Friday, August 7, 2009

Javonne Spitz: Democratic Insider Claims to Be Carnahan Staffer

Conservative Nation asks, "Who Is Javonne Spitz?"

It's a good question. Spitz is cited on the
Organizing for America website, in a post dated March 2009, as the host of an event called "Canvass for Economic Stimulus (Pledge Project Canvass)."

Spitz is in the middle of
the story coming out of St. Louis and the Russ Carnahan town hall melee. The first video below shows Spitz's arrest yesterday. The second video shows Spitz identifying Kenneth Gladney as a "black man" (at about 50 seconds); and the third video shows Spitz claiming that "I work for Carnahan":

However, Dana Loesch has a statement from Carnahan's office denying Spitz's employment:

No member of Congressman Carnahan’s staff was arrested last night.

Further, the LegiStorm Blog lists all the staffers for Representative Carnahan, past and present, and Spitz's name is not on the list.

So what's happening? She might not be lying, actually (check Moe Lane's post).

It's likely that Spitz has been involved in Carnahan's campaign activities. Members of Congress run inside operations, often in tandem with local Democratic Party officials. Depending on the strength of the local party organization, Carnahan may have a ready pipeline of volunteers who work phone banks and walk precincts during election years. Tomorrow morning Carnahan has scheduled a volunteer organizing meeting, "Carnahan Crew Summer Update":

Last year, Russ Carnahan in Congress launched a program called "Carnahan Crew", a precinct captain program that encourages people to make a difference by getting involved in their own community. Since then, Carnahan Crew has built a team of neighborhood leaders throughout the 3rd Congressional District.

We invite you to attend our next Carnahan Crew Summer Update & Training session being held on August 8, 2009 at 9am. The goal of this meeting is to bring together current Carnahan Crew leaders and individuals who are interested in getting more involved in the District's political activities. The meeting will include an update about the Carnahan Crew precinct captain program, a training on the use of new media in campaigns, and a legislative update from Congressman Russ Carnahan.
Such activities are pretty routine, and someone like Jevonne Spitz could be involved in Carnahan's organization at any number of entry points. Folks on the scene might want to request from Russ Carnahan's electoral director the volunteer lists from all of the organization's precinct captains. Considering that Ms. Spitz hosted the "Organizing for America" function, it's probably likely that she's got inside connections to the local St. Louis party machine.

There's more information on Jevonne Spitz at
the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Also, check Gateway Pundit, "Pajamas Media Article: 'SEIU Thugs Teach Health Care Protesters the ‘Chicago Way’ of Politics'."

I'll update if I get more information.


UPDATE! Gateway Pundit provides
this video, featuring local radio personality Jamie Allman, who gained entry to an apparently secret press conference Congressman Carnahan held to repond to his town hall melee:

Plus, Dana Loesch links!


  1. hey Donald - I don't see the first video of the arrest? but interesting story all the same...
