Monday, August 3, 2009

'Have You Read the Book, Joy?' Michelle Malkin on The View!

Michelle Malkin tore it up on The View this morning!

Allahpundit's got
the details:

The boss clearly went in there with a game plan, though: Knowing that she’d be interrupted at every opportunity, she set out to dominate the conversation, and knowing that Joy would be hostile, she made no pretense that they were just having a friendly chat. The tone is set from the get-go, with MM quizzing her about whether she read the book and Behar looking at Whoopi and smirking ostentatiously. Best part: The groans from the audience when Michelle referred to Hasselbeck as “the friendlier side of the aisle.” How dare she impugn Joy’s scrupulous impartiality.
The video is pure gold! Joy is really upset, squirming uncomfortably in her seat.

And here's this from Michelle Malkin herself: "Best part: Every single member of the audience got a copy of the book!"


More at

P.S. Michelle wasn't introduced until 45 minutes after the hour. The cast gabbed about the "hot topics," including
Ryan O'Neal hitting on own daughter Tatum at Farrah Fawcett's funeral." I couldn't believe! But ...
Ryan O'Neal admits that he was so frazzled at Farrah Fawcett's funeral that he hit on his own daughter, Tatum O'Neal.
Man, I gotta watch The View more often. Go Elisabeth!


  1. Regardless of one's political views, I don't see how anyone could watch an entire hour of these hens squawking and tossing Malkin's wingnut ass into the mix certainly does nothing to sweeten the deal.

    Don't you have any more sportscasters to pimp out, Don? Come on, give your fans what they want. The real news.

  2. Hilarious. The libs are left to argue that "two wrongs make a right."

    In other words, even if everything they say about the Bush Admin is true, it doesn't excuse Obama.

    Obama told us he was going to be a new type of politician, yada yada yada, but as Malkin says it's all bunk.

  3. Through the screen, I could smell the toast MM made out of misnamed "Joy". What a gift she is to our country.
