Wednesday, December 9, 2009

After State Dinner, Tareq and Michaele Salahi Stiffed Bartender at Hay-Adams Hotel: Couple to Plead the Fifth Before House Homeland Security Panel!

More on the Palestinian dirtbag White House party-crashers. From the Washington Post, "Salahis Stiffed Hay Adams Bartender After Leaving State Dinner":

So, you just left a state dinner! What are you going to do next? For Tareq and Michaele Salahi, the answer was drinks at the Hay-Adams hotel -- where they walked out on the bill, according to sources close to the matter.

After the couple departed the White House a little before 9 p.m. the night of Nov. 24, they apparently walked across Lafayette Square to the historic hotel at 16th and H streets and down to the Off the Record bar tucked in the lower level.

Unclear what they ordered or how long they stayed, but they were still dressed in their now-instantly recognizable red Indian gown and tux. At some point, Tareq slapped down $20 -- "for the tip," he announced -- but said he had left his credit cards in the car. They never returned to pay the drink tab, the sources say.

A rep for the famously discreet hotel told us: "We never discuss our guests." A rep for the Salahis had no comment.
Plus, from ABC News, "White House 'Crashers' Slapped With Subpoenas: Salahis Expected To Plead The Fifth Before House Panel":

They masqueraded on White House grounds, shook hands with the president and then went on national television to talk about it. Now Tareq and Michaele Salahi say they intend to invoke their Fifth Amendment rights not to incriminate themselves when faced with congressional subpoenas to testify under oath.

And this is the couple
who assured Matt Lauer that the truth would come out during the investigation.

Of course, could be related to this, "
White House 'Gatecrashers' Tied to Terror Sympathizer."

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