Monday, November 9, 2009

America's Allies Ask 'Where's Obama?' Leader of Free World Snubs Berlin Wall Celebration

From the Christian Science Monitor, "At Berlin Wall Fall Celebration, Old Allies Ask Where is Obama?":

The celebrations of the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall started off well enough – former President George H.W. Bush, ex-Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev, and former West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl gathered in front of nearly 2,000 dignitaries in Berlin last week to celebrate their role in bringing about the end of the Cold War.

It was a happy affair, with Mr. Bush and Mr. Gorbachev exchanging laughs and smiles as they recalled Nov. 9, 1989, a day that all agreed advanced world freedom and ended the looming threat of the cold war.

But in the week since, as leaders have gathered here to mark the Mauerfall anniversary, agreement has been tough to come by and fractures between allies have shown themselves in what has been billed as an event to celebrate unity. One of these signs was the absence of US President Barack Obama as other heads of state gathered underneath the Brandenburg Gate Monday night to make a symbolic journey from the old East Berlin to West Berlin. They group then toppled a wall of dominoes along the path of the Berlin Wall.

But President Obama sent Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is his place, infuriating many Germans, as the US president is beloved here. Some in Berlin asked if this snub indicated that the alliance between the US and Germans is strained.
Actually, Pamela Geller puts things in perspective, "Tear Down This Presidency!":

On the twentieth anniversary of one of freedom's monumental moments, one of America's finest moments, the fall of the Berlin Wall, Obama is MIA.


Yes, the mirror man who has never met a camera or teleprompter he didn't fall head of heels in love with is NOT at the anniversary of the Fall of the Wall.

He sent a video. I kid you not.

He went to a meeting of the Organization of the Islamic Conference Alliance of Civilizations (instead of the graves of the glorious dead on the anniversary of Normandy), toured Turkey's mosques, bowed to the wahhabi Saudi king, coasted to Copenhagen to whore for his cronies in Chicago (Olympics) -- but he can't go to Germany for this stunning historical triumph of free men.

Sarkozy, Merkel, all the greats are in attendance.

He must have had a late basketball game with Reggie. All kidding aside, Obama could not stand the idea of the exaltation of Reagan. He is so small and so petty. He is the anti-Reagan.

Well, the good news is that 58 percent of Americans expect a Republican to be elected in 2012!


  1. It will take one heck of a Conservative President to undo all the damage this idiot is doing, and then get us going again.

  2. Why should Obama celebrate what was a horrible defeat for him and his.

  3. Reagan, Reagan, Reagan. Blah, blah, blah.

  4. Obama, Osama, Obama. Blah, treason, Blah, ACORN, Blah, Racist hatemonger, Blah. National Socialist American Workers Party, Blah. Everyday a new outrage, and all your mush minded grape can muster is Blah. Speaks volumes about the teachers unions.

    The day the truth about what this Kenyan and his bots have done gets understood (The information about which is already out there by the way), The MESSiah" and his minions are through. Those who back his tyranny for the thrill up there leg and/or the entitlements in their pockets will have to crawl back under the rock whence they came. Lest they be dealt with as the cockroaches they are...

  5. Hate to tell ya, JBW, but Barack Hussein Obama isn't fit to have retrieved Ronald Reagan's newspaper.

    What a disgrace to America this former community organizer is.

    Of course, the fall of the Berlin Wall was a traumatic experience for tyrannical lefties the world over.

    I guess Barry has yet to get over it.


  6. Hate to tell ya, Dave, your fetishistic hero worship and masturbatory fantasies about Reagan aside I take very little of what neocons say about Obama seriously.

    If he'd gone to Berlin you would have just criticized his speech, complaining that he was sucking up to Europeans, that he wasn't deferential enough to Reagan's memory, that he disrespected out troops, etc.

    Your criticisms of Obama aren't thoughtful or principled, they're merely knee jerk and reactionary. It's like Don declaring him the "Worst. President. Ever." one month after his inauguration. One month. That's not serious political commentary, it's ignorant partisan hackery. You sound like SNL caricatures of Republicans.

    But please keep hypocritically whining about spending and saying that he hates America, it's as entertaining as people like your buddy Toaster 802 spouting the Kenya dumbassery above. It's clown shoes.
