Friday, October 1, 2010

Trying to Find Out Just Why Carl's All the Rage

At NY Post (via Memeorandum):

Why so angry?

Carl Paladino romped through the Columbus Day Parade in Howard Beach, Queens, like a hyperactive puppy, kissing women and men with equal abandon and handing out lollipops -- he calls them "suckers" -- from a trick-or-treat bag.

Suddenly and without warning, storm clouds overtook every inch of his being.

"F- -k that!"

Stepping into a pizza parlor, friends, supporters and waiters watched, in fascination and horror, as Mr. Nice Guy turned on a dime into a sputtering, cursing, Incredible Hulk.

"F- -k it!" railed Paladino, who came out of nowhere to become the Republican candidate for governor of New York. "I'm not going to put up with this s- -t!"

His wrath was sparked by a subject on the lips of all New Yorkers the last few days -- the love child Paladino admits fathering 10 years ago. And his wife's forgiveness of the man who betrayed her.

But Paladino didn't count on losing control of the "one big happy family" narrative he's selling, as reporters descended on his wife, Cathy, and ex-mistress, Suzanne Brady. Clearly, Paladino has not faced the million-dollar question: What did you expect?

Campaign manager Michael Caputo tried to talk him down, but Paladino interrupted with another torrent of F-bombs. Calmly, Caputo intoned, "You're on your own," and walked out of the restaurant, leaving the candidate alone with embarrassed strangers. And me.

And so goes one of the most emotional and unusual campaigns ever to hit New York.
More at the link.

RELATED: At JammieWearingFool, "
'You Send Another Goon to My Daughter's House and I'll Take You Out, Buddy!'."

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