Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Leftists Democratic Underground, Gawker Hail Tomato Attack on Sarah Palin at 'Going Rogue' Book Signing

Jim Hoft has the story, "Crazed Palin-Hater Chucks Tomatoes at Former Governor– Hits A Cop In the Face." Plus, from Sister Toldjah, "Hater Throws Tomatoes at Sarah Palin, Hits Cop Instead."

Also, MyFOX Twin Cities,
Man Chucks Tomatoes at Sarah Palin at MOA. And from the Politico, "Sarah Palin Dodges Tomatoes":

A Minnesota man was arrested Monday for throwing two tomatoes at former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

According to police, 33-year-old Jeremy Paul Olson threw the tomatoes at Palin from a second floor balcony in the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minn., while the former GOP vice presidential candidate was signing books at a Barnes & Noble.

Palin was not hit by the flying tomatoes, which instead hit two police officers standing near the former governor. Olson was arrested on charges of suspicion of assault and disorderly conduct.

I'm surprised it was only tomatoes.

But from the comments at
Democratic Underground, "Wow. Where do we send money to help with his legal bills?," and "Excellent," and "Shoulda waved a gun."

And at Gawker, "
Who is the Hero Who Threw Tomatoes at Sarah Palin?," and "In Defense of Throwing Tomatoes at Sarah Palin."

And here's one of the more sick justifications at Gawker:

Usually, the victim deserves it

Consider this partial list of people who have had food thrown at them, according to Google:

If a group of people who more needed a pie in the face exists, then someone should pie those people, too. Chances are, if people are angry enough to risk incarceration simply to throw food at you, you have done something to deserve it—and then some.

UPDATE: Linked at This Ain't Hell ..., "Tomatoes for Sarah, hugs for SEALs, and unrelated stuff." Also,Phyllis Chesler, "Shameless Leftist Piggybacking on Palin’s Bestseller."


  1. They make a case against themselves. It is the Left who always lowers themselves to caveman-type actions, throwing tomatoes, at the Conservatives. Why are they so terrified of Conservatives? Really, this is childish and petty and reveals them for what they are.

    Right Truth

  2. - Jeremy Paul Olson - They are giving this guy his 3 name fame like they do with serial killers and assassins. Does this joker really deserve that?

  3. The left is basically man at his most barbaric and uncivilized level. This behavior demonstrates it. I did stuff like that when I was five and outgrew it by the time I was twelve. I guess they really did learn everything they needed to know in Kindergarten.

  4. Let me try: The left is the cause for all of the pain and evil and Jonas Brothers in the world; the right is infallible and shits out golden eggs and always picks up the tab at lunch. We are all doing our best imitation of unthinking partisan rhetoric, right?

    Oh wait, I've got a better one: The drunks in Sweden are basically man at his most barbaric and uncivilized level. It is Swedish drunks who always lower themselves to caveman-type actions, throwing chicken stew, at the heads of Prime Ministers. I had a lunch box when I was five and outgrew it and started brown bagging my lunch by the time I was twelve. Why are drunk Swedes so terrified of Prime Ministers?

    Thanks guys, I needed a good laugh today.

  5. I think its funny ha ha wish it would have actually happen now that would be something to talk about..

  6. And our friends on the left were absolutely beside themselves with glee at the shoe-throwing incident aimed at President Bush. But I have to wonder what their reaction would be if someone chucked a tomato at President Obama.

  7. Stupid ass hit a cop! LOL! He gets what he deserves for doing that.

    Throwing objects at people that you disagree with is childish and cowardly.

    Hey - I saw somewhere that the guy who threw the shoe at Bush, just had a show thrown at him. He was pissed and didn't take it too well.

  8. JWB -

    ... Let me try: The left is the cause for all of the pain and evil and Jonas Brothers in the world ...

    the left is responsible for the spread of STDs among school age children - that causes great pain ...

    the left is responsible for the ballooning number of abortions - abortions cause great pain ...

    the left is responsible for encouraging divorce and fatherless families - both cause great pain ...

    the left is responsible for no fire forest management which exacerbates fires when they do burn - losing ones home and life's possessions to fire causes great pain ...

    the left is responsible for communist and totalitarian gulags which left over 62 million people starved beaten, tortured, and murdered - all of which caused great pain ...

    the left is responsible for the spread of AIDS - AIDS causes great pain ...

    the left is responsible for the discouragement of thrift and self reliance - neediness, poverty, and helplessness all cause great pain ...

    the left is responsible for poverty - poverty causes great pain ...

    So, I would say you are quite correct ...

  9. Adriane, if by "correct" you mean I ably mocked people who make foolish, totalitarian partisan statements like yourself then thank you very much. On the other hand, if by "correct" you mean you actually believe all of those same statements then thank you even more.

    I needed a good laugh today as well.
