Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Behead This, Markos

I tweeted Markos Moulitsas yesteday, with the link to my review of his book: "Misunderstanding Markos Moulitsas and American Taliban." He's a netroots bigshot, of course, so he's ignoring me. Fine. I'll tweet him again a little later. He can "behead this," as far as I'm concerned. (The reference is to the Ring of Fire interview Saturday where Moulitsas claims conservatives want to behead opponents.) The Dems-Daily Kos nexus is up for an electoral blowout of world historical importance on November 2nd. We're going to so thoroughly crush Kos and his neo-communist allies that "demoralized" won't begin to explain the scale of evisceration. Game on, asshole. Yeah, politics is dirty business, but somebody's got to do it. So screw you, commie pig.



  1. Hmm, "suck this", "game on, asshole" and "screw you, commie pig". Your arguments are air tight, Don. I wonder why he's ignoring you...

    You sound cranky. I think someone needs a nap.

  2. Suck this, JBW!

    And while sucking, check the links, you dolt. I've got a full post reviewing the book. But you don't read so much as get stoned, no doubt, so I won't hold my breath.

  3. The Great Daily Kossucker is as stupid as he is he is vile. Didn’t he whip out his pom-poms and dance a jig when those American contractors were mutilated and dangled from a bridge in Fallujah during OIF? He’s projecting his own sadism on to his political opponents.

  4. JBW @ 3:28 = LOL PWNED

    Perhaps MM is ignoring you because your use of tags like "secular demonology" renders you indistinguishable from the TimeCube guy. Which is a shame: I actually agree that his thesis is nonsensical & his scholarship is atrocious ... but ad hominem Internet Tough Guy bluster isn't exactly helping you to sound credible, to put it mildly.

    As for the "blowout" coming in November, there are some people who disagree (like GOP Chairman Michael Steele) who are in a much better position to judge the situation than me or thee.
