Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Maxine Waters: Vanguard Revolutionary

Allahpundit ran a post the other day entitled, "Maxine Waters: We can’t hear legitimate tea-party concerns because they’re drowned out by the fringe."

That's a perfect summary of the Democrat congresswoman's appearance on MSNBC. Fox Nation has a brief unedited clip, "
Waters: 'Outrageous' That GOP 'Waved American Flag' at Tea Party."

But check out the congresswoman "egging on" Bush-era antiwar communists at this clip. This is where we are in American politics, and
bloggers are bringing it to you:

1 comment:

  1. This denial of reality, and the undercurrent of violence, reflects the mindset of the left, not that of the right. Nice friends she has. How is someone that hates America allowed to participate in the Congress?

    The only violence I remember form Tea Party protests is when the SEIU goons beat up the black conservative, who was exercising his constitutional rights.

    And there was the storming of the stage at Columbia when those who protected our borders attempted to exercise their rights. They applauded the America hater Ahmadinejad.

    The left lauding anti-Americans--is this a pattern?
