous Company, Melissa Clouthier, HotMES, Little Miss Attila, Nice Deb, Vanessa's Blog, Cassy Fiano, Midnight Blue, The Anchoress, Insert Clever S.Logan Here, Dr. Sanity, Sister Toldjah, Pundit & Pundette, Pamela Geller, And So it Goes in Shreveport, No Sheeples Here!, Becky Brindle, Pondering Penguin, Right Wing Sparkle, Conservatism With Heart, Obi’s Sister, Right Truth, Gold-Plated Witch on Wheels, Natalie's Blog, The Jungle Hut, Wake Up America, and Michelle Malkin.

From the scientific journal, Evolution and Human Behavior, "Costs and Benefits of Fat-Free Muscle Mass in Men: Relationship to Mating Success, Dietary Requirements, and Native Immunity." Or, as the New Scientist puts it, "Hunks Get More Sex, But There's a Price to Pay":

Skinny men have new reason to celebrate. Well, kind of. Beefcakes may be able to attract women by rippling their muscles, but the downside of all that brawn is a poor immune system and an increased appetite, a new study finds.

Such evolutionary costs could explain why males of our species do not all look like He-Man, according to William Lassek, an evolutionary psychologist at the
University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, who led the new study. "In some respects I was surprised at how big the costs were… something I hadn't anticipated," he says.

Many other studies have shown that women tend to prefer more toned men, and muscle-bound men tend to have more
sexual partners than slender men, when other factors are controlled for.

Previous research has also suggested that musculature comes with a cost. Testosterone, a hormone that promotes secondary muscle growth, suppresses the immune system of all animals, including people.

Yet no one had examined both the positives and negatives of big muscles in a single population, says Lassek, who analysed data from more than 5000 men, aged 18 to 49, who participated in the
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, between 1988 and 1994.

The beefier the man – measured by total fat-free mass, or arm and leg muscle mass – the more sexual partners he had, Lassek confirmed. The study also showed that more muscled men tended to lose their virginity at a younger age, compared to skinny men.
Ladies: Send me an e-mail, at my Blogger profile, to have your blog added to the roundup!

Photo Credit: Muscle and Fitness, "
Jacked Like Jackman: Inside the Wolverine."


  1. Nice cover shot--and I speak as someone who feels that the ribbed undershirt ("wife-beater") is a healthy garment for the male of the species, due to the fact that it allows the pores of the skin to respirate properly and is conducive to correct temperature regulation in individuals who have a certain amount of upper-body mass.

    However, I wasn't able to correctly evaluate whether the cover pic was representative of the feature story without also seeing some of the pix from that story--just so I can see whether they were from the same photo shoot, used the same lighting, etc.

    I'm sure you see the problem, here. Perhaps you have more photos you'd like to share with the class? Like, please?

  2. Never liked really muscled men, they are freaky looking. Same with really muscled women, they are even worse. And it is correct about Testosterone, the muscle that needs to be big isn't. he

    Nice group of female bloggers.

    I have been so busy I have not been making blog rounds like I want and should. Haven't seen you at my place lately either.

    (Nice link-whorage also, ha.)

    Debbie Hamilton
    Right Truth

  3. Dr. D.,

    Sure hope this post wasn't triggered by our anonymous, gutless hate-mailing troll ignoranus.

    LOL-I did email it to my sister, though. I mean, my brother-in-law is going to be in Iraq for another 10 months, and she is stuck at home caring for two of my three wonderful nieces.


  4. "...due to the fact that it allows the pores of the skin to respirate properly..."

    LOL-Yeah, right.


  5. I feel you should post more for Atilla Girl...I like her...a girl that appreciates real men in our emasculated society is to be appreciated - and respected!

  6. i'll have to second ag's request for more pics - we do so need to evaluate things in a realistic light, right?

    seriously though i love to look at hugh jackman, i have always been more attracted to the skinny but in shape men of the world. but maybe it's just that i haven't given the muscled men of the species enough of a chance.

    should i ever find myself single again (god i hope not) maybe i'll go that route...

  7. So who is that? Is he the guy who played the fawn in The Chronicles Of Narnia?

  8. Thanks for the linkage and for the beefy pic. It's all good.

  9. What an esteemed group of ladies!

  10. Hmm..personally, I don't prefer someone with big muscles, but intellect, and a great sense humor, go a long way with me--just ask my husband! :)

  11. Only seems fair to provide something for the ladies. I have to admit I got a kick out of the comment that is the equivalent of a teenage boy who has no real idea about women when he says "take off their clothes and they all look alike down there." He!
    Suffice it to say that we should take more time to really enjoy each other for more than looks, but it is a nice place to start. I can remember some of the things my daughters would tell me, oh that's for another subject. Ha proud of them for they have done well.

  12. I'm old fashioned. I think men should look like men too, Donald. I don't like the wussy look that seems to be so in now. Men should at least look like they're capable of doing a hard days work even if they dont!

    Thanks for the link. :)

  13. Wolverines!

    Thanks for the link!

    You rock.

  14. Thanks for the link! And an interesting way to use Rule 5. Stacy would be proud.

    However, that undershirt requires further inspection in order to ascertain the proper rate of respiration and evaporation. Therefore, he should remove said shirt ... don't you think, Attila Girl?
