Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Islamization of America!

From Atlas Shrugs, "It is Not Political Correctness .... it is Shariah":

In surveying the cultural carnage in the wake of the worst terrorist attack on a military installation in US history, it bears noting that there have been seismic shifts in America. When America was free of the shackles of Islam, say, fifty years ago, the response to such an attack by an enemy faction would have been unthinkable. .

I have watched in abject horror the stunning reaction in this country to this act of war. The denial, the submission, the excuses, the dodging, the self-flagellation, the shame, the deceiving of the American people by the media, the military, society, law enforcement, authorities and politicians, all the way up to and including the White House, is the enforcement of sharia law.

We are witnessing an Islamicized America. This is well beyond political correctness. We are enforcing shariah law. We will not insult Islam. That is shariah law. We self censor. That is shariah law. We disrespect ourselves, our nation, so that we might respect Islam. This is dhimmitude. We should be raging. We should be outraged. We should be strategizing for this worldwide conflict. We should be debating about which leader will best handle Islam's war on the west. And yet we have not one leader who begins to understand the conflict -- that's how feared the subject matter is. Not one leader.

Islam's best ally is not the devotion of its followers, but the confusion of its enemies. To fight it, we must understand it.
Lots more at the link.

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