Thursday, August 6, 2009

Tampa ObamaCare Town Hall Protest: Reports of Violence

Democratic Representative Kathy Castor left early from a healthcare town hall today in Tampa Bay, Florida. The St. Petersburg Times has the report, "Protesters Drown Out Tampa Health Care Summit":

Bitter divisions over reforming America's health care system exploded Thursday night in Tampa amid cat calls, jeering and shoving at a town hall meeting.

"Tyranny! Tyranny! Tyranny!" dozens of people shouted as U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor struggled to talk about health insurance reforms under consideration in Washington, D.C.

"There is more consensus than there is disagreement when you get right down to it,'' Castor offered, immediately drowned out by groans and boos.

She pressed on, mostly unheard among the screams from the audience of more than 200.

"Tell the truth! Tell the truth!"

"Read the bill!"

"Forty-million illegals! Forty million illegals!"

The spectacle at the Children's Board in Ybor City sounded more like a wrestling cage match than a panel discussion on national policy, and it was just the latest example of a health care meeting disrupted by livid protesters. Similar scenes are likely to be repeated across the country as lawmakers head back to their home districts for the summer recess.

Thursday's forum/near riot was sponsored by state Rep. Betty Reed, D-Tampa, and the Service Employees International Union, who apparently had hoped to hold something of a pep rally for President Obama's health care reform proposal.

Instead, hundreds of vocal critics turned out, many of them saying they had been spurred on through the Tampa 912 activist group promoted by conservative radio and television personality Glenn Beck. Others had received e-mails from the Hillsborough Republican party that urged people to speak out against the plan and offered talking points to challenge supporters.

An overflow crowd of critics was left waiting outside the building – and in some cases pounding on the meeting room doors – while health care reform activists complained that Democrats and union members were guided into the room for prime seats.
This is a surprisingly balanced article. The piece indicates that the protests are "driving home" the "keen opposition to the health care plan."

Tampa's local
Fox affiliate reports that over 1000 people turned out for the event. Allahpundit reports that at least one "fistfight" broke out and there were "some scuffles." Police made no arrests, but Allah points ou that this could be the left's "Kristallnacht."


  1. Perhaps there is hope for this country yet.


  2. These shameful episodes of the DNC calling Obamacare protesters paid shills -even running TV ads to slander them- and Nancy Pelosi seeing imaginary Swastikas should make clear to anyone still giving Obama the benefit of the doubt just what these far-left elitists think of your opinion.

    Note that whenever Obama, Emanuel, or Gibbs are asked about why polls show SO many people oppose their misguided Cap-n-Trade and Obamacare proposals, they ALWAYS segue-right-into "we need to educate the public...".

    LOL- save your breath guys, Constitutionally-aware patriots don't take lectures from Marxists.

  3. Arrests were made in a similar so-called town hall meetings in NJ. The thug arrested was wearing his SIEU shirt. H

  4. Pretty sure Allahpundit is Mike Wallace.
