Thursday, June 4, 2009

Obama's Address to the Muslim World

President Obama gave his long-awaited speech to the Muslim world yesterday.

The mainstream spin is here, "
Obama Calls for Alliances With Muslims." The text of the speech is here.

Here's the video, "Our Progress Must Be Shared":

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I'll have updates on the reaction later. Meanwhile, check out Gateway Pundit, "Obama Speaks to Muslim World - Apologizes For America & Imposing Democracy." See also, Memeorandum.


  1. Sometimes your dreams come true. It is pretty obvious that our President long held a dream to not only speak to the entire Muslim world, but to lead them out of ignorance into the light. OK, speech done...back to reality.

    Turns out that Admadineajad is telling the truth: Iran's nuclear program does not intend to make nuclear weapons. The North Koreans have been paid to successfully make minaturized five kiloton weapons and its delivery systems. Just big enough to take out Tel Aviv without touching Jerusalem. Iran will take delivery very soon.

    Now what was Obama talking about?

  2. So let me be clear: no system of government can or should be imposed upon one nation by any other.

    And with that expression of moral equivalence, he guarantees the perpetuation of terror.

    Compare where the terror is coming from, in terms of governance and ideology, with where it is not ... and you will see that the enemies of life and liberty are easily identifiable in those terms.

    The problem is, the misplaced moral equivalence that leads to the treatment of dictator and democrat with equal deference in the salons of diplomacy ... equivalence that became conventional wisdom in the last century ... stands in the way of eradicating these enemies and establishing the conditions for sustainable peace.

    Mr. Obama, your lack of confidence in the moral superiority of the American principles of rights-respecting governance is making the world LESS free ... and when people aren't free, peace is just an illusion.

    OTOH, it is the much-maligned cowboy diplomat that ... thanks to his/her willingness to ACT in a timely, resolute and decisive manner ... has produced virtually all the progress made in liberating people from oppression, reducing arms stockpiles in REAL terms, and establishing the conditions for SUSTAINABLE peace.

    Look at history, and y'all will see that the real peace song sounds less like Kumbiyah ...

    ... and more like Yippie-Ky-Ay-A!

  3. Obama speaketh with forked tongue. He says that no other country can tell another country they cannot have nukes but said that Korea cannot be allowed to have nukes.

    I guess I missed Moron 101 at some point in time.

    I watched the speech and listened to it. He confirmed to the world that he is a lamed duck coupled with being completely ignorant of reality.

    Obama: Clear and Present Danger

  4. Norm,

    Would you please cite your source(s) for your statement;

    "The North Koreans have been paid to successfully make minaturized five kiloton weapons and its delivery systems. Just big enough to take out Tel Aviv without touching Jerusalem. Iran will take delivery very soon. "

    I'm not finding it in my searches.


  5. I am beginning to wonder exactly what color the sky is in Obama's world.

    Somehow I don't think its blue.

