Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Now Democrats to Focus on Jobs!

President Obama was elected on economic issues, but the idiot's wasted most of the year on his socialist takeover of the healthcare system, and not to mention his world apology tour for the "evils" of the United States.

So, maybe the dumb Democrats are finally getting a clue. From the Washinton Post, "
Entering an election year, Democrats sharpen focus on jobs: Some fear that the most basic of voter issues has been crowded out":

President Obama's renewed focus on the economy underscores an elemental truth of politics. For all the attention the White House and Congress have given to health care and Afghanistan this fall, no problem poses a greater political threat to the Democrats in 2010 than joblessness and slow economic growth.

The clamor in Congress for more attention on the economy has been rising by the week as Democrats look to the opening of a midterm election year with unemployment at 10 percent and forecast to stay in that range for some months. The White House, too, has gotten the message. For the third time in six days, President Obama will put employment at the forefront of his agenda, with a speech Tuesday outlining new ideas to create jobs.

"We've made a huge amount of progress in terms of turning off the flood of job loss," said White House senior adviser David Axelrod. "But there's also a big hole. Over the course of this recession, 8 million people lost jobs. That's a lot of people. We've got our work cut out for us. We're moving in the right direction, but we've got to make more progress."

But will the Democrats' attention to the economy prove to be little more than an exercise in checking a box or the beginning of a sustained and determined focus on a problem that many Americans fear has gotten too little attention from their elected leaders? Will the economy have to compete in the coming year with issues like climate change and immigration reform, which Obama has promised to push once the health-care debate ends, or will the administration delay shifting to those problems until it has dealt more successfully with the economy?

Democratic strategists are keenly aware of the potential problem for their party. "There is a sense that we pick up that people are not only worried about the substantive issue, but they're not sure that Washington is focused on that issue and they'd like to see Washington focused much more on that issue," said Mark Mellman, a Democratic pollster.

Although the unemployment rate ticked down from 10.2 percent to 10 percent in the latest report, released Friday, about one-sixth of the workforce is either out of work or underemployed. Not since the early 1980s has the jobless rate hit levels this high, and Republicans suffered major losses in the 1982 midterm election. Democrats could suffer the same fate next year.

"Democrats are now scrambling to catch up, not only with public concern but also the facts on the ground, which are pretty dismal," said William Galston of the Brookings Institution, where Obama will speak Tuesday. "This job market has deteriorated far more than anyone thought possible even a year ago."
You think?

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  1. Next year Americans had better be on their guard against fraudulent voter registrations and the possibility of illegal immigrants voting in the 2010 Senate elections. Sen.Harry Reid (D-NV) comes up for re-election and if you didn't know already, the great state of Nevada is overwhelmed by foreign nationals of the illegal kind. Be aware that under current voting law, a--UTILITY BILL-- is officially identified as a legal document as identification in Nevada. In states that are heavily involved with illegal immigrants and the product of welfare fraud, Nevada and California specifically should be under the eye of the election authorities. As of now only contractors and subs are required to use E-Verify, which is very loosely audited. E-Verify must be enacted permanently as its success rate is progressively moving forward. E-Verify could be introduced to identify drivers license applicants, car registration, health care and even voter registrations. Then organizations that facilitate in suspicious activities would have a major obstacle to contend with, including fraudulent documentation.

    During this ACORN controversy these two Western states have very large apportionment's of political illegal immigrant sympathizers and--MUST--be removed from their career seats. ACORN and its big brother SEIU. ACORN and SEIU are the lead organizations behind Health Care and Comprehensive Immigration Reform known in truth as AMNESTY, which is the principle entities aggressively shoving for the passage of these very serious issues. ACORN is better known for hiring people with questionable backgrounds, to be engaged in fraudulent voting registrations. Sen.Harry Reid, Speaker Pelosi can be attributed to the near destruction of E-Verify, the federal verification program that a growing number of nationwide employers are beginning to use. As a pro-illegal immigrant incumbent he must be ejected from his Senatorial seat, because he is directly involved in the 2010 Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill.These are the worst of the worst with a grading of ( F ) - as according to NUMBERSUSA.

    They have been adamant conspirators against any immigration enforcement and readily agreeable with another BLANKET AMNESTY. WE NEED TO MAKE EXAMPLES OF THEM AND THROW THE IDIOTS OUT OF OFFICE NEXT YEAR? These individuals are just part of the political conspirators who don't mind illegal aliens settling in our nation and stealing AMERICAN JOBS.
    Bennet, Michael F. - (D - CO) ,Bennett, Robert F. - (R - UT),Dodd, Christopher J. - (D - CT),Feingold, Russell D. - (D - WI),Gillibrand, Kirsten E. - (D - NY),Inouye, Daniel K. - (D - HI),Leahy, Patrick J. - (D - VT),Lincoln, Blanche L. - (D - AR), Mikulski, Barbara A. - (D - MD), Murray, Patty - (D - WA), Reid, Harry - (D - NV), Schumer, Charles E. - (D - NY), (R - AL),Wyden, Ron - (D - OR), Michael Capuano - (D-MA)

  2. Statement from Gov. Jim Gibbons "Our voting system is very simply the greatest in the world and is the basis of what makes this country great. The allegation that an organization that’s main purpose is to register new voters was doing so fraudulently is very troubling. I believe that requiring a photo ID to vote is a very reasonable protection for our voting system and should be enacted as law by the 2009 Legislature."

    We should endeavor to recruit high echelon tradesman and intelligencer who have grand offerings to America in sort after skills, but not people who are desperate to infiltrate the welfare entitlements and become a public burden. There are estimates of over 8 million foreign nationals in the job force, that would be swallowed up expeditiously by those here legally and citizens.

    Those who believe in America’s survival, without OVERPOPULATION as stated by the US Census bureau better read facts at NUMBERSUSA not the lies spawned by open border entities. Those who want details of corruption in WASHINGTON and state government go to JUDICIAL WATCH. Overpopulation, traffic chaos, infrastructure erosion should go to CAPSWEB. Other sites of interest on Immigration enforcement is ALIPAC and AMERICAN PATROL. We the people have the ultimate power to throw out anti-sovereignty incumbent politicians. Call and command these do-nothings to--STOP--this travesty at 202-224-3121.

  3. Obama could not care less about lost jobs.

    As the far left views it, the more people out of work, the better for them.

    And why are people so surprised at the continuing increase in unemployment? After all, Obama said he was going to declare war on the private sector all throughout his campaign, and he up and did so on the day he became POTUS.

    We are, after all, under a communist coup, and the commies are but two Senate votes away from successfully pulling off same.

