Monday, November 9, 2009

Next President Likely To Be Republican, Poll Finds

Something I've been arguing around here for some time now. From Rasmussen, "58% Say Next President Likely To Be Republican" (via Memeorandum):

Fifty-eight percent (58%) of likely voters say it is at least somewhat likely the next president of the United States will be a Republican, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

The number has been trending in this direction since Democrat Barack Obama took office in January and is up 14 points since then.

Thirty-one percent (31%) of voters see it as Very Likely that the next president will be a Republican.
And what explains this? Well, this administration's unprecedented culture of corruption, for one. But the larger explanation is the public's repudiation of the left's attempted socialist takeover under Barack Obama. See, Mark Steyn's seminal essay, "The Europeanizaion of America."

Also, previously, "
Socialism Schmocialism? Let's Get Real About Marxism in America." Plus, Gateway Pundit, "58% of Voters Believe Next President Will Be Republican."


  1. "And what explains this?"

    It's a Rasmussen poll, Don. They're a statistical outlier, consistently skewed rightward. I know it's nice when Fox News and others tell you whatever you want to hear but that don't make it any truer.

    A million bucks on Obama in 2012. Any takers?

  2. only 31% think that it is very likely. Also that poll did not indicate whether that would happen in 2012 or 2016 But how about an up date on the real news of the day the CARRIE PREJEAN SEX TAPE. Reportedly it took only 15 seconds after the lawyers pushed play before she was willing to drop her million dollar suit. For the first 10 seconds she was claiming it was not her, until the camera panned to her face. And all of this in front of her christian mom. SHAME SHAME SHAME !! I bet she turns hard left and FAST

  3. C'mon, Condi! (Although I think she's too smart to want to take such abuse.)

  4. If you can cover a million buck bet Mr JBW, why not live up to your liberal principals and donate it to pay some of our 11 trillion debt this idiot is saddling us with.

  5. I see no possible way for Obama to win in 12 without rigging the vote, which the left has already quite adept at.

  6. Oh that's right SC, I completely forgot that this country was debt free and had a successfully humming economy with no open ended, unfunded overseas wars before Obama took office and ran the utopia Bush created into the ground. That's why every supposedly fiscally conservative right-winger didn't say shit about government spending until just this year, right?

    Tired partisan talking points and tea bagger hypocrisy aren't arguments, they're merely rhetorical masturbation. Oh, and if I could cover a million dollar bet I wouldn't be wasting my time responding to weak comments like yours SC, I'd be eating sushi off the chest of a thousand dollar a night prostitute.

    And if I was afraid my party was going to lose the next election shoprat I'd be preemptively whining about nonexistent vote rigging too. I'd also advise crying about the librul media as well. Keep playing that right-wing victim card, it makes you sound like Jesse Jackson with a less developed vocabulary.

  7. I don't give a flying fornication whether the next POTUS is a republican are not, but they had damn well better be a conservative.

    We have had two RINOs in a row.

    Enough is enough.

