Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Public Housing Playground Equipment Fail

Look, I give the racemongering lefties a hard time, but this is inexcusable: "'Jail Playground’ at NYC Public Housing Property." It's Bed-Stuy, but no child and no family in America should have to deal with such degrading stupidity:
There is no kind, gentle, diplomatic way to describe the offense against a community by this ‘Jail Playground’ on a New York City Housing Authority property, located at Tompkins Houses (Park Avenue between Tompkins and Throop) in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, where Black and Latino children live and play. (Disproportionately, Black and Latinos enter the criminal justice system. Encouraging young Black and Latino children to first play in Jail until they may actually get to jail or prison is playing loosey-goosey with their young, impressionable psyche and something no community should stand for or be subjected to).



  1. It was probably a liberal who came up with the idea.

  2. At least it doesn't say Juvenile Detention Center!

  3. I have intimate knowledge of the area, and this might be appropriate. The 81st precinct has the dubious distinction of having the greatest number of man with a gun calls. And it's only one square mile. However, the murder rate is down form 49 in 1990 to 13 in 2009. Thanks Rudy.
