Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Rachel Maddow P'wnd

From Chicks on the Right, "I Can Only Hope Rachel Maddow Sees This, Because If She Does, She Has No Choice But to Admit She's a Moron":

This is the most brilliant mash-up of photos and audio I have EVER SEEN EVER. I don’t know who the jackoff is that Rachel Maddow is interviewing, but to listen to both of them feign moral outrage over Obama and Hitler comparisons is positively HILARIOUS given the pictures being displayed. And Rachel’s conspiracy theory that Obama/Hitler comparisons are actually secret coded messages for conservatives to become violent – is she HIGH? What in the holy hell?
Notice the International ANSWER signs at about 1:30 minutes (of course).

More good stuff at Chicks on the Right.


  1. Maddow...intellectual lightweight.

  2. DD,

    As a Jew who lost family to the German National Socialists, I'm STILL waiting for the Left to apologize for calling Bush and Conservatives "Nazi's and Hitler,"

    Let us remember that Saddam gave funds to Pali suicide bombers attacking soft targets in Israel.

    But the Left, such as Maddow, Olbermann, and larisa at At-largely would rather defend an anti-semite, Anti-israeli dictator like Saddam or Ahmadinijad then build a coalition with any person of the American Right.

    The Left loves dictators more then Americans whose opinions differ.

    Orwell was right -- the modern democrats need their Emmanuel Goldsteins and Two Minute hates.

  3. Maddow and intellect is an oxymoron.

  4. theres a differencebetween afucking rally and mass media outlets ftw
