Thursday, August 6, 2009

Get Ready to See Nazi Town Hall Protesters With Swastikas

Well, now that Nancy Pelosi smeared town hall protesters as Nazis carrying swastikas, we can expect to see a bunch of leftists infiltrate rallies with ... wait for it ... Nazi paraphernalia and swastikas. I guess it's happening already, according to Sam Stein, "Anti-Obama Protester Compares President To Nazi In Swastika Sign." (Via Memeorandum.) Stein notes that the "image was provided to the Huffington Post by a reader who is a Democrat." Whoa! I'm shocked. The protest was held last week, so who can say if that's the reader's friend posing for the photo?

Either way, we'll be seeing a few more of these images in no time.

Meanwhile, check out Michelle Malkin's post, "
How to Dress Like an 'Authentic' Grass-Roots Activist."

Michelle links to Zombie's "
Hall of Shame." Here's a few samples, all from San Francisco, California:

"Woman fully exercising her freedom of speech at the anti-war rally on September 24, 2005":

"Rioters burning Bush in effigy and the American flag following the post-election rally on November 3, 2004":

"A prediction of what the future holds, at the post-election rally on November 3, 2004":

The activist base of today's Democratic Party (scroll down that link ... "Bush-Hitler Comparison Endorsed By Minnesota Democrats").

And these folks have the nerve to call everyday town hall activists "Nazis" and "tea-bagging racist thugs."


  1. I think things are about to get ugly in this country.

    Oh well, if that is what it takes to wrest control of our country back from the societal leeches who have taken it from us, then so be it.


  2. Obama's regime is more like Hitler than any I've witnessed in America.


    That's just what I was saying last night, because it looks like productive people are disgusted with the direction in which the country is headed.

  3. It took Bush 2 illegitimate wars, the Patriot Act and the disturbing "with us or against us" speech before people started calling him a Nazi. All it took for Obama was to get elected.

  4. If you want to see what Pelosi saw, take a look at who was behind the Nazi-Obama signs:
