Thursday, June 3, 2010

Representative Linda Sanchez: White Supremacist Groups Behind Arizona Immigration Law

The audio's available at Whittier Daily News, "Linda Sanchez says white supremacist groups behind Arizona immigration law."

But see Fox News, "
Congresswoman: White Supremacist Groups Behind Arizona Immigration Law":
A California congresswoman is pointing the finger at white supremacist groups, who she says have inspired Arizona's new law cracking down on illegal immigrants.

Rep. Linda Sanchez, D-Calif., told a Democratic Club on Tuesday that white supremacist groups are influencing lawmakers to adopt laws that will lead to discrimination.

"There's a concerted effort behind promoting these kinds of laws on a state-by-state basis by people who have ties to white supremacy groups," said the lawmaker, who is of Mexican descent. "It's been documented. It's not mainstream politics."

Sanchez said front organizations for white supremacist groups are approaching lawmakers to propose the language to the bills and urging them to push them through state legislatures in an effort to legalize discrimination.

"It creates a Jim Crow system where based on the color of your skin you could be treated as a second-class citizen or harassed based on how you look," she said.

The Arizona law, which makes it a state crime to be in the country illegally, requires police enforcing any other law to question people about their immigration status if there is "reasonable suspicion" that they are in the country illegally.

Supporters of the law say it will save taxpayer money and reduce crime by pressuring illegal immigrants to self-deport. But critics say the law is unconstitutional and promotes racial profiling.

Rep. Gary Miller, R-Calif., told the Whittier Daily News, which first reported the story, that Sanchez's comments are "an outrageous accusation."

"It's trying to find somebody somewhere you can accuse of something," Miller told the newspaper. "It's red herring. (She's) trying to change the debate from what the law says."

A spokesman for Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, who will meet with President Obama Thursday to discuss immigration and border security, also criticized Sanchez's comments.
UPDATE: There's now a thread at Memeorandum. See Gateway Pundit, "Racist Lib Linda Sanchez: White Supremists Behind Arizona Immigration Law (Audio)," and Weasel Zippers, "Unreal: Dem Rep Linda Sanchez Says White Supremacist Groups Behind Arizona Immigration Law…"

LAUSD Condemns Arizona's SB 1070: Students to Be Indoctrinated Against 'Unconstitutional Racial Profiling and Harassment'."


  1. Sanchez is right. The author of sb1070 is Kris Kobach. Kris Kobach is a FAIR member. The ADL said FAIR is a HATE Group. FAIR was founded by White Nationalist John Tanton. He also formed/sponsored NumbersUSA.

  2. Even if all 20M were to leave, this isn’t the end of it. Their plan is to ethnic cleanse all Latinos. Here’s how:
    1. Pass Official English, this includes stopping the printing of any official documents in any language other than English; stopping any/all official interpreters; etc. and this especially includes Voting documents and interpreters when Voting.
    2. Require new Immigrants to assimilate to (as Tom Tancredo says) “Northern European” American.
    3. Change the 14th Ammendment to end birthright citizenship. (e.g. No more “anchor babies” and some want this bill retroactive)
    4. Change Legal Immigration, reducing Immigration from what they term “3rd world countries” and increase Immigration from countries with scholars.

    Their goal is the “Racial Cleansing” of America. White Nationalist John Tanton, the godfather of the ANTI Immigration Reform movement, spoke of this in the 1970s. Roy Beck of NumbersUSA – another group sponsored by Tanton, spoke of it in his 2006 Immigration Gumballs speech in which he speaks of the census’ prediction of our country evolving to a majority/minority multi-cultural society by 2040. Watch the video. He scares the hell out of his non-latino audience by saying the rate of scary brown people (immigrants and their descendants) will increase exponentially unless they stop them (e.g. Mass Deport, ethnic cleanse).

  3. Attrition through Enforcement will make every Latino’s life miserable. Kobach and FAIR purposely set up this bill this way so it will be adopted by state after xenophobic state. The Center for Immigration Studies, another organization sponsored and supported by White Supremist John Tanton, wrote this about Attrition through Enforcement in 2006. Attrition through Enforcement is MASS DEPORTATION by making the lives of 12M people, their citizen children, their citizen friends, their citizen neighbors, their Latino citizen neighborhoods, AS MISERABLE AS POSSIBLE until all 12M plus their children are arrested, deported or LEAVE THIS COUNTRY on their own. They speculate, once these policies are adopted in states across the nation, it will take about 5 years for this Mass Deportation of 20 M people — Attrition through Enforcement. It will include Racial Profiling of millions of Latino Citizens. That is a given, but needed side effect if the Mass Deportation is to actually happen. And by the way, it will “only” cost Americans billions of dollars a year in enforcement, incarceration, court costs and deportations.

  4. The actual reason FAIR and their supporters are pushing sb1070 and similar bills is because their true goal is Mass Deportation of the 12M here plus their citizen children – a total of 20M people. They don’t want to call it Mass Deportation because they don’t believe the American Public will accept that term. Instead they use the whitewashed term “Attrition through Enforcement.” Now doesn’t that sound like a nice, sanitary term. The dictionary defines attrition as: “A gradual diminution in number or strength because of constant stress.” Kris Kobach, the author of sb1070 says the plan is to make their lives so miserable they’ll leave on their own. What this means is, if this bill goes into effect, Arpaio and his volunteer masked deputies will up the ante. Envision massive Suppression Sweeps (Lawful stops) every day in Latino neighborhoods. Arpaio arresting EVERY Latino for minor infractions during these sweeps. sb1070 says if someone picks up a friend whose papers have lapsed, or if a business serves an “illeegal” or an “illeegal” attends church, they are guilty of harboring. I’m sure Arpaio will interpret the bill “Unlawful transporting, moving, concealing, harboring” his way. Anyone who services the Latino community will be in jeopardy of Arpaio’s wrath.
