Monday, August 3, 2009

Town Halls Get Results! 'Audience Shouts Down Sebelius, Specter at Health Care Town Hall in Philadelphia'

The story's at Fox News, "Audience Shouts Down Sebelius, Specter at Health Care Town Hall in Philadelphia."

But watch it for yourself!

Freaking amazing ... video of a town hall meeting yesterday at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia. Arlon Spector and Kathleen Sebelius are loudly heckled. Sebelius' extremely frustrated body language @ 2:05 minutes? Priceless:

Photos at the Fox News story, here.

Glenn Reynolds has more: "This kind of thing keeps happening. And it’s happening all over."

Hat Tip: Atlas Shrugs, "Town Halls Grow More, Hostility too: Arlen Specter and Kathleen Sebelius Heckled, Jeered at Town Hall."


  1. I probably got more enjoyment out of it than I should have.

  2. People are waking up and it looks like the left does not like being questioned or confronted with disagreement.

    This sort of "confrontation" is happening all over America as "we the people" are fed up with bring "ruled" by those who are supposed to represent us.

    In email after email I receive from the DCCC and other Democrat operatives, I read of how it is "special interests" opposing the healthcare legislation.

    Seeing these townhalls it would appear that Democrats now feel constituents are mere "special interest" groups.

    I guess we are. We are especially interested in keeping our liberties and freedoms.

  3. The media is reporting the people at the events as violent and radical. ???As compared to Bill Ayers and Reverend Wright, and ACORN???

    Unbiased journalism is dead--propaganda rules the media.

  4. It was the Clintons' attempt to nationalize health care that frightened the American people, leading to the Republican Revolution of 1994. This current crop of Democrat idiots seem intent on traveling that same road.

  5. I'm finding these angry town meetings absolutely delightful.

  6. Yes, it's about damned time these looters hear some real opposition. And that goes for both sides of the aisle.

  7. So uh... Who's that guy Arlon, Dr. Douglas?

    American Power: Arlon the Democrat!

    Priceless, indeed...

    (Of course, I'm sure it was just a typo, THIS time...)
