Saturday, December 11, 2010

Consensual Adult Incest

Is RepRacist3 Posting as Mr. Fluffy Pants at PuffHo? Because their arguments on "consenting relations" are strikingly similar.

Here's RepRacist3 commenting on Iowa's gay marriage ruling at
The Daily Beast in April 2009:
I'm by no means a lawyer, but I'm of the opinion that, in the absence of a legal reason to forbid something, the state should allow it.
And Mr. Fluffy Pants:
It's consensual and between two adults. Let him go! Its none of my business. People have the right to live their lives out however they want so long as its not harming someone else. While I don't agree with incest, its really none of my business. He's not hurting anyone, his daughter isn't hurting anyone, let them go!


So long as they're not harming anyone else? That's the left's argument for gay marriage in a nutshell.

Dan Collins has more, "
It’s a Family Affair." And Robert Stacy McCain at American Spectator, "But They Were Consenting Adults!"

RELATED: "A Columbia professor is arrested for incest — but isn't there a constitutional right to incest between consenting adults?"


  1. Well, who are they hurting? Conservatives are always calling for limited government except when it comes to moral issues. When the act is against their beliefs, they want more government.

    A true "right winger" would want a limited government role in every aspect of life. The conservatives maybe fiscally right, but they are socially left.

  2. Disgusting as it is, if the daughter were actually giving her FULL and UNADULTERATED consent to this, and the wife consented as well, this unnatural act, against every law of God and nature, might 'legally' be permissible under the total relativity and standardless anarchy of libertarian insanity.

    The creepy professor will not be written up in Gray Lady Down, but had he been a Christian preacher, the story would have been above the fold, front page.

    But the NYT has long abdicated any role befitting a national newspaper as William McGowan's new book, which the fishwrap birdcage-bottom NYT refuses to review, recounts in long and detailed truth-telling.

    Next thing we know, Uncle David will be wanting federal benefits for any child/grandchild that ensues from his Chinatown escapades.

    BTW, if you read his diatribe in Puffington Host against Sarah Palin's resignation as governor, Epstein mentions his 9-year old daughter clucking in disapproval, so this 'perfessor' might be planning serial incest.

    Uncle/Dad Epstein will certainly get a lot of libtard backing for his unnatural experiments with tempting God.
