Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Qatar Terrorist Diplomat Attempts to Blow Up United 663! -- Wait!! Only a Disturbance! The System Worked!

ABC News has this, "FBI: No Explosives Found on United Jet in Denver: Authorities Say Qatari Diplomat Told Air Marshals, 'I'm Lighting My Shoes'."

And at Fox, a rather, er, diplomatic headline, "
Qatar Diplomat Arrested After Disturbance on United Flight." But you can see the leads at Memeorandum. The press first reported a thwarted bombing attempt. (And the URL for the Fox Report is revealing: ).


And at NYT, "Air Marshals Intervene in Incident on Plane."

Plus, Detroit Free-Press has what looks to be an accurate, up-to-the-minute report, "Source: Man on DC-Denver flight possibly sneaking smoke."

Okay. That's all. Good thing too.

Hussein Obambi
just removed radical Islamist jihad from the National Security Strategy‎ of the United States ... 'cuz, er, the system works? Oh, well, INSH 'ALLAH!



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