Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Leftist Hack David Weigel Premieres at Washington Post

I missed the announcement at Politico earlier, "WaPo Hires Weigel." Weigel worked previously at the Washington Independent, where he published a stream of leftist screeds against conservatives and the tea parties. For example, "‘N-Word’ Sign Dogs Would-Be Tea Party Leader" (on the totally repudiated Dave Robertson), and "Tea Partiers Want You to Remember the Days When the Left Was Crazy" (where Weigel's spews equivalence in comparing tea partiers to the "Bush = Hitler" protesters).

Eric Allie

The guy's a hack.

Stephen Gutowski reports that WaPo is looking to hire more leftist bloggers in an effort to repeat their "success" in bringing radical Ezra Klein on board:
Yes, it seems that Post is so pleased with the success they've had in promoting Ezra Klein's heavy-handed liberalism that they want to duplicate it at any cost to their own credibility. While it's laughable to think that Washington Post print reporters don't have an absurd and unprofessional amount of latitude to reach conclusions, it is utterly unacceptable that they want to move even further in that direction.
Anyway, Weigel's blog has now launched, "Welcome to 'Right Now'."

Robert Stacy McCain once vouched for Weigel, telling me that he was a good man who got caught up in the exuberance of a Democratic resurgence. That premise will be tested throughout 2010, when Weigel will have plenty of opportunities to affirm his pleadings that he's just a misunderstood conservative.

What's Up With David Weigel?"

HAT TIP: Glenn Reynolds.


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