Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Fisting Lessons: Obama's Safe Schools Czar, Kevin Jennings, Knew of 'Disgusting' Sex Subjects for Teen Sex Seminars!

I'm late getting to this story, but man is "fisting" is truly disgusting (and thus perfected suited to the Barack Obama administration).

From World Net Daily, "
Fistgate: Obama Chief 'Knew' of 'Disgusting' Sex Subjects - Jennings Was Co-Chairman of Committee That Set Up Statewide Program":

A pro-family organization is accusing President Obama's Office of Safe Schools chief, Kevin Jennings, of knowing in advance the "gross and disgusting" subjects that would be covered at a seminar on sex for teenagers.

There have been multiple reports about a Massachusetts school seminar 10 years ago sponsored by the group Jennings founded, the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network, that included instructors providing explicit direction on homosexual activities, such as "fisting."

The subject has been raised as a direct challenge to Jennings' fitness to hold office, and as WND has reported, several dozen members of Congress have signed a letter to President Obama demanding his dismissal.

Now, Brian Camenker and Amy Contrada at Mass Resistance in Massachusetts have posted online audio recordings from the seminar, documenting discussions such as whether to "spit or swallow" during oral sex and how to accomplish "fisting."
More at the link.

Also Jim Hoft, "
Fistgate III: Obama’s Safe Schools Czar’s ‘Black Book’ For Kids Included Tips on Fisting and Pi$$ing on Your Partner," and "Fistgate IV: Obama’s Safe Schools Czar Passed Out Gay Bar Guides to Teens at GLSEN Events."

RELATED: "Planned Parenthood Partnered in Safe School Czar's 'Fistgate' Scandals."


  1. Swallow, then make me a sandwich.

  2. For all of your efforts to appear hip, and to some extent plugged in with popular culture, you come off as rather naive about all things sexual.

    I first heard of fisting when I was an undergrad in the early '80s. The psych people were very excited about it then because it was about the only sexual practice believed to have modern origins. As I recall, the earliest reference that they could find was from a supposed female letter writer in Penthouse Forum.

    As with many of the other relatively common practices that you seem to be obsessed with and that you link to gay sex, the majority of those engaged in fisting are surely straight couples. Ditto for anal sex, rimming etc. There just aren't all that many homosexual men as a percentage of the population and something like 25% of gay men don't engage in anal sex.

    I guarantee you that virtually any 15 year old in the US can tell you what fisting and rimming are. I've sat by and listened to several mixed gender groups of straight undergrads discussing the male "p-spot."

    With the ubiquity of internet porn and other sources of (dis)information about sex, there isn't much that young teens don't know about these days. Even the lady's over at think this stuff is fairly mainstream for straight couples.

    I think that it's a safe bet that Tiger Woods, many televangelists, and a whole host of family values Republican elected officials have done things much more "shocking" than fisting.

    Feeling left out?
