Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Carly Fiorina's National Security Creds?

I'm sure conservatives saw Maeve Reston's piece on Monday, "DeVore, Fiorina actively court 'tea party' vote." She's not so much the tea partier, so the main point, really, is that Fiorina's well-financed for her television ad campaign with one week to go. Pumped up by her own fortune, the cash surge'll only pad the huge lead in public opinion she's now enjoying. Bummer though. While I admired watching her debate in Costa Mesa a couple of weeks back, she's hopelessly RINO. Especially disgraceful are her indiscriminate ties to awful radicals and anti-Americans. Too bad this stuff's not been getting enough traction. DeVore's hoping for a great "silent plurality" of California conservatives to sweep him to victory next Tuesday, and boy let's hope on his hope. Tea partiers have been pounding the pavement for well over a year in California. They deserve more than someone who's main claim to national security experience is chairing some unheard of presidential commission. CA's June 8 primary could just plain suck for the grassroots right:

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