Saturday, December 11, 2010

President Barack Obama: 'I'm in Charge'

Kinda like former Secretary of State Alexander Haig, except that nobody shot the president. The One just gave it up for Bill Clinton. I know the Saturday address is prerecorded, but it's a relief to see the Obambi back as Commander in Chief:

And listening to POTUS, it's almost like he's had a religious conversion to supply-side economics. Except, well, not. For Obama, as everyone knows, the bipartisan tax deal was 100 times worse than pulling teeth. And of course at 3:30 minutes he confesses his solidarity with the soak the rich crowd, saying "I share their concerns ... I don't like those tax cuts either" ... those tax cuts on incomes over $250,000 annually. Kim Strassel nailed it at WSJ yesterday:

President Barack Obama wants the nation to know that he is on the verge of an important, bipartisan economic achievement. He'd also like the nation to know that he'd rather carve his own eye out with a blunt spoon.

Barring an outright revolt among House Democrats, Mr. Obama may well in the next week sign a tax package that demonstrates his ability to work with Republicans, that he notes will "speed up the recovery," and that two-thirds of Americans fully support, says Gallup. Compared to ObamaCare, this is political jet fuel.

Yet far from projecting bold and triumphant leadership, President Obama looks like a bitter, liberal Grinch. Call this the week of missed presidential opportunities, one that bodes ominously for whatever strategy this White House has cobbled together in the wake of its midterm defeat.
And see Peggy Noonan also at WSJ, "From Audacity to Animosity" (via Memeorandum).

1 comment:

  1. One has to wonder about those racist Democrats. I mean opposing Obama like that is just an example of the racism that exist on the Left. Worse yet they are inferring that they would like to do bad things to him. How very racist and disrespectful. TSK, TSK. Just pure racist of them.
    I kind of enjoy using their own logic to brand them racist. It does have to be the only reason that one could have for opposing Obama. What a bunch of racist, racist, racist on the democrat Left. One even wonders if they will have their "Uncle Toms" in the Amen corner cover for them.
    Gosh this is fun. What goes around comes around.
    Don't you just love it when a President has to state that he is in charge. Wouldn't that be a given?????????
