Friday, August 7, 2009

Dunked Nuts? CBS Goes Urban in Slamming Citizen Protesters as 'Teabaggers'

From Doug Ross and Gateway Pundit, it turns out that CBS News has smeared regular Americans as "teabaggers." See, "Teabaggers Shout Down Tampa Bay Town Hall":

So, for those not hip to the urban jive, "teabagging" is to "dunk one's scrotum into the open mouth of another person."

Dunked nuts. That's real classy, CBS.

See also, Newsbusters, "
CBS Online Editor Refers to Town Hall Protesters as 'Teabaggers'."


  1. It's like Cooper says at the top of his blog page:

    "Nobody asked me, but..."

    Exactly, nobody did ask you.


  2. Have you seen the dismal profit picture at CBS?

    The MSM has (like the Democrats) lost touch with reality, living in a fantasy world of, "wouldn't it 'feel' nice, if only we could impose our leftist theories on America."
